Questão 64068

(UEA - SIS - 2016)

Rare animals vital for ecosystem life support

Rare animal species are vital to maintaining tropical ecosystems and could cause a chain reaction of disastrous biodiversity loss if they go extinct, a study warns.

Animals that are considered rare – because they occupy a niche environment or there are few of them – are more likely than common animals to perform specialised and often irreplaceable roles in their environments, the study found. This is especially true for highly biodiverse environments, such as the tropics, the researchers say. “Losing rare species today may mean losing much more complex processes in the long term,” says lead author Rafael Leitão, a biologist at the National Institute of Amazonian Research in Manaus, Brazil.

The study notes that rare animals perform essential “ecosystem services” such as dispersing seeds, filtering water and controlling other animal populations and invasive species. “There is no way to know exactly how, in future, an ecosystem __________with the loss of those rare species, but chain effects are common, meaning that the loss of some functions can lead to other losses, making the whole environment crumble,” says Leitão.

( Adaptado.)

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are going to change. 


will change. 




have changed. 




will change. 


Questão 3416

(UEA - 2014)


Amazon tribes

            The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest. It is also the ancestral home of one million Indians. They are divided into about 400 tribes, each with its own language, culture and territory. 1Many have had contact with outsiders for almost 500 years. Others – ‘uncontacted’ tribes – have had no contact at all.

How do they live?

            Most Indians live in settled villages by the rivers, and grow vegetables and fruits like manioc, corn, beans and bananas. They also hunt and fish, using plant-based poisons to stun the fish. Some tribes use shotguns for hunting, others use bows and arrows, spears, or blowguns with darts tipped with curare. Only a few Amazonian tribes are nomadic; they tend to live deep in the forest away from the rivers. They grow some crops but rely more on hunting and gathering.

2__________ their problems?

            Almost all the Indians’ problems revolve around land: 3outsiders either want their land, or something on or underneath it. The key threats are a massive boom in oil and gas exploration, rampant illegal logging and the rapid spread of ranching and farming.

( Adaptado.)


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Questão 9850

(Uea 2014)


Na apresentação de um projeto de química sobre reatividade de produtos caseiros, vinagre e bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3) foram misturados em uma garrafa plástica; em seguida, uma bexiga vazia foi acoplada à boca da garrafa. A imagem apresenta o momento final do experimento.

O pH de soluções aquosas de vinagre e o pH de soluções aquosas de bicarbonato de sódio são, respectivamente,

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Questão 12355

(Uea 2014) Num plano cartesiano, sabe-se que os pontos A, B (1, 2) e C (2, 3) pertencem a uma mesma reta, e que o ponto A está sobre o eixo Oy. O valor da ordenada de A é

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Questão 13205

(UEA - 2014) Escrito entre 1601 e 1602, Hamlet é um drama de autoria de William Shakespeare. A peça representa a história de Hamlet, príncipe da Dinamarca, que volta ao seu país, depois de ter recebido a notícia da morte de seu pai. Ao retornar ao castelo de Elsenor, percebe que sua mãe, recém-viúva, casou-se com Cláudio, irmão do rei morto, que se apossou do trono do reino. O conflito agrava-se quando o espectro do falecido rei aparece a Hamlet, relatando-lhe que ele havia sido assassinado pelo seu irmão. Hamlet procura vingar a morte de seu pai e combater o usurpador do poder. As consequências do conflito, interno à monarquia dinamarquesa, redundam em sofrimentos, mortes e conquista do país por um exército estrangeiro.

Situando-se a peça na história do período em que foi escrita e analisando-se o seu conteúdo político, pode-se sustentar que

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