Questão 33968

(IME - 2018/2019 - 2ª FASE) 

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          I’m guessing that some younger readers _____21_____ who Hedy Lamarr was. Old-timers remember her as a popular Hollywood star of the mid-20th century. Characterized by MGM studio mogul Louis B. Mayer as “the most beautiful girl in the world,” a title said to originally have been bestowed by stage director Max Reinhardt, she appeared in some 25 Hollywood films between 1938 and 1958.

          _____22____ her fans and many of her Hollywood colleagues was her creative side. They were unaware that ____23_____ the cameras were not rolling, Ms. Lamarr might be at home at her drawing board, diligently working at some concept that might lead to a commercial product or a patentable invention.

          _____24____ an admirer of Hedy Lamarr the movie star (I particularly remember her in “Ziegfeld Girl,” costarring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Lana Turner, and Tony Martin, and “H. M. Pulham, Esq.,” with Robert Young and Van Heflen), I too was unaware of her innovative proclivities until 1984, when historian of cryptology David Kahn authored an article in IEEE Spectrum. It revealed to the uninitiated the existence of a 1941 patent _____25____ to Lamarr and her co-inventor, George Antheil, based on frequency-hopping and titled “Secret Communication System.” World War II ____26_____ in Europe, and Hedy, a native Austrian, left her munitions magnate husband Friedrich Mandl and relocated to the United States in 1937. As Hitler moved relentlessly in his attempt to conquer most of northern Europe, she was appalled by the German U-boat sinking of the SS City of Benarus. (…). She considered quitting the movie business and offering her services to the newly organized National Inventors Council (NIC), _____27____ to evaluate technology that could be useful in wartime, and chaired by inventor Charles Kettering. She did ____28_____, however.

          In Hollywood, Hedy had met George Antheil, not an engineer but a composer with “a fair grasp of electronics,” as historian Kahn expressed it. Antheil joined her in her attempt to devise a jamproof guidance system for Allied torpedoes. A year before Pearl Harbor, she told Antheil she knew “a good deal about new munitions and various secret weapons,” presumably knowledge acquired while she was privy to discussions between Mandl and his munitions agents.

          While not on the movie set, Lamarr would work with Antheil in her apartment to move her idea from concept to a practical system. In her early working documents a reference is made to the 116RX, the 1939 Philco radio console that featured the first wireless remote control (termed the Mystery Control and offering the listener options to select up to eight stations, a volume control, and an off switch). This ____29_____ just one among several inputs that inspired her to ____30_____ the idea she called “hopping of frequencies” (...)

CHRISTIANSEN, D. Adaptado de From Film Star to Frequency-Hopping Inventor. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15/06/2018.




ought to know


must not know


should have known


will have known


may not know


may not know


A alternativa correta é a E) I’m guessing that some younger readers may not know who Hedy Lamarr was. ("Eu estou supondo que alguns leitores mais jovens podem não saber quem foi Hedy Lamarr"). O uso do "guessing" indica uma suposição assim como o uso de "may" também indica uma possibilidade.

As outras alternativas estão incorretas pois não se encaixam nesse contexto,

A) ought to know = deveriam saber.

B) must not know = não devem saber.

C) should have known = deveriam ter sabido.

D) will have known = teriam sabido/saberiam.

Questão 992

(IME 2007) 

O gráfico acima apresenta a velocidade de um objeto em função do tempo. A aceleração média do objeto no intervalo de tempo de 0 a 4t é:   

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Questão 993

(IME 2007) Um cubo de material homogêneo, de lado L = 0,4 m e massa M = 40 kg, está preso  à extremidade superior de uma mola, cuja outra extremidade está fixada no fundo de um recipiente vazio. O peso do cubo provoca na mola uma deformação de 20 cm. Coloca-se água no recipiente até que o cubo fique com a metade de seu volume submerso. Se a massa específica da água é , a deformação da mola passa a ser: 

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Questão 994

(IME 2007)  Uma nave em órbita circular em torno da Terra usa seus motores para assumir uma nova órbita circular a uma distância menor da superfície do planeta. Considerando desprezível a variação da massa do foguete, na nova órbita: 

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Questão 995

(IME 2007) Um gás ideal sofre uma expansão isotérmica, seguida de uma compressão adiabática. A variação total da energia interna do gás poderá ser nula se, dentre as opções abaixo, a transformação seguinte for uma:

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