Questão 69367

(FAMEMA - 2020)

An increasing body of evidence suggests that the time we spend on our smartphones is interfering with our sleep, self-esteem, relationships, memory, attention spans, creativity, productivity and problem-solving and decision-making skills. But there is another reason for us to rethink our relationships with our devices. By chronically raising levels of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, our phones may be threatening our health and shortening our lives.

If they happened only occasionally, phone-induced cortisol spikes might not matter. But the average American spends four hours a day staring at their smartphone and keeps it within arm’s reach nearly all the time, according to a tracking app called Moment.

“Your cortisol levels are elevated when your phone is in sight or nearby, or when you hear it or even think you hear it,” says David Greenfield, professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and founder of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction. “It’s a stress response, and it feels unpleasant, and the body’s natural response is to want to check the phone to make the stress go away.”

But while doing so might soothe you for a second, it probably will make things worse in the long run. Any time you check your phone, you’re likely to find something else stressful waiting for you, leading to another spike in cortisol and another craving to check your phone to make your anxiety go away. This cycle, when continuously reinforced, leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. And chronically elevated cortisol levels have been tied to an increased risk of serious health problems, including depression, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, fertility issues, high blood pressure, heart attack, dementia and stroke.

(Catherine Price. www.nytimes.com, 24.04.2019. Adaptado.)

No trecho do último parágrafo “while doing so might soothe you for a second”, o termo sublinhado equivale, em português, a

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Questão 69368

(PUC - GO - 2020/1)

Consider the grammatical rules of the standard English to choose the option that could fill in the blank.

Let’s talk to the politicians ____________ we voted last year. They must discuss the topic tomorrow. Maybe we convince them.

Mark the alternative with the correct answer:

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Questão 69371

(UEG 2020) 

Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer, filósofos e sociólogos da chamada “Escola de Frankfurt”, teorizaram a questão da indústria cultural, concepção que se tornou extremamente popular a partir dos anos 1960. Adorno realizou vários estudos sobre música, entre outros produtos culturais.

Segundo Adorno:

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Questão 69421

(UNIFOR - 2020)

Samsung developing technology to create fake videos from one single photo.

With new technology like this in development, seeing will no longer mean believing.

news.com.au MAY 28, 2019

Researchers at Samsung’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre in Moscow have created an algorithm that can generate videos using only one image. The development has caused some worry among technology experts and commentators, 1who see it as a worrying step towards making fake content creation easier.

In a paper published in the preprint journal ArXiv, and in an accompanying video demo, the algorithm creates a video using a single still image, such as the Mona Lisa painting or a photo of Salvador Dali. The video can be created using one single image but the more images are used, the better the quality.

A sample of 32 images produces a video of near lifelike accuracy. Current AI systems usually require the algorithm to scan large sets of data of a body and face before it can produce a moving picture based on it. With this new technology, however, creating fake videos will become a lot easier. The Samsung algorithm was trained using the publicly available VoxCeleb database which has more than 7000 images of celebrities from YouTube videos.

Since the algorithm recognises common characteristics of a person’s face and body, as opposed to specific traits of a subject, it’s able to quickly extrapolate images with little input.

This method also means that the technology is applicable toward non-celebrities and can be used on anyone, even people 2who died a long time ago and were never captured on video. The AI is currently only able to produce “talking head” style videos from the shoulders up. Skeptics of deepfake technology, as it is referred to, worry it will be used to spread misinformation and fake news or to steal people’s identity.

O pronome relativo ‘who’, em negrito no texto, refere-se, respectivamente, a:

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Questão 69458

(UEA - SIS - 2020/2)

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Reasons why plastic bags should be banned

Plastic bags are everywhere in our environment. When we go to purchase our groceries, we use plastic bags because they are convenient. In fact, in our modern lives, they have become part of us. However, the convenience of these plastic bags come at a very high cost to the environment and negatively affect human health. Several cities globally have begun banning the use of plastic bags while some have enforced restricted laws against the use of plastic bags because of the negative effects of their usage.

Besides, the use of plastic bags is considered as one of the 11 issues that humans are facing in their contemporary life. Countries such as China have banned the use of plastics. Bangladesh and India have only banned the use and sale of polyethylene bags which basically have thickness of less than 50 microns.

Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. Plastic bags are usually lightweight and, as such, they can travel very long distances by either water or wind. Wind blows these plastic bags and trashes a whole area. These litters get caught up in between trees, fences and float in water bodies, then moving to the world’s oceans.

(www.conserve-energy-future.com. Adaptado.

No título do texto, a expressão “should be banned” indica que os sacos plásticos

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Questão 69601

(UFMS - 2020)

Seja f:mathbb{R}
ightarrow mathbb{R} uma função modular, representada pelo gráfico a seguir:

A função f pode ser representada por:

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Questão 69655

(PUC-Rio - 2020)

How robot carers could be the future for lonely elderly people

Alessandro Di Nuovo

December 6, 2018


The film Robot and Frank imagined a near-future where robots could do almost everything humans could. The elderly title character was given a “robot butler” to help him continue living on his own. The robot was capable of everything from cooking and [5] cleaning to socializing and, it turned out, burglary. This kind of science fiction may turn out to be remarkably prescient. As growing numbers of elderly people require care, researchers believe that robots could be [10] one way to address the overwhelming demand. But even though robots might be able to provide care and, in some cases, social interaction, many wonder if they really are the right solution to this uniquely human issue.

[15]    Loneliness and social isolation are already problems for many seniors and are even linked to cognitive decline and a higher death rate. With the population of seniors expected to rise, many worry that experiences of loneliness will increase, especially [20] if access to care is even more limited.

    But despite concerns, early studies already show that social robots – autonomous robots trained to interact and communicate with humans – really could address issues of care and social interaction. The [25] majority of robotics researchers are largely in favour of introducing robotic technology on a wider scale and believe it could reduce loneliness and increase independence in elderly patients. The Japanese government even supports introducing robots in [30] care homes to solve the country’s ageing population problem. However, many strongly recommend carefully balancing the care benefits against the ethical costs.

    A class of social robots – mobile robotic [35] telepresence systems (MRTs) – have already been shown to generate positive social interactions with elderly patients. MRTs are essentially video screens on wheels raised to head height that can be controlled remotely using a simple smartphone app. They allow [40] relatives and social workers to “visit” elderly people more often, even if they live in rural or distant places. Elderly patients don’t need to operate the device, leaving them free to interact with their social worker or family. Communication still happens through a [45] computer screen, but the robot’s physical presence mimics face-to-face interaction for elderly people. Research has shown that people reacted more positively when talking with someone through an MRT than through a regular video call or computer avatar – [50] especially lonely people. However, MRTs still require a human operator, which limits the amount of social
interaction seniors can have daily.

    To tackle this, developers worldwide have started creating robot companions programmed with [55] advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which can interact with people on their own. Some examples include pet-like companion robots, including Aibo and Paro, which are made by Japanese developers, and MiRo, which is manufactured in the UK. Other humanoid [60] robots, such as the Care-O-bot and Pepper, are able to provide more complex and comprehensive care. Though “pet” robots offer limited interaction, they have proved as effective – or even more so – than real pets in reducing loneliness for elderly people in [65] care homes. Robotic dogs introduced in one UK care home this year were reported to bring happiness and comfort to residents.

    On the other hand, humanoid robots are already advanced enough to provide much-needed care to [70] elderly people. These robots can pick things up and move independently, and have a more natural, human way of interacting, for example, using arm and hand gestures. More advanced versions have additional sensors and devices, including touchscreens. Many [75] elderly people, finding the touchscreens hard to use, preferred giving spoken commands to the robot and reading its response off the screen. But for those with age-related hearing loss or vision impairment, having the option to use the touchscreen was indispensable. [80] Humanoid robots are still being developed, so their capabilities are still limited. Moreover, studies of humanoid robots have mainly focused on evaluating how well the technology functions without really considering the social impact. There is also a general [85] assumption that it will naturally reduce loneliness.

    Though research into social robots is just beginning, we do know they can provide some solutions to the challenges mounted by ageing populations, and could even help reduce social isolation and loneliness. [90] At this point, humans are still better in providing care and social contact to the elderly, but robots might be able to fill any gaps, especially as technologies continue to improve. However, before social robots can be fully integrated into care homes, researchers [95] and service providers must address public anxiety and make it clear that robots are designed to assist social workers, not replace them. As long as humans remain in full control to prevent any danger, robots might well be the future of care.

Available at:<https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgetsand-tech/features/robot-carer-elderly-people-lonelinessageing-population-care-homes-a8659801.html>. Retrieved on: July 2, 2019. Adapted.

*os números entre colchetes indicam os números das linhas do texto original.

The option in which the expression in boldface conveys an idea of condition is

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Questão 69668

(UECE - 2020)

“Toda a obra de Francis bacon se destina a substituir uma cultura do tipo retórico-literário por uma do tipo técnico-científico. Bacon está perfeitamente consciente de que a realização deste programa de reforma comporta numa ruptura com a tradição. De que tal ruptura diz respeito não só ao modo de pensar, mas também ao modo de viver dos homens. O tipo de discurso filosófico elaborado no mundo clássico pressupõe, segundo Bacon, a superioridade da contemplação sobre as obras, da resignação diante da natureza sobre a conquista da natureza, da reflexão acerca da interioridade sobre a pesquisa voltada para os fatos e as coisas.”

ROSSI, Paolo. Os filósofos e as máquinas:1400-700. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, p.75/adaptado.

A passagem acima expõe a relação entre o pensamento filosófico moderno, representado por Francis Bacon, e o pensamento filosófico clássico. Sobre essa relação, é correto afirmar que

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Questão 69702

(UFRGS 2020) 

O valor de sqrt{left ( 1-frac{1}{2} 
ight ).left ( 1-frac{1}{3} 
ight ).left ( 1-frac{1}{4} 
ight )...left ( 1-frac{1}{100} 
ight )} é


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Questão 69878

(PUC/PR - 2020) 

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

A aceitação de O Sétimo Guardião com o grande público já não é das melhores, e a novela de realismo fantástico de Aguinaldo Silva ainda parece não cooperar com ela mesma. Uma falha da produção da trama acabou exibindo um erro de ortografia em uma placa que mostrava "Bem-vindo à Tubiacanga". A crase, no caso, está INCORRETA.

O acento grave, indicativo de crase, tem regras muito estáveis em nossa língua. Na placa anterior, por exemplo, as condições para que ocorra o processo de crase não são atingidas, portanto não pode haver acento.

Em outras construções, no entanto, o fenômeno ocorre naturalmente, como em

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