(UNIMONTES - 2019)
Jessica Nabongo completes quest to become first black woman to visit every country
Lilit Marcus, CNN • Updated 9th October 2019.
(CNN) –- Some people set records by jumping the highest or running the fastest.
But for Jessica Nabongo, a UN employee turned travel blogger, it's by becoming the first black woman to visit every country on Earth.
She set out to visit all 193 countries in the world in 2016, and on October 6 arrived the last on her list, Seychelles, [5] according to a post on her Instagram page. She also clocked up a couple of what the UN calls "non-observer status" territories, taking her total to 195.
"Welcome to the Seychelles!! Country 195 of 195! So much to say but for now I will just say thank you to this entire community for all of your support. This was our journey and thanks to all of you who came along for the ride!!," she wrote.
[10] Born in Detroit to Ugandan parents and holding two passports, Nabongo's epic odyssey hasn't just been about getting her name in a record book.
She's hoping to pave the way for women and people of color to do the same.
Although she felt like she'd achieved "the American dream" by landing a six-figure job at a pharmaceutical company after college and buying her own place in the Motor City, the work didn't satisfy her.
[15] Often, as the only person of color in a crowd, she stood out whether she wanted to or not. Nabongo also has dark skin and shaves her head.
To date, there are about 150 known people who have been to every country, the majority of whom are white men traveling on European passports –- the ones who have the option to "blend in" in more places.
As of April 2018, there were 193 recognized countries in the United Nations, plus two with "non-observer status".
[20] Nabongo visited them all. Her passports have stamps from places as far-flung as Nigeria, Cuba, Turkey and Laos.
Disponível em: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/jessica-nabongo-every-country/index.html. Acesso em: 9 out. 2019. Adaptado.
*os números entre colchetes correspondem aos números das linhas do texto original.
A forma CORRETA de linguagem indireta da sentença “[...] I will just say thank you to this entire community for all of your support.” (linhas 7-8) corresponde a:
She told she just said thank you to this entire community for all of our support.
She asked she had just said thank you to these entire community for all of your support.
She said she would just say thank you to that entire community for all of their support.
She said she will just say thank you to those entire community for all of my support.
She said she would just say thank you to that entire community for all of their support.
(Unimontes-MG–2009) Leia os fragmentos dos textos.
Texto I
“Um certo Miguilim morava com sua mãe, seu pai e seus irmãos, longe, longe daqui, muito depois da Vereda-do-Frango-d’Água e de outras veredas sem nome ou pouco conhecidas, em ponto remoto, no Mutum. No meio dos Campos Gerais, mas num covão em trechos de matas, terra preta, pé de serra.
Miguilim tinha oito anos. Quando completara sete, havia saído dali, pela primeira vez: o Tio Terêz levou-o a cavalo, à frente da sela, para ser crismado no Sucuriju, por onde o bispo passava. Da viagem, que durou dias, ele guardara aturdidas lembranças, embaraçadas em sua cabecinha.”
ROSA, 1984. p. 13.
Texto II
“Um dos sonhos da minha vida era ter em casa uma piscina. Tinha aprendido a nadar, já havia disputado mesmo uma competição na piscina do Minas Tênis Clube, categoria de petiz, pretendia me tornar campeão, nadando no mínimo tão bem como Tarzã.”
SABINO, 2008. p. 44.
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