(IME - 2018/2019 - 2ª FASE)
Texto 3
After just over 75 years of penicillin’s clinical use, the world can see that its impact was immediate and profound. In 1928, a chance event in Alexander Fleming’s London laboratory changed the course of medicine. However, the purification and first clinical use of penicillin would take more than a decade. Unprecedented United States/Great Britain cooperation to produce penicillin was incredibly successful by 1943. This success overshadowed efforts to produce penicillin during World War II in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands. Information about these efforts, available only in the last 10–15 years, provides new insights into the story of the first antibiotic. Researchers in the Netherlands produced penicillin using their own production methods and marketed it in 1946, which eventually increased the penicillin supply and decreased the price. The unusual serendipity involved in the discovery of penicillin demonstrates the difficulties in finding new antibiotics and should remind health professionals to expertly manage these extraordinary medicines.
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GAYNES, R. The Discovery of Penicillin—New Insights After More Than 75 Years of Clinical Use. In: Science, 2017. Disponível em: <http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/23/5/16-1556_article>. Acesso em: 26/06/2018.
Choose the correct option.
Dutch researchers produced penicillin for it was cheaper than before. Concerning the supply of it, the increase was automatic.
The first clinical use of penicillin was not immediate owing to the impact of its discovery. This delay changed the History of Medicine.
The efforts by the Netherlands to produce the new drug weren't regarded as valuable until around a decade ago.
It is impossible that penincillin's first clinical use dates back more than 75 years.
The US and Great Britain succeeded in producing penicillin right after 1943.
The efforts by the Netherlands to produce the new drug weren't regarded as valuable until around a decade ago.
This success overshadowed efforts to produce penicillin during World War II in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands.
A alternativa C ( "Os esforços da Holanda para produzir o novo medicamento não eram considerados valiosos até cerca de uma década atrás.") estão de acordo com o trecho: "This success overshadowed efforts to produce penicillin during World War II in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands.Information about these efforts, available only in the last 10–15 years[...]"( "Este sucesso ofuscou os esforços para produzir penicilina durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Europa, particularmente na Holanda. Informações sobre esses esforços, disponíveis apenas nos últimos 10 a 15 anos").
As outras alternativas estão incorretas.
A) Os pesquisadores Holandeses produziram penicilina por que era mais barata do que antes. Quanto ao seu fornecimento, o aumento foi automático.
B) O primeiro uso clínico da penicilina não foi imediato devido ao impacto de sua descoberta. Esse atraso mudou a História da Medicina.
D) É impossível que o primeiro uso clínico da penicilina remonte a mais de 75 anos.
E) Os Estados Unidos e a Grãn-Bretanha conseguiram produzir a penicilina logo após 1943.
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