Chaos fills battlefields and disaster zones. Artificial intelligence may be better than the natural sort at coping with it
ARMIES have always been divided into officers and grunts. The officers give the orders. The grunts carry them out. But what if the grunts took over and tried to decide among themselves on the best course of action? The limits of human psychology, battlefield communications and (cynics might suggest) the brainpower of the average grunt mean this probably would not work in an army of people. It might, though, work in an army of robots. Handing battlefield decisions to the collective intelligence of robot soldiers sounds risky, but it is the essence of a research project called ALADDIN. Autonomous Learning Agents for Decentralised Data and Information Networks, to give its full name, is a five-yearold collaboration between BAE Systems, a British defence contractor, the universities of Bristol, Oxford and Southampton, and Imperial College, London. In it, the grunts act as agents, collecting and exchanging information. They then bargain with each other over the best course of action, make a decision and carry it out. So far, ALADDINs researchers have limited themselves to tests that simulate disasters such as earthquakes rather than warfare; saving life, then, rather than taking it. That may make the technology seem less sinister. But disasters are similar to battlefields in their degree of confusion and complexity, and in the consequent unreliability and incompleteness of the information available. What works for disaster relief should therefore also work for conflict. BAE Systems has said that it plans to use some of the results from ALADDIN to improve military logistics, communications and combat-management systems. ALADDINs agents ─ which might include fire alarms in burning buildings, devices carried by emergency services and drones flying over enemy territory ─ collect and process data using a range of algorithms that form the core of the project. In the case of an earthquake, for instance, the agents bid among themselves to allocate ambulances. This may seem callous, but the bids are based on data about how ill the casualties are at different places. In essence, what is going on is a sophisticated form of triage designed to make best use of the ambulances available. No human egos get in the way. Instead, the groups operating the ambulances loan them to each other on the basis of the bids. The result does seem to be a better allocation of resources than people would make by themselves. In simulations run without the auction, some of the ambulances were left standing idle. All of which is very life-affirming when ambulances are being sent to help earthquake victims. The real prize, though, is processing battlefield information. Some 7,000 unmanned aerial vehicles, from small hand-launched devices to big robotic aircraft fitted with laserguided bombs, are now deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their combined video output this year will be so great that it would take one person four decades to watch it. Data are also streaming in from other sources: remote sensors operating as fixed sentries, sensors on ground vehicles and sensors on the equipment that soldiers carry around with them (some have cameras on their helmets). On top of this is all the information from radars, satellites, radios and the monitoring of communications. The result, as an American general has put it, is that the armed forces could soon be ―swimming in sensors and drowning in data‖. ALADDIN, and systems like it, should help them keep afloat by automating some of the data analysis and the management of robots. Among BAE Systems plans, for example, is the co-operative control of drones, which would allow a pilot in a jet to fly with a squadron of the robot aircraft on surveillance or combat missions. And for those worried about machines taking over, more research will be carried out into what Dr Jennings calls flexible autonomy. This involves limiting the agents new-found freedom by handing some decisions back to people. In a military setting this could mean passing pictures recognized as a convoy of moving vehicles to a person for confirmation before, say, calling down an airstrike. Whether that is a good idea is at least open to question. Given the propensity for human error in such circumstances, mechanized grunts might make such calls better than flesh-and-blood officers. The day of the peoples — or, rather, the robots — army, then, may soon be at hand.
Disponível em:
Based on the text, ALLADIN
I. processes data using especial algorithms.
II. is being developed by the arm industry.
III. has been tested in the war with Iran.
IV. is very efficient in chaotic contexts.
V. will produce fully autonomous machines.
Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.
I, IV.
IV, V.
I, IV.
Estou farto do lirismo comedido do lirismo bem comportado [...]
Quero antes o lirismo dos loucos
O lirismo dos bêbedos
O lirismo difícil e pungente dos bêbedos
O lirismo dos clowns de Shakespeare
− Não quero mais saber do lirismo que não é libertação.
BANDEIRA, Manuel. Libertinagem.
Em relação aos versos citados do poema “Poética” e à obra Libertinagem, de Manuel Bandeira, marque a assertiva INCORRETA.
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(UFU-2006) Leia o trecho seguinte, de Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma, que reproduz um diálogo de Ricardo Coração dos Outros com Quaresma e D. Adelaide.
“Oh! Não tenho nada novo, uma composição minha. O Bilac conhecem? (...)quis fazer-me uma modinha, eu não aceitei; você não entende de violão, Seu Bilac.
A questão não está em escrever uns versos certos que digam coisas bonitas; o essencial é achar-se as palavras que o violão pede e deseja. (...)
(...) vou cantar a Promessa, conhecem? Não disseram os dois irmãos. (...)h! Anda por aí como as ‘Pombas’ do Raimundo.”
Lima Barreto. Triste fim de Policarpo Quaresma.
Parta do trecho lido para marcar a alternativa INCORRETA.
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(Ufu 2016) O jardim já vai se desmanchando na escuridão, mas Cristina ainda vê uma gravata (cinzenta?) saindo do bolso vermelho. Quer gritar de novo, mas a gravata cala a boca do grito, e já não adianta o pé querer se fincar no chão nem a mão querer fugir: o Homem domina Cristina e a mão dele vai puxando, o joelho vai empurrando, o pé vai castigando, o corpo todinho dele vai pressionando Cristina pra mata. Derruba ela no chão. Monta nela. O escuro toma conta de tudo.
O Homem aperta a gravata na mão feito uma rédea. Com a outra mão vai arrancando, vai rasgando, se livrando de tudo que é pano no caminho.
Agora o Homem é todo músculo. Crescendo.
Só afrouxa a rédea depois do gozo.
Cristina mal consegue tomar fôlego: já sente a gravata solavancando pro pescoço e se enroscando num nó. Que aperta. Aperta mais. Mais.
BOJUNGA, Lygia. O abraço. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Lygia Bojunga, 2014. p. 82
Instantes derradeiros de O abraço, a passagem narra encontro de Cristina com o ‘Homem’. Levando-se em conta o enredo da obra até seu desenrolar nesses momentos finais, Cristina
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(UFU - 2016 - 1ª FASE)
Seu olhar verde penetra a Noite entre tochas acesas
Ramos nascem de seu peito
Pés percutem a pedra enegrecida
Cantos ecoam tambores gritos mantos desatados.
Acorre o vento ao círculo demente
O vinho espuma nas taças incendiadas.
Acena o deus ao bando: Mar de alvos braços
Seios rompendo as túnicas gargantas dilatadas
E o vaticínio do tumulto à Noite –
Chegada do inverno aos lares
Fim de guerra em campos estrangeiros.
As bocas mordem colos e flancos desnudados:
À sombra mergulham faces convulsivas
Corpos se avizinham à vida fria dos valados
Trêmulas tíades presas ao peito de Dionisos trácio.
Sussurra a Noite e os risos de ébrios dançarinos
Mergulham no vórtice da festa consagrada.
E quando o Sol o ingênuo olhar acende
Um secreto murmúrio ata num só feixe
O louro trigo nascido das encostas.
SILVA, Dora Ferreira da. Hídrias. São Paulo: Odysseus, 2004. p. 42-43.
Ao evocar a mitologia, Dora Ferreira reativa em seu poema o mito de Dionisos. Nesse resgate do mito do deus Dionisos, o verso
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