Questão 22780

(UFPI - 2001)

A Victim's Story

Imagine waking up in a hospital trauma unit and being told by a doctor that your 15 year-old-brother is dead. I wished I had died with him. Tim and I were very close as brothers and spent a lot of time together. A drunk driver - with a blood alcohol level of more two times the legal limit - ended this. My mother and Dad lost a son, and my sister and I lost a brother.

The weather was cool, but bright and sunny on May 15, 1981. Tim and I were going on a fishing trip. Tim had just bought a new fishing rod with money from part-time jobs after school. He was anxious to try out his new rod. On the way up we stopped to get something to eat. Tim was a real outdoor person - he loved nature and outdoor activities. The crash occurred when a drunk driver crossed over the center line of the road and hit us head-on. Tim and I were rushed to a hospital.

The doctors tried to    I    Tim so they could ___II    him to the Hospital    III    Sick Children in Toronto.    IV    Tim's injuries were massive,     V    in the end they    VI    save him - Tim died.    VII    impact of the crash    VIII    devastating on the whole    IX    . My sister, who was    X    13 years old, did not want to believe that Tim was dead and insisted that he had gone fishing for the weekend, and would be back on Sunday. I spent a couple of months in the trauma unit. I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my little brother. Tim's funeral was held while I was in hospital. They say time heals all wounds - if that's true then there are a lot of wounds still trying to heal...

       Doug Abernethy

(Adaptado de:



fishing rod - caniço, vara de pescar

try out - experimentar

crash - colisão

head on - de frente, frontal

injury - ferimento, escoriação, traumatismo

heal - sarar, curar, cicatrizar

wound - ferida


Complete a lacuna VII do texto marcando uma das opções apresentadas a seguir:














Questão 3217

(UFPI 2001)

A Victim"s Story

Imagine waking up in a hospital trauma unit and being told by a doctor that your 15 year-old-brother is dead. I wished I had died with him. Tim and I were very close as brothers and spent a lot of time together. A drunk driver - with a blood alcohol level of more two times the legal limit - ended this. My mother and Dad lost a son, and my sister and I lost a brother.
The weather was cool, but bright and sunny on May 15, 1981. Tim and I were going on a fishing trip. Tim had just bought a new fishing rod with money from part-time jobs after school. He was anxious to try out his new rod. On the way up we stopped to get something to eat. Tim was a real outdoor person - he loved nature and outdoor activities. The crash occurred when a drunk driver crossed over the center line of the road and hit us head-on. Tim and I were rushed to a hospital.
The doctors tried to I Tim so they could ___II him to the Hospital III Sick Children in Toronto. IV Tim"s injuries were massive, V in the end they VI save him - Tim died. VII impact of the crash VIII devastating on the whole IX . My sister, who was X 13 years old, did not want to believe that Tim was dead and insisted that he had gone fishing for the weekend, and would be back on Sunday. I spent a couple of months in the trauma unit. I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my little brother. Tim"s funeral was held while I was in hospital. They say time heals all wounds - if that"s true then there are a lot of wounds still trying to heal...
Doug Abernethy

(Adaptado de:

fishing rod - caniço, vara de pescar
try out - experimentar
crash - colisão
head on - de frente, frontal
injury - ferimento, escoriação, traumatismo
heal - sarar, curar, cicatrizar
wound - ferida

Complete a lacuna VII do texto marcando uma das opções apresentadas a seguir:

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Questão 4119

(Ufpi 2001) Uma prancha está apoiada sobre dois cilindros paralelos, idênticos e dispostos sobre uma superfície horizontal. Empurrando-se a prancha com velocidade constante e considerando-se inexistente qualquer tipo de deslizamento, seja entre a prancha e os cilindros, seja entre os cilindros e a superfície horizontal, a relação vp/vc, entre a velocidade da prancha, vp, e a velocidade dos cilindros, vc, será:

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Questão 5104

(Ufpi 2000) Na figura a seguir, o peixe maior, de massa M=5,0kg, nada para a direita a uma velocidade v=1,0m/s e o peixe menor, de massa m=1,0kg, se aproxima dele a uma velocidade u=8,0m/s, para a esquerda. Após engolir o peixe menor, o peixe maior terá uma velocidade de (despreze qualquer efeito de resistência da água): 


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Questão 8790

(UFPI) Os hidrocarbonetos de baixo peso molecular são gases extremamente inflamáveis. A fim de evitar incêndios ou explosões, pequenas quantidades de mercaptana, composto orgânico volátil de odor desagradável que contém enxofre, são adicionadas ao gás de cozinha para alertar os usuários sobre o escapamento indevido dos gases. Identifique a alternativa que apresenta dois componentes do gás de cozinha.

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