(PUC - RS - 2016/2)
In picture 3, the pronoun “that” could have been omitted without a change in meaning. Mark the alternative in which “that” can NOT be omitted.
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(MACKENZIE - 2016/2)
The sentence “Would you still love me if I did something wrong?” in the third conditional form is
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(MACKENZIE - 2016/1)
Science Without Borders Program to be Suspended
09/03/2015 - 09H02
Owing to lack of funds, the Planalto Palace has decided to suspend the offer of new scholarships as part of the program Science Without Borders for next year.
As Folha has learnt, the budget defined by the government’s economic team for next year, a total of R$2.1 billion (USD $559 million), is only enough to cover students who are already living abroad on the program.
The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Students (CAPES, in its Portuguese acronym) said that the designated resources would be used to “pay for 13,330 scholarships amongst undergraduates and postgraduates” in 2016, under its supervision.
The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), another government agency that encourages research, will be allocated resources for another 22,610 scholarships.
In total, both institutions will send 14,050 undergraduates abroad in the second semester of this year. This group of students enters the program under last year’s selection process. Undergraduates account for the majority of those enrolled in the program, with 79.5% of the scholarships granted.
Advisors to President Rousseff have admitted that the government was considering an even harsher cut to the program, but the idea was rejected owing to the likely negative effects it would produce.
The cut for Science Without Borders next year is 40.3% from last year’s budget of R$3.5 billion (USD $931 million). Cutting just one percentage point more would mean disrupting the studies of those who have already been selected and left for university abroad.
Launched in July 2011, the program has become one of President Rousseff’s flagship policies. After the creation of 101,000 places by last year, the promise for her second term was to create another 100,000.
The high value of the dollar, however, has drastically increased the cost of program. The program pays foreign universities for the tuition of Brazilian students, as well as providing maintenance grants to the students themselves.
While in July 2011 the dollar was worth R$1.55, now the exchange rate is close to R$3.70. There is currently no date defined for the call of new applications to the program. Last year, the selection process began in August.
The current expectation is that if the government allocates more funds for the program next year, the main focus will be postgraduates. Questioned on this, Capes would not comment.
The agency said, “All the Ministry of Education programs will be maintained” in 2016. “The Ministry is conducting a detailed analysis of the budget in order to determine the scope of the programs for next year,” it said in a statement.
If Science Without Borders is suspended in 2016, another federal education program will be significantly expanded next year, according to the budget provisions.
In 2016, the government is expected to offer five million places on technical courses and on the National Program of Access to Technical Education and Employment (PRONATEC), both for those enrolling in the program as well as those continuing their training.
This year, thanks to budget cuts, the numbers of offered places on the program fell to nearly a million, 66.6% less than the three million in 2014. Added to the cost of covering those already enrolled, the total cost of the program in 2015 is R$4 billion (USD $1.1 billion).
After hitting its target of enrolling eight million students, the government’s aim was to enroll 12 million new students in its second term. If 2016’s targets are reached, the government will achieve exactly 50% of the target in the first two years of its second term.
The sentence “If Science Without Borders is suspended, another federal education program will be significantly expanded” written in the third conditional form is
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(UECE - 2016) Atente ao seguinte excerto:
“Temos de apresentar ao Imperador um plano para alcançar a vitória [...] Se formos resolutos e se estivermos preparados para sacrificar vinte milhões de japoneses num esforço kamikase, a vitória será nossa!”
(Almirante Takajiro Obnishi, agosto de 1945.)
O almirante Takajiro Obnishi, do alto comando da Marinha Imperial Japonesa, em outubro de 1944, aprovou o uso da tática de mergulho de choque contra os alvos da frota naval norte-americana; para ele, tratava-se de utilizar, com eficiência máxima, os parcos efetivos das forças japonesas. Os aviadores deveriam lançar aviões caças carregados de bombas diretamente contra os navios inimigos. Essa tática revelou uma nova modalidade de ação militar conhecida como
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(FGV 2016)
Na reta numérica indicada a seguir, todos os pontos marcados estão igualmente espaçados.
Sendo assim, a soma do numerador com o denominador da fração irredutível que representa x é igual a
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(Fgv 2016) Um cinema cobra R$ 30,00 por ingresso. Estudantes e idosos pagam meia entrada, isto é, R$ 15,00 por ingresso. Para uma sessão, foram vendidos 300 ingressos e a receita correspondente foi R$ 7.200,00.
Sabendo que o número de estudantes é 40% superior ao de idosos, podemos concluir que o número de frequentadores idosos é
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(UEL - 2016)
Texto III
A sociedade contemporânea convive com os riscos produzidos por ela mesma e com a frustração de, muitas vezes, não saber distinguir entre catástrofes que possuem causas essencialmente naturais e aquelas ocasionadas a partir da relação que o homem trava com a natureza. Os custos ambientais e humanos do desenvolvimento da técnica, da ciência e da indústria passam a ser questionados a partir de desastres contemporâneos como AIDS, Chernobyl, aquecimento global, contaminação da água e de alimentos pelos agrotóxicos, entre outros.
(Adaptado de: LIMA, M. L. M. A ciência, a crise ambiental e a sociedade de risco. Senatus. v.4. n.1. nov. 2005. p.42-47.)
Leia o texto a seguir.
O mito converte-se em esclarecimento e a natureza em mera objetividade. O preço que os homens pagam pelo aumento de seu poder é a alienação daquilo sobre o que exercem o poder. O esclarecimento comporta-se com as coisas como o ditador se comporta com os homens. Este os conhece na medida em que pode manipulá-los. O homem de ciência conhece as coisas na medida em que pode fazê-las. É assim que seu em-si torna para- -ele. Nessa metamorfose, a essência das coisas revela-se como sempre a mesma, como substrato de dominação.
(ADORNO; HORKHEIMER. Dialética do Esclarecimento. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1985. p.21.)
O uso da razão para fins irracionais criou, principalmente no século XX, uma desconfiança crônica a respeito da sua natureza e dos seus usos. Com base nos conhecimentos sobre a racionalidade instrumental presente no texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
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(FGV 2016) Um capital aplicado a juros compostos a uma certa taxa anual de juros dobra a cada 7 anos. Se, hoje, o montante é R$ 250.000,00, o capital aplicado há 28 anos é um valor cuja soma dos algarismos vale
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