Questão 48590

(UNESP - 2016 - 2ª fase)

In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon – the Matsés peoples of Brazil and Peru – have created a 500-page encyclopaedia of their traditional medicine all the more remarkable. The encyclopaedia, compiled by five shamans with assistance from conservation group Acaté, details every plant used by Matsés medicine to cure a massive variety of ailments. “The [Matsés Traditional Medicine Encyclopaedia] marks the first time shamans of an Amazonian tribe have created a full and complete transcription of their medicinal knowledge written in their own language and words,” said Christopher Herndon, president and co-founder of Acaté. The Matsés have only printed their encyclopaedia in their native language to ensure that the medicinal knowledge is not stolen by corporations or researchers as has happened in the past. Instead, the encyclopaedia is meant as a guide for training new, young shamans in the tradition and recording the living shamans’ knowledge before they pass. “One of the most renowned elder Matsés healers died before his knowledge could be passed on so the time was now. Acaté and the Matsés leadership decided to prioritize the Encyclopaedia before more of the elders were lost and their ancestral knowledge taken with them,” said Herndon. Acaté has also started a program connecting the remaining Matsés shamans with young students. Through this mentorship program, the indigenous people hope to preserve their way of life as they have for centuries past. “With the medicinal plant knowledge disappearing fast among most indigenous groups and no one to write it down, the true losers in the end are tragically the indigenous stakeholders themselves,” said Herndon. “The methodology developed by the Matsés and Acaté can be a template for other indigenous cultures to safeguard their ancestral knowledge.”



Hugh Baker – Top Commenter

The priority for people supporting the Matsés should be to copyright the encyclopaedia in as many jurisdictions as possible, protecting both the medicinal knowledge and the biological/botanical information, species of plants, fungi, insects and animals that occur in the range of the tribe. Any pharmacological corporations wishing to capitalize on the knowledge would have to pay royalties to the Matsés, and would also need to consult with the Matsés in a meaningful interaction about how they intend to exploit whatever resource in which the company expresses an interest.

(http://news.mongabay.com. Adaptado.)


Explique, de acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, por que a elaboração da Enciclopédia de Medicina Tradicional da tribo Matsés é um feito notável.

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Questão 48595

(UNESP - 2016 - 2ª fase)

In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon – the Matsés peoples of Brazil and Peru – have created a 500-page encyclopaedia of their traditional medicine all the more remarkable. The encyclopaedia, compiled by five shamans with assistance from conservation group Acaté, details every plant used by Matsés medicine to cure a massive variety of ailments. “The [Matsés Traditional Medicine Encyclopaedia] marks the first time shamans of an Amazonian tribe have created a full and complete transcription of their medicinal knowledge written in their own language and words,” said Christopher Herndon, president and co-founder of Acaté. The Matsés have only printed their encyclopaedia in their native language to ensure that the medicinal knowledge is not stolen by corporations or researchers as has happened in the past. Instead, the encyclopaedia is meant as a guide for training new, young shamans in the tradition and recording the living shamans’ knowledge before they pass. “One of the most renowned elder Matsés healers died before his knowledge could be passed on so the time was now. Acaté and the Matsés leadership decided to prioritize the Encyclopaedia before more of the elders were lost and their ancestral knowledge taken with them,” said Herndon. Acaté has also started a program connecting the remaining Matsés shamans with young students. Through this mentorship program, the indigenous people hope to preserve their way of life as they have for centuries past. “With the medicinal plant knowledge disappearing fast among most indigenous groups and no one to write it down, the true losers in the end are tragically the indigenous stakeholders themselves,” said Herndon. “The methodology developed by the Matsés and Acaté can be a template for other indigenous cultures to safeguard their ancestral knowledge.”



Hugh Baker – Top Commenter

The priority for people supporting the Matsés should be to copyright the encyclopaedia in as many jurisdictions as possible, protecting both the medicinal knowledge and the biological/botanical information, species of plants, fungi, insects and animals that occur in the range of the tribe. Any pharmacological corporations wishing to capitalize on the knowledge would have to pay royalties to the Matsés, and would also need to consult with the Matsés in a meaningful interaction about how they intend to exploit whatever resource in which the company expresses an interest.

(http://news.mongabay.com. Adaptado.)



Quais as razões, segundo o texto, que levaram a tribo Matsés a escrever e imprimir a Enciclopédia de Medicina Tradicional em sua própria língua?

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Questão 48596

(UNESP - 2016 - 2ª fase)

In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon – the Matsés peoples of Brazil and Peru – have created a 500-page encyclopaedia of their traditional medicine all the more remarkable. The encyclopaedia, compiled by five shamans with assistance from conservation group Acaté, details every plant used by Matsés medicine to cure a massive variety of ailments. “The [Matsés Traditional Medicine Encyclopaedia] marks the first time shamans of an Amazonian tribe have created a full and complete transcription of their medicinal knowledge written in their own language and words,” said Christopher Herndon, president and co-founder of Acaté. The Matsés have only printed their encyclopaedia in their native language to ensure that the medicinal knowledge is not stolen by corporations or researchers as has happened in the past. Instead, the encyclopaedia is meant as a guide for training new, young shamans in the tradition and recording the living shamans’ knowledge before they pass. “One of the most renowned elder Matsés healers died before his knowledge could be passed on so the time was now. Acaté and the Matsés leadership decided to prioritize the Encyclopaedia before more of the elders were lost and their ancestral knowledge taken with them,” said Herndon. Acaté has also started a program connecting the remaining Matsés shamans with young students. Through this mentorship program, the indigenous people hope to preserve their way of life as they have for centuries past. “With the medicinal plant knowledge disappearing fast among most indigenous groups and no one to write it down, the true losers in the end are tragically the indigenous stakeholders themselves,” said Herndon. “The methodology developed by the Matsés and Acaté can be a template for other indigenous cultures to safeguard their ancestral knowledge.”



Hugh Baker – Top Commenter

The priority for people supporting the Matsés should be to copyright the encyclopaedia in as many jurisdictions as possible, protecting both the medicinal knowledge and the biological/botanical information, species of plants, fungi, insects and animals that occur in the range of the tribe. Any pharmacological corporations wishing to capitalize on the knowledge would have to pay royalties to the Matsés, and would also need to consult with the Matsés in a meaningful interaction about how they intend to exploit whatever resource in which the company expresses an interest.

(http://news.mongabay.com. Adaptado.)


O que motivou o grupo ambientalista Acaté e os cinco pajés a organizarem a Enciclopédia de Medicina Tradicional da tribo Matsés?

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Questão 48597

(UNESP - 2016 - 2ª fase)

In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon – the Matsés peoples of Brazil and Peru – have created a 500-page encyclopaedia of their traditional medicine all the more remarkable. The encyclopaedia, compiled by five shamans with assistance from conservation group Acaté, details every plant used by Matsés medicine to cure a massive variety of ailments. “The [Matsés Traditional Medicine Encyclopaedia] marks the first time shamans of an Amazonian tribe have created a full and complete transcription of their medicinal knowledge written in their own language and words,” said Christopher Herndon, president and co-founder of Acaté. The Matsés have only printed their encyclopaedia in their native language to ensure that the medicinal knowledge is not stolen by corporations or researchers as has happened in the past. Instead, the encyclopaedia is meant as a guide for training new, young shamans in the tradition and recording the living shamans’ knowledge before they pass. “One of the most renowned elder Matsés healers died before his knowledge could be passed on so the time was now. Acaté and the Matsés leadership decided to prioritize the Encyclopaedia before more of the elders were lost and their ancestral knowledge taken with them,” said Herndon. Acaté has also started a program connecting the remaining Matsés shamans with young students. Through this mentorship program, the indigenous people hope to preserve their way of life as they have for centuries past. “With the medicinal plant knowledge disappearing fast among most indigenous groups and no one to write it down, the true losers in the end are tragically the indigenous stakeholders themselves,” said Herndon. “The methodology developed by the Matsés and Acaté can be a template for other indigenous cultures to safeguard their ancestral knowledge.”



Hugh Baker – Top Commenter

The priority for people supporting the Matsés should be to copyright the encyclopaedia in as many jurisdictions as possible, protecting both the medicinal knowledge and the biological/botanical information, species of plants, fungi, insects and animals that occur in the range of the tribe. Any pharmacological corporations wishing to capitalize on the knowledge would have to pay royalties to the Matsés, and would also need to consult with the Matsés in a meaningful interaction about how they intend to exploit whatever resource in which the company expresses an interest.

(http://news.mongabay.com. Adaptado.)


Quais as sugestões apresentadas por Hugh Baker em seu comentário ao texto?

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Questão 49780

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE)

Texto 1

Se dois homens desejam a mesma coisa, ao mesmo tempo que é impossível ela ser gozada por ambos, eles tornam-se inimigos. E no caminho para seu fim (que é princi palmente sua própria conservação, e às vezes apenas seu deleite) esforçam-se por se destruir ou subjugar um ao outro. E disto se segue que, quando um invasor nada mais tem a recear do que o poder de um único outro homem, se alguém planta, semeia, constrói ou possui um lugar conveniente, é provável de esperar que outros venham preparados com forças conjugadas, para desapossá-lo e privá-lo, não apenas do fruto de seu trabalho, mas também de sua vida e de sua liberdade. Por sua vez, o invasor ficará no mesmo perigo em relação aos outros.

(Thomas Hobbes. Leviatã [publicado originalmente em 1651], 1999. Adaptado.)


Texto 2

Anarquismo é a doutrina segundo a qual o indivíduo é a única realidade, que deve ser absolutamente livre e que qualquer restrição que lhe seja imposta é ilegítima. Costuma-se atribuir a Proudhon (1809-1865) o nasci - mento do Anarquismo. Sua principal preocupação foi mostrar que a justiça não pode ser imposta ao indivíduo, mas é uma faculdade do eu individual que, sem sair do seu foro interior, sente a dignidade da pessoa do próximo como a sua própria e, portanto, adapta-se à realidade coletiva mesmo conservando a sua individualidade.

(Nicola Abbagnano. Dicionário de Filosofia, 2000. Adaptado.)


Qual foi a solução proposta por Hobbes para a resolução do problema exposto no texto 1? Explique a principal diferença entre Hobbes e a doutrina anarquista de Proudhon quanto à organização política.

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Questão 49782

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE)

Suponhamos, pois, que a mente é um papel em branco, desprovida de todos os caracteres, sem nenhuma ideia; como ela será suprida? De onde lhe provém este vasto estoque, que a ativa e ilimitada fantasia do homem pintou nela com uma variedade quase infinita? De onde apreende todos os materiais da razão e do conhecimento? A isso respondo, numa palavra: da experiência. Todo o nosso conhecimento está nela fundado, e dela deriva fundamentalmente o próprio conhecimento.

(John Locke. Ensaio acerca do entendimento humano [publicado originalmente em 1690], 1999. Adaptado.)


Qual é a interpretação de Locke sobre as ideias inatas? Explique quais foram as implicações do pensamento desse filósofo no que se refere à metafísica.

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Questão 49783

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE)

A discussão sobre a relação arte-sociedade levou a duas atitudes filosóficas opostas: a que afirma que a arte só é arte se for pura, isto é, se não estiver preocupada com as circunstâncias históricas, sociais, econômicas e políticas. Trata-se da defesa da “arte pela arte”. A outra afirma que o valor da obra de arte decorre de seu compromisso crítico diante das circunstâncias presentes. Trata-se da “arte engajada”, na qual o artista toma posição diante de sua sociedade, lutando para transformá-la e melhorá-la, e para conscientizar as pessoas sobre as injustiças e as opressões do presente.

(Marilena Chauí. Convite à Filosofia, 1994.)


Considerando o conceito de indústria cultural formulado pelos filósofos Adorno e Horkheimer, explique as modificações ocorridas na relação entre arte e sociedade quando comparadas com a concepção purista da “arte pela arte” e com a concepção “engajada”.

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Questão 49785

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE) 

Texto 1

Diversamente do idealismo, o positivismo reivindica o primado da ciência: nós conhecemos somente aquilo que as ciências nos dão a conhecer, pois o único método de conhecimento é o das ciências naturais. O positivismo não apenas afirma a unidade do método científico e o primado desse método como instrumento de conhecimento, mas também exalta a ciência como o único meio em condições de resolver, ao longo do tempo, todos os problemas humanos e sociais que até então haviam atormentado a humanidade.

(Giovanni Reale e Dario Antiseri. História da Filosofia, vol. 3, 1999. Adaptado.)


Texto 2

Basta, portanto, que os homens sejam considerados coisas para que se tornem manipuláveis, submetidos à ditadura racionalizada moderna que encontra seu apogeu no campo de concentração. Assim, a nova crise da razão é interna e traz subitamente à luz, no cerne da racionalização, a presença destrutiva da desrazão. Já não é apenas a suficiência e a insuficiência da razão que estão em causa, é a irracionalidade do racionalismo e da racionalização. Essa irracionalidade pode devorar a razão sem que ela se dê conta.

(Edgar Morin. Ciência com consciência, 1996. Adaptado.)


Considerando a análise realizada por Edgar Morin sobre as tendências irracionais da razão, explique sua importância para uma crítica ao otimismo positivista diante da ciência

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Questão 49818

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE) Em moscas de frutas Drosophila melanogaster, o sexo é determinado segundo o sistema XY. A cor dos olhos nessa espécie é determinada por alelos localizados no cromossomo X. O alelo dominante B confere cor vermelha aos olhos da mosca e o alelo recessivo b, cor branca.

O cruzamento de uma fêmea de olhos vermelhos com um macho de olhos vermelhos resultou em uma geração constituída por 75% de indivíduos de olhos vermelhos e 25% de olhos brancos. Determine o genótipo da fêmea deste cruzamento e o sexo dos descendentes de olhos brancos.

Em outro cruzamento, uma fêmea de olhos brancos foi fecundada por um macho de olhos vermelhos. Dos descendentes obtidos, foi realizado o cruzamento de uma fêmea com um macho, que deu origem a uma população de 100 indivíduos.

Qual a porcentagem de machos de olhos brancos e a porcentagem de fêmeas de olhos brancos esperadas nessa população?

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Questão 49828

(UNESP - 2016/2 - 2 FASE) Pesquisadores da Universidade de Harvard investigaram o efeito invasivo da planta Alliaria petiolata sobre o crescimento de mudas de árvores nativas que apresentam raízes em associação com fungos micorrizas. Eles sabiam que a Alliaria petiolata não se associa às micorrizas. Em um experimento, eles cultivaram mudas de três espécies de árvores: Acersaccharum, Acer rubrum e Faxinus americana em quatro tipos de solos diferentes, garantindo que as demais condições ambientais fossem as mesmas. Duas das amostras de solo foram coletadas de um local invadido por Alliaria petiolata, sendo que uma dessas amostras foi esterilizada. As outras duas amostras de solo foram recolhidas de um local não invadido por Alliaria petiolata, sendo uma delas esterilizada. Depois de quatro meses de crescimento, os pesquisadores colheram brotos e raízes de todas as plantas e determinaram o aumento de biomassa seca. As raízes também foram analisadas em relação à porcentagem de colonização por micorrizas.

Que efeito a Alliaria petiolata causa sobre a colonização das raízes por micorrizas e qual a vantagem deste efeito para a Alliaria petiolata? Como a associação entre as micorrizas e as raízes das mudas influencia o aumento da biomassa seca? Qual vantagem as micorrizas obtêm com essa associação?

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