Questão 52008

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase)

Os leitores estarão lembrados do que o compadre dissera quando estava a fazer castelos no ar a respeito do afilhado, e pensando em dar-lhe o mesmo ofício que exercia, isto é, daquele arranjei-me, cuja explicação prometemos dar. Vamos agora cumprir a promessa.
Se alguém perguntasse ao compadre por seus pais, por seus parentes, por seu nascimento, nada saberia responder, porque nada sabia a respeito. Tudo de que se recordava de sua história reduzia-se a bem pouco. Quando chegara à idade de dar acordo da vida achou-se em casa de um
barbeiro que dele cuidava, porém que nunca lhe disse se era ou não seu pai ou seu parente, nem tampouco o motivo por que tratava da sua pessoa. Também nunca isso lhe dera cuidado, nem lhe veio a curiosidade de indagá-lo.
Esse homem ensinara-lhe o ofício, e por inaudito milagre também a ler e a escrever. Enquanto foi aprendiz passou em casa do seu... mestre, em falta de outro nome, uma vida que por um lado se parecia com a do fâmulo*, por outro com a do filho, por outro com a do agregado, e que afinal não era senão vida de enjeitado, que o leitor sem dúvida já adivinhou que ele o era. A troco disso dava-lhe o mestre sustento e morada, e pagava-se do que por ele tinha já feito.
(*) fâmulo: empregado, criado

(Manuel Antônio de Almeida, Memórias de um sargento de milícias)


Um traço de estilo, presente no excerto, também se encontrará nas Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas, onde assumirá aspectos de provocação e acinte. Trata-se

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Questão 52009

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) Considere as seguintes afirmações sobre Libertinagem, de Manuel Bandeira:

I. O livro oscila entre um fortíssimo anseio de liberdade vital e estética e a interiorização cada vez mais profunda dos vultos familiares e das imagens brasileiras.
II. Por ser uma obra do início da carreira do autor, nela ainda são raras e quase imperceptíveis as contribuições técnicas e estéticas do Modernismo.
III. Em vários de seus poemas, a exploração de assuntos particulares e pessoais, aparentemente limitados, resulta em concepções muito amplas, de interesse geral, que ultrapassam a esfera pessoal do poeta.

Está correto apenas o que se afirma em

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Questão 52010

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) A presença da temática indígena em Macunaíma, de Mário de Andrade, tanto participa -------------, quanto representa uma retomada, com novos sentidos, ------------.

Mantida a seqüência, os trechos pontilhados serão preenchidos corretamente por

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Questão 52012

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) “A ação desta história terá como resultado minha transfiguração em outrem(...)”.

Neste excerto de A hora da estrela, o narrador expressa uma de suas tendências mais marcantes, que ele irá reiterar ao longo de todo o livro. Entre os trechos abaixo, o único que NÃO expressa tendência correspondente é

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Questão 52013

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1ª Fase)

Entre as mensagens abaixo, a única que está de acordo com a norma escrita culta é:

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Questão 52017

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase)

Read the following text:

I USED TO THINK I COULD quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didn’t offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet café. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it. I know how she felt. You never know when you’re going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P.

TIME, JUNE 10, 2002

The passage tells us that the writer

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Questão 52089

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) Read the following text:

I USED TO THINK I COULD quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didn’t offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet café. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it. I know how she felt. You never know when you’re going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P.

TIME, JUNE 10, 2002


What did the writer’s friend find when she was able to check her e-mail, according to the passage?

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Questão 52090

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) Read the following text:

I USED TO THINK I COULD quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didn’t offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet café. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it. I know how she felt. You never know when you’re going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P.

TIME, JUNE 10, 2002


According to the passage, the writer’s friend

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Questão 52093

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) Read the following text:

DIANA HAD BEEN HOPING to get away by five, so she could be at the farm in time for dinner. She tried not to show her true feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins, presented her with a complex twelve-page document that required the signature of a director before it could be sent out to the client. Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they had lost two similar contracts that week.

It was always the same on a Friday. The phones would go quiet in the middle of the afternoon and then, just as she thought she could slip away, an authorisation would land on her desk. One glance at this particular document and Diana knew there would be no chance of escaping before six.

JEFFREY ARCHER, The Collected Short Stories, p. 1


According to the passage, Diana

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Questão 52094

(FUVEST - 2003 - 1a Fase) Read the following text:

DIANA HAD BEEN HOPING to get away by five, so she could be at the farm in time for dinner. She tried not to show her true feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins, presented her with a complex twelve-page document that required the signature of a director before it could be sent out to the client. Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they had lost two similar contracts that week.

It was always the same on a Friday. The phones would go quiet in the middle of the afternoon and then, just as she thought she could slip away, an authorisation would land on her desk. One glance at this particular document and Diana knew there would be no chance of escaping before six.

JEFFREY ARCHER, The Collected Short Stories, p. 1


The passage tells us that when Phil Haskins presented Diana with a document, she

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