(Ufpi 2003)
'Noble' Laureate I. B. Singer: The Ultimate Typo
The word typo is short for "typographical error." It refers to a small mistake at the keyboard, such as typing "teh" instead of "the." But as all students know, these "small" mistakes can be a serious problem for someone seeking a good grade on a term paper.
In the world of business and I , a typo can mean the II of large amounts of III . In this article a typo IV emotional significance for people, for V was carved into the gravestone of a famous VI , Isaac Bashevis Singer. He won the Nobel Prize VII literature in 1978, and like VIII 4winners of this prestigious award, IX was called a Nobel laureate." A X spelled Nobel on the gravestone ___XI the adjective Noble. Since XII words describe 3Singer, the XIII looks like a pun, a joke XIV on two different meanings of a XV . A pun on a gravestone seems in terribly bad taste. The mistake resulted in problems for Singer's family and an irritation for 2all 1who admire Singer's books and respect his memory.
Singer (1904-1991) was born in Poland and immigrated to the United States in 1935. He wrote almost entirely in Yiddish, the language of Jewish people in Eastern Europe. 5His writings were mainly about the life of people in the small Jewish towns in Eastern Europe, called 6shtetl, and Polish immigrant life in the United States. His work combines realism and the mysticism of Jewish folklore in a unique way.
Adaptado de: HUGHES, R. On the record: mastering reading and language skills with the newspaper. USA: National Textbook Company, 1999, p. 62.
Lacuna VIII
(UFPI 2001)
A Victim"s Story
Imagine waking up in a hospital trauma unit and being told by a doctor that your 15 year-old-brother is dead. I wished I had died with him. Tim and I were very close as brothers and spent a lot of time together. A drunk driver - with a blood alcohol level of more two times the legal limit - ended this. My mother and Dad lost a son, and my sister and I lost a brother.
The weather was cool, but bright and sunny on May 15, 1981. Tim and I were going on a fishing trip. Tim had just bought a new fishing rod with money from part-time jobs after school. He was anxious to try out his new rod. On the way up we stopped to get something to eat. Tim was a real outdoor person - he loved nature and outdoor activities. The crash occurred when a drunk driver crossed over the center line of the road and hit us head-on. Tim and I were rushed to a hospital.
The doctors tried to I Tim so they could ___II him to the Hospital III Sick Children in Toronto. IV Tim"s injuries were massive, V in the end they VI save him - Tim died. VII impact of the crash VIII devastating on the whole IX . My sister, who was X 13 years old, did not want to believe that Tim was dead and insisted that he had gone fishing for the weekend, and would be back on Sunday. I spent a couple of months in the trauma unit. I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my little brother. Tim"s funeral was held while I was in hospital. They say time heals all wounds - if that"s true then there are a lot of wounds still trying to heal...
Doug Abernethy
(Adaptado de: http://www.web.ionsys.com/~oadd/Victim.html)
fishing rod - caniço, vara de pescar
try out - experimentar
crash - colisão
head on - de frente, frontal
injury - ferimento, escoriação, traumatismo
heal - sarar, curar, cicatrizar
wound - ferida
Complete a lacuna VII do texto marcando uma das opções apresentadas a seguir:
(Ufpi 2001) Uma prancha está apoiada sobre dois cilindros paralelos, idênticos e dispostos sobre uma superfície horizontal. Empurrando-se a prancha com velocidade constante e considerando-se inexistente qualquer tipo de deslizamento, seja entre a prancha e os cilindros, seja entre os cilindros e a superfície horizontal, a relação vp/vc, entre a velocidade da prancha, vp, e a velocidade dos cilindros, vc, será:
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(Ufpi 2000) Na figura a seguir, o peixe maior, de massa M=5,0kg, nada para a direita a uma velocidade v=1,0m/s e o peixe menor, de massa m=1,0kg, se aproxima dele a uma velocidade u=8,0m/s, para a esquerda. Após engolir o peixe menor, o peixe maior terá uma velocidade de (despreze qualquer efeito de resistência da água):
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(UFPI) Os hidrocarbonetos de baixo peso molecular são gases extremamente inflamáveis. A fim de evitar incêndios ou explosões, pequenas quantidades de mercaptana, composto orgânico volátil de odor desagradável que contém enxofre, são adicionadas ao gás de cozinha para alertar os usuários sobre o escapamento indevido dos gases. Identifique a alternativa que apresenta dois componentes do gás de cozinha.
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