(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
“Migna terra tê parmeras
Che ganta inzima o sabiá.
As aves che stó aqui,
Tambê tuttos sabi gorgeá.
Os rio lá sô maise grandi
Dus rio di tuttas naçó;
I os matto si perdi di vista,
Nu meio da imensidó.”
BANANÉRE, Juó. “Migna terra”. La Divina Increnca. São Paulo: Irmãos Marrano Editora, 1924.
Assinale a alternativa que melhor expressa as relações entre o poema e a inserção social de imigrantes italianos no Brasil.
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
Com base na peça publicitária da Anistia Internacional, é correto afirmar que
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
“Todos os homens, por natureza, tendem ao saber. Sinal disso é o amor pelas sensações. De fato, eles amam as sensações por si mesmas, independentemente de sua utilidade e amam, acima de todas, a sensação da visão. Com efeito, não só em vista da ação, mas mesmo sem nenhuma intenção de agir, nós preferimos o ver, em certo sentido, a todas as outras sensações. E o motivo está no fato de que a visão nos proporciona mais conhecimento do que todas as outras sensações e nos torna manifestas numerosas diferenças entre as coisas”.
Aristóteles. Metafísica, São Paulo: Loyola, 2002.
Nessa passagem, a tese principal apresentada por Aristóteles é a de que “todos os homens, por natureza, tendem ao saber”. Com base na construção do argumento, descrever a sensação da visão tem, como função principal, a seguinte tarefa:
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
The expression “dark doldrums” chills the hearts of renewable-energy engineers, who use it to refer to the lulls when solar panels and wind turbines are thwarted by clouds, night, or still air. On a bright, cloudless day, a solar farm can generate prodigious amounts of electricity. But at night solar cells do little, and in calm air turbines sit useless.
The dark doldrums make it difficult for us to rely totally on renewable energy. Power companies need to plan not just for individual storms or windless nights but for difficulties that can stretch for days. Last year, Europe experienced a weekslong “wind drought,” and in 2006 Hawaii endured six weeks of consecutive rainy days. On a smaller scale, communities that want to go all-renewable need to fill the gaps. The obvious solution is batteries, which power everything from mobile phones to electric vehicles; they are relatively inexpensive to make and getting cheaper. But typical models exhaust their stored energy after only three or four hours of maximum output, and—as every smartphone owner knows—their capacity dwindles with each recharge. Moreover, it is expensive to collect enough batteries to cover longer discharges.
We already have one kind of renewable energy storage: more than ninety per cent of the world’s energy-storage capacity is in reservoirs, as part of a technology called pumped-storage hydropower, used to smooth out sharp increases in electricity demand. Motors pump water uphill from a river or a reservoir to a higher reservoir; when the water is released downhill, it spins a turbine, generating power. A pumped-hydro installation is like a giant, permanent battery, charged when water is pumped uphill and depleted as it flows down. Some countries are expanding their use of pumped hydro, but the right geography is hard to find, permits are difficult to obtain, and construction is slow and expensive. The hunt is on for new approaches to energy storage.
The New Yorker. Abril, 2022. Adaptado.
No texto, a expressão “dark doldrums” descreve
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
The expression “dark doldrums” chills the hearts of renewable-energy engineers, who use it to refer to the lulls when solar panels and wind turbines are thwarted by clouds, night, or still air. On a bright, cloudless day, a solar farm can generate prodigious amounts of electricity. But at night solar cells do little, and in calm air turbines sit useless.
The dark doldrums make it difficult for us to rely totally on renewable energy. Power companies need to plan not just for individual storms or windless nights but for difficulties that can stretch for days. Last year, Europe experienced a weekslong “wind drought,” and in 2006 Hawaii endured six weeks of consecutive rainy days. On a smaller scale, communities that want to go all-renewable need to fill the gaps. The obvious solution is batteries, which power everything from mobile phones to electric vehicles; they are relatively inexpensive to make and getting cheaper. But typical models exhaust their stored energy after only three or four hours of maximum output, and—as every smartphone owner knows—their capacity dwindles with each recharge. Moreover, it is expensive to collect enough batteries to cover longer discharges.
We already have one kind of renewable energy storage: more than ninety per cent of the world’s energy-storage capacity is in reservoirs, as part of a technology called pumped-storage hydropower, used to smooth out sharp increases in electricity demand. Motors pump water uphill from a river or a reservoir to a higher reservoir; when the water is released downhill, it spins a turbine, generating power. A pumped-hydro installation is like a giant, permanent battery, charged when water is pumped uphill and depleted as it flows down. Some countries are expanding their use of pumped hydro, but the right geography is hard to find, permits are difficult to obtain, and construction is slow and expensive. The hunt is on for new approaches to energy storage.
The New Yorker. Abril, 2022. Adaptado.
Na frase “But typical models exhaust their stored energy after only three or four hours of maximum output, and—as every smartphone owner knows—their capacity dwindles with each recharge.” (2º parágrafo), “dwindles” poderia ser substituído, sem prejuízo de sentido, por
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
The expression “dark doldrums” chills the hearts of renewable-energy engineers, who use it to refer to the lulls when solar panels and wind turbines are thwarted by clouds, night, or still air. On a bright, cloudless day, a solar farm can generate prodigious amounts of electricity. But at night solar cells do little, and in calm air turbines sit useless.
The dark doldrums make it difficult for us to rely totally on renewable energy. Power companies need to plan not just for individual storms or windless nights but for difficulties that can stretch for days. Last year, Europe experienced a weekslong “wind drought,” and in 2006 Hawaii endured six weeks of consecutive rainy days. On a smaller scale, communities that want to go all-renewable need to fill the gaps. The obvious solution is batteries, which power everything from mobile phones to electric vehicles; they are relatively inexpensive to make and getting cheaper. But typical models exhaust their stored energy after only three or four hours of maximum output, and—as every smartphone owner knows—their capacity dwindles with each recharge. Moreover, it is expensive to collect enough batteries to cover longer discharges.
We already have one kind of renewable energy storage: more than ninety per cent of the world’s energy-storage capacity is in reservoirs, as part of a technology called pumped-storage hydropower, used to smooth out sharp increases in electricity demand. Motors pump water uphill from a river or a reservoir to a higher reservoir; when the water is released downhill, it spins a turbine, generating power. A pumped-hydro installation is like a giant, permanent battery, charged when water is pumped uphill and depleted as it flows down. Some countries are expanding their use of pumped hydro, but the right geography is hard to find, permits are difficult to obtain, and construction is slow and expensive. The hunt is on for new approaches to energy storage.
The New Yorker. Abril, 2022. Adaptado.
Segundo o texto, quando a geração de energia por células solares ou turbinas eólicas é insuficiente para atender à demanda, uma fonte de energia alternativa envolveria a conversão de
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
No meme, a inadequação da resposta à questão está baseada no efeito de sentido proveniente da presença de
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
Diversos processos na indústria de óleo e gás podem envolver misturas de gases a diferentes temperaturas. Um sistema isolado é composto por dois compartimentos de mesmo volume: o primeiro é ocupado por mol e o segundo é ocupado por
mols de um gás ideal monoatômico. Inicialmente cada compartimento encontra-se em equilíbrio térmico, com temperatura
, respectivamente, conforme mostra a figura:
A partir de certo instante, a parede que separa os compartimentos é removida e, após algum tempo, o sistema atinge uma nova temperatura de equilíbrio . Supondo que não há trabalho realizado após a remoção da parede, nem troca de calor entre o sistema e o ambiente externo, a temperatura de equilíbrio
é dada por:
Note e adote: A energia interna de um gás ideal monoatômico é dada por , sendo 𝑛 o número de mols,
a constante universal dos gases ideais e
a temperatura absoluta.
(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
Pinturas na tumba de um faraó do século XIX a.C. sugerem que os antigos egípcios adicionavam água à areia em frente aos trenós utilizados para transportar grandes peças, como pedras para pirâmides. Esse transporte era realizado por carregadores que puxavam os trenós sobre a areia.
Em 2014, cientistas realizaram medidas para testar essa hipótese e, sob certas condições, encontraram os coeficientes de atrito cinético entre o trenó e a areia listados na tabela:
Considerando as informações da tabela, qual conteúdo de água na areia tornaria mais fácil o transporte das peças pelos carregadores?
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(FUVEST- 2023 - 1ª fase)
O Brasil é o país recordista mundial em queda de raios, com uma estimativa de mais de 70 milhões de eventos desse tipo por ano.
Uma descarga elétrica dessas pode envolver campos elétricos da ordem de dez kilovolts por metro e um deslocamento de 30 coulombs de carga em um milésimo de segundo.
Com base nessas estimativas e assumindo o campo elétrico como sendo constante, a potência associada a um raio de 100 m de comprimento corresponde a:
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