Questão 69023

(ACAFE - 2021)

Text 2

When it comes to looking inedible the squid
goes all out. Tentacles, suckers, big blobby eyes,
anything to help communicate the message
"Do not eat me, under any circumstances".
There's even a beak in there somewhere.
It's really more threat than feast.

Which got us thinking. What on earth
was the first person to eat squid doing?
Who in their right mind could look at
raw squid and say, "That's the snack for me"?!?


What a weirdo. What a hero.
Because as we know, squid just happens
to be one of life's greatest pleasures:
chargrilled squid salad, chilli squid linguine,
crisp calamari dunked in mayo...

So we'd like to say a heartfelt
thank you to the first person to eat squid.
And to all the food pioneers who boldly
ate what none had eaten before -
giving those funny-looking foods
the chance to be delicious.

(Source: retrieved on September26, 2019)

Text 2 above is one of Hellmann's (the food brand) awarded advertisements. What does the phrase "Tentacled Brain Sacs" in ref. 1 refer to in the ad?


The squid: a sea creature with a long soft head/body which looks like a sac, big eyes and long tentacles.


The first visionary person to eat squid.


All the food pioneers who bravely ate what nobody had eaten before.


All the insane brains who looked at raw squid and thought "lunch".


The squid: a sea creature with a long soft head/body which looks like a sac, big eyes and long tentacles.



Esta frase se refere à lula, ou seja, a sua cabeça/corpo em forma de saco e aos seus tentáculos. Na realidade, a primeira parte do texto descreve o quão repugnante a lula se parece em se tratando de um comestível e se utiliza de jogos de palavras que descrevem a lula, dentre elas a frase "Tentacled Brain Sacs", para reforçar a ideia de que este animal tem uma aparência nada agradável e desencorajante de ser considerada comida. As outras 3 alternativas se referem a pessoas que tiveram coragem de comer comidas de aparência desagradável, tornando-as, desta forma, incorretas.

Questão 2614

(Acafe 2014)

Assinale a frase que está formulada de acordo com as normas da língua portuguesa escrita padrão.

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Questão 2904

(ACAFE 2016) Assinale a frase ambígua.

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Questão 2939

(ACAFE - 2016)  

Assinale a frase elaborada de acordo com as normas do português padrão. 

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Questão 2960

(Acafe 2016)  Assinale a frase elaborada de acordo com as normas do português-padrão. 

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