Questão 80957


(UFPR - 2023)

The following text refers to questions 83 to 85.

Kevin Adkins almost kicked the Ice Age skull to the side because he thought it was just debris from a recent flood – then he saw that it had teeth. When Kevin Adkins took his father-in-law, Tony Hager, on his first turkey hunt on May 8, 2022, the two West Virginians spotted an animal skull in a Putnam County creek. Covered in mud from a flood that had hit the region two days earlier, it was initially unidentifiable. So Adkins took it home – and later learned that it belonged to an 11,000-year-old giant sloth. While 36-year-old Adkins had hunted turkeys in Putnam County plenty of times before, he had never come across something like this. Trudging through the muddy wilderness, the Red House resident and his father-in-law were primarily interested in nabbing some wild birds when they encountered the relic.

“We were running and gunning for toms,” Adkins told Outdoor Life. “We’d worked a gobbler for about 30 minutes, then the bird moved off, so we picked up and headed up the creek. I looked down in the middle of the creek as we crossed it and saw a big blob
of something I thought was a root ball, so I almost kicked it away.”

“But I noticed something different about it and looked closer,” Adkins went on. “That’s when I saw some molar teeth, so I picked it up.” Determined not to let the potential find of a lifetime distract from his turkey hunt, Adkins propped the skull next to the creek and forged ahead. When he and Hager concluded their hunt later that morning, they retrieved the skull and carried it home.

“[My wife] thought it was a cow skull because it was so big,” Adkins said. The skull weighed about 30 pounds and sported tufts
of hair. It had four molar teeth on either side of its jawbone.

“But my father-in-law said no, it was something very different,” continued Adkins. “That’s when we started searching the internet,
sending photos to family and friends, and then I posted it on social media. That really got things moving along with trying to ID what I’d found.”

(Available in:


These are expressions, in the text, that make reference to “turkey”, EXCEPT:

a) wild birds.

b) toms.

c) bird.

d) gobbler.

e) blob.

(Por um lapso de diagramação, a questão 84 de língua estrangeira moderna foi impressa com marcação de gabarito na prova de variação “Inglês-B”, motivo pelo qual será anulada. De acordo com o subitem do Edital 41/2022, para preservar o princípio da isonomia entre os candidatos, essa anulação atingirá as demais línguas na questão correspondente.)


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Marque a alternativa A


Marque a alternativa A


Marque a alternativa A


Marque a alternativa A


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Questão 2164


Em 'Ele morreu de fome', a expressão sublinhada classifica-se como:

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Questão 2766

 (Ufpr 2008)  


O autor apresenta como característica fundamental da televisão a seriação. Segundo ele, essa característica

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Questão 2767

(Ufpr 2008)



Tendo em vista o texto, considere as afirmações a seguir:

1. A indecisão entre a ética particularista (da casa, amigos, família) e a ética universalista (da rua, do mundo público) é algo que nasce na esfera política e a ela se restringe.

2. O tratamento da corrupção no Brasil é marcado pela duplicidade ética que leva a condenar os estranhos, mas relevar os delitos das pessoas próximas.

3. O combate à corrupção do governo Lula mostrou que ela está vinculada a determinadas ideologias e partidos políticos.

4. A resistência de parlamentares a julgar o presidente do Congresso Nacional faz prevalecer a ética da casa em detrimento da ética da rua.

Assinale a alternativa correta

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Questão 2873

(UFPR - 2016 - 1ª FASE)

“E não gostavas de festa... / Ó velho, que festa grande / hoje te faria a gente”. Esses são os versos de abertura do poema “A Mesa”, parte integrante do livro Claro Enigma, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Neles podem ser identificados alguns elementos do poema, entre os quais o destinatário, um patriarca, a quem o eu lírico se dirige ao longo de centenas de versos. A respeito de “A Mesa” e de sua integração com outros poemas do mesmo livro, assinale a alternativa correta.

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