Questão 61848

(UNCISAL 2018)

"O bem do indivíduo é da mesma natureza que o bem da Cidade, mas este é mais belo e mais divino porque se amplia da dimensão do privado para a dimensão do social, para a qual o homem grego era particularmente sensível, porquanto concebia o indivíduo em função da Cidade e não a Cidade em função do indivíduo".

REALE, Giovanni; ANTISERI, Dario. História da filosofia – v. 1. 3.ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003, p. 221.

Em Aristóteles, a primazia da Cidade, apresentada no excerto, reflete-se na ideia de ser humano como animal político. Nesse sentido, Aristóteles entende como sendo cidadãos

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Questão 61858

(UERJ 2020)

Com o reflorestamento, é possível minimizar os efeitos do aquecimento global, tendo em vista que uma árvore consegue captar, em média, 15,6 kg do CO2 lançado na atmosfera por ano. Sabe-se que, na combustão completa da gasolina, todos os átomos de carbono são convertidos em moléculas de CO2 .

Admitindo que 1 litro de gasolina contém 600 g de isoctano (C8H18) e 200 g de etanol (C2H6O), no período de 1 ano, uma árvore será capaz de captar o CO2 emitido na combustão completa de x litros de gasolina.

O valor de x corresponde, aproximadamente, a:

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Questão 61866

(UNIFESP 2018)

O gráfico apresenta a curva da decomposição térmica do oxalato de magnésio, MgC2O4. Nessa reação os produtos da decomposição são CO, CO2 e MgO (massa molar 40 g/mol). Neste gráfico são apresentados os valores da massa da amostra em função da temperatura.

Se a diferença entre as massas X e Y no gráfico for 576 mg, o valor de Y e a porcentagem de perda da massa da reação de decomposição térmica do oxalato de magnésio são, respectivamente,

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Questão 61939

(Upf )

Sobre a região Sul, é correto afirmar: 


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Questão 61943


Leia o texto que se segue.

As paisagens naturais deste domínio morfoclimático são variadas, de serras a planícies, de morros rupestres a coxilhas. O bioma exibe um imenso patrimônio cultural associado à biodiversidade. (...) se caracterizam pelo predomínio dos campos nativos, mas há também a presença de matas ciliares, matas de encosta, matas de pau-ferro, formações arbustivas, butiazais, banhados, afloramentos rochosos. Trata-se de um patrimônio natural, genético e cultural de importância nacional e global. Também é nele que fica a maior parte do aquífero Guarani. Desde a colonização ibérica, a pecuária extensiva sobre os campos nativos tem sido a principal atividade econômica da região. Além de proporcionar resultados econômicos importantes, tem permitido a conservação dos campos e ensejado o desenvolvimento de uma cultura mestiça singular, (...) apesar de que (...) a progressiva introdução e expansão das monoculturas e das pastagens com espécies exóticas têm levado a uma rápida degradação e descaracterização das paisagens naturais. Estimativas de perda de habitat dão conta de que em 2002 restavam 41,32% e em 2008 restavam apenas 36,03% da vegetação nativa do bioma (CSR/IBAMA, 2010).

Disponível em: www.mma.gov.br - Acesso em: 19/05/2018. Adaptado.


O texto descreve o domínio morfoclimático chamado de:

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Questão 61975

(UEG 2018) O sociólogo Max Weber desenvolveu estudos sobre a ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo. A esse respeito tem-se o seguinte:

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Questão 61979

(UECE - 2018)

Pope Francis disappoints Rohingya by failing to condemn persecution

[1]   As the crowds trickled out of the Yangon sports ground where Pope Francis delivered his first public mass before tens of thousands of people, Khin Maung Myint, a [5] Rohingya activist, sat on the sidelines. He was disappointed. Not in Francis, but in the advisers who appear to have dissuaded the pontiff from bringing up the plight of the Rohingya people. “Rohingya are not the [10] ones who lost their dignity, but the people who silence the pope’s expression,” he said. “Those who pushed the pope not to use the word Rohingya, they are the ones who lost their dignity.”

[15] Francis is nearing the end of a four-day visit to Myanmar, previously known as Burma, in which he has not publicly spoken about the persecuted Muslim minority, more than 620,000 of [20] whom have fled to Bangladesh in recent months, escaping what western leaders are calling ethnic cleansing. 

Among the guests in the VIP section, where a gazebo provided protection [25] from the hot Myanmar sun, was Aye Ne Win, the grandson of the country’s first dictator who attracted public derision recently after he dressed up as the pope for Halloween. Beside him, in a black veil, sat a [30] beauty queen who has described the Rohingya in a YouTube video as “harbingers of terror and violence”. 

In his homily on Wednesday, the pope talked about the need for forgiveness [35] and ignoring the desire for revenge, but declined to reference violence meted out against the Rohingya, a campaign allegedly marked by gang-rape, massacres and arson. “We think that healing can come [40] from anger or revenge,” Francis said, speaking of the many “wounded” people in Myanmar. “Yet the way of revenge is not the way of Jesus,” he said. It was his second public address in Myanmar, coming [45] after he shared a stage with the state counsellor, Aung San Suu Kyi, on Tuesday, telling an audience of diplomats and journalists that all of Myanmar’s religious and minority ethnic groups – “none [50] excluded” – should be respected. 

Both speeches have fallen short of what many expected from the pope, whose advocacy for refugees has been a benchmark of his papacy. He has previously [55] referred to “our Rohingya brothers and sisters”. At a press conference in Yangon on Wednesday night, papal spokesman Greg Burke said the moral authority of the Pope “still stands”. “You can criticize what is said [60] or not said but the Pope is not going to lose any moral authority on this question here,” he said.  

The Rohingya have suffered decades of persecution in Myanmar, where [65] their freedoms have been slowly eroded and tens of thousands are confined to internment camps. They are widely deemed illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and labelled “Bengalis”. “For years the [70] international community has towed the government of Myanmar’s line, refusing to say ‘Rohingya’ for fear of doing harm,” said David Baulk, a Myanmar researcher for Fortify Rights. “There should be nothing [75] controversial about the pope identifying people by the name they want.” 

Whether or not the pope should address the crisis has been a matter of debate within the Vatican since the visit was [80] announced, according to a source familiar with discussions. “There are probably a mix of voices in the Vatican,” they said. “Those who are old school diplomats for whom caution is always their watchword and [85] others who are a bit more bold.” 

The most vocal was until recently Charles Maung Bo, Myanmar’s first cardinal, a powerful orator who has fiercely defended the Rohingya and condemned “merchants of [90] hatred” in the form of Buddhist ultranationalists who have sanctioned the violence. 

Before this week’s visit he urged the pope not to use the word, though he [95] has made it clear he would have been happy with a compromise phrase, according to the source. “I think one factor in this was almost certainly pressure from within the church on him because he has been so [100] outspoken until now and I think there would have been an enormous amount of pressure from other bishops,” the source said.

Who are the Rohingya? 

At the press conference on [105] Wednesday night, the split between the bishops was apparent, with one saying there was a lack of “reliable evidence” of atrocities and was not sure what was going on because he had not seen it himself. 

[110] The silence is likely to appease many Catholics in the country who either share prejudices against the Rohingya or are afraid of a nationalist backlash against the 650,000-strong Catholic community in [115] Myanmar. 

Francis is scheduled to fly to Dhaka in Bangladesh where he will meet Rohingya refugees on Thursday. But for some in Myanmar, the leader of the church [120] has a moral obligation not to leave the country without commenting on its most pressing crisis. 

After the mass, Father Thomas, a Yangon priest, said he hoped the pope [125] brought the matter up in closed-door meetings this week with the army chief, Min Aung Hlaing, and Aung San Suu Kyi. 

“This is the main issue in Burma,”  he said. 



The tenses of the underlined verbs in “...he has not publicly spoken about the persecuted Muslim minority...” (lines 17-19), “...who attracted public derision...” (line 27), and “...where he will meet Rohingya refugees..” (lines 117-118) are respectively

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Questão 61980

(UERJ - 2018)

Recent Human Adaptations

Human populations live in an extraordinary variety of different habitats: hot and cold, wet and dry; in forests, grasslands and tundra. Different human groups feed on a wide variety of food sources. For many populations, diets shifted further with the development of agriculture in the past 10,000 years.

To what extent have these and other factors led to genetic adaptation?

Human populations differ in various phenotypes – observable characteristics that result from interactions between genes and the environment –, but scientific studies have shown that phenotypic differences have a genetic basis and are adaptive. For example, mammals that live in cold climates tend to have larger, rounder bodies and shorter limbs than members of the same or closely related species in warm climates. These patterns do appear to also hold in humans, implying that population movements into colder climates were accompanied by adaptation to larger, stockier body shape, presumably to improve thermal efficiency. At the other end of the spectrum is the pygmy phenotype that has evolved in rainforest populations in Africa, South-East Asia and South America. Research has suggested that this phenotype may be an adaptation to food limitations, high humidity or denseforest undergrowth.

Another impressive example of adaptation is provided by human populations living at high altitude, especially in the Himalayas and the Andes. Compared to related lowland populations, these highelevation populations show a group of physiological adaptations to low oxygen. These adaptations include markedly increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the uterus during pregnancy, substantially reducing the risk of babies with low birthweight. Current evidence suggests that these differences are not simply the result of recent acclimation, but are at least partly genetic. If this is the case, then the adaptation must have occurred rapidly, because these high altitude regions were settled within the last 10,000 years.

Skin pigmentation is perhaps the phenotype that varies most obviously among human populations. Dark pigmentation is strongly associated with tropical climates, and the spread of prehistoric humans into northern latitudes was accompanied by a shift to lighter skin color. We now know of at least half a dozen different genes that affect skin, hair or eye pigmentation. In particular, the evolution of light skin color occurred largely in parallel in western Eurasia and east Asia, but we still know few of the relevant genes in east Asia. Adaptation to lighter pigmentation may have been motivated by a need to increase UV absorption for vitamin D synthesis at high latitudes or by sexual selection.These are only a few cases of genetic adaptation. There are surely some – perhaps many – other factors 1yet to be found.


factors yet to be found. (ref. 1)

The expression yet to be found is used to represent an action which:

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Questão 62006

(UEA - 2018)

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Plastic-eating bacteria discovered by student could help solve global pollution crisis

A student may have found a solution to one of the world’s most urgent environmental crises – breeding bacteria capable of “eating” plastic and potentially breaking it down into harmless by-products. The microbes degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET) – one of the world’s most common plastics, used in clothing, drinks bottles and food packaging. It takes centuries to break down, in the meantime doing untold damage to its surroundings.
    Morgan Vague, who is studying biology at Reed College in Oregon, said the process could play a “big part” of solutions to the planet’s plastic problem, which sees millions of tonnes dumped in landfill and oceans every year. Around 300 million tonnes of plastic is discarded each year, and only about 10 per cent of it is recycled.
    She began hunting for microbes adapted to degrade plastic in the soil and water around refineries in her hometown of Houston. Taking her samples back to college in Portland, Oregon, Ms Vague began testing around 300 strains of bacteria for lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme potentially capable of breaking down plastic and making it palatable for the bacteria. She identified 20 strains of bacteria that produced lipase, and of those, three that boasted high levels of the enzyme. Next, she put the three microbes, one of which appears to have been previously undiscovered, on a forced diet of PET she cut from strips of water bottles. She was stunned to find the bacteria worked to digest the plastic.

(Tom Embury-Dennis. www.independent.co.uk, 30.06.2018. Adaptado.)


No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “She was stunned to find the bacteria worked to digest the plastic”, o termo sublinhado tem sentido equivalente, em português, a

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Questão 62024

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    Brachycephalus leopardus, Brachycephalus pernix, Brachycephalus boticario, Brachycephalus fuscolineatus, Brachycephalus verrucosus, Brachycephalus aurogutattus, Brachycephalus olivaceus, Brachycephalus quirirensis e Brachycephalus mariaeterezae são os nomes científicos de sapos do sul do Brasil, recém-classificados pelos biólogos. Esses animais podem ter menos de 1 cm e se originaram a partir de um ancestral comum. Como vivem separados, em topos de montanhas e em áreas muito reduzidas, as populações desses sapos acabaram se tornando diferentes.
(Folha de S.Paulo, 17.09.2015. Adaptado.)

Todos os sapos citados no texto pertencem

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