Questão 29065

(Uemg 2010)

American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. A musical prodigy, Michael’s singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5.

As the Jackson 5, 1they became a cutting-edge example of black crossover artists. “You basically had five working-class black boys with Afros and bell bottoms, and they really didn’t have to trade any of that stuff in order to become mainstream stars. Young Michael Jackson was the first black ‘bubblegum teen star’. He became one of the first African-Americans to be a global icon”, said Mark Anthony Neal, a professor of black popular culture at Duke University’s Department of African and African American Studies.

Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. 2Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, “Thriller” in 1982. From his precocious abilities as a young singer in The Jackson 5 to his legendary “moon-walk” dance, Jackson continued as a pioneer in the black culture when he broke barriers by appearing on MTV and had much better luck with elaborate music videos. The former president of CBS Records, Walter Yetnikoff, remembered with scorn that MTV would not play “Billie Jean” or “Beat It” because it billed itself as a rock station.

Michael Jackson co-wrote with Lionel Richie, “We Are the World,” a 1985 charity single that raised an estimated $50 million for famine relief in Africa, ushered in Live Aid and the era of celebrity philanthropy. Michael Jackson was the supreme showman who had an unrivalled knack of grabbing headlines.

Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama. Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics and in television. And no controversy will erase the historic impact. He also influenced a new generation of black musicians, including Usher, Ne-Yo and Kanye West.

Jackson’s changing physical appearance in the past two decades led to criticism that he was trying to be less black. But during a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Jackson shot down rumors that he was dying his skin to make it lighter. He told the talk show host that he had vitiligo, a disorder that destroyed his skin pigmentation.

Total worldwide sales of more than 350 million records over his 40-year career give just a hint of the adoration there was for the “King of Pop”. On June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was just coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert in July seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were “the day Michael died” and he will be remembered as a musical hero - but also a man with human flaws.

Adapted from and The Internet Movie


In the sentence “Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, ‘Thriller’ in 1982,” (ref. 2) the biggest is


a comparative.


a superlative.


an adverb.


none of the above.


a superlative.




Espera-se que o candidato reconheça a forma superlativa "the biggest": o(a) maior (de todos) ("big", adjetivo de uma única sílaba, terminando em consoante/vogal/consoante, tem seu superlativo formado dobrando-se a consoante final e acrescentando-se "est").  

Questão 1818


Assinale a alternativa em que o(s) termo(s) em negrito do fragmento citado NÃO contém (êm) traço(s) da função emotiva da linguagem.


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Questão 2323

(Uemg 2010) Leia atentamente os versos a seguir e, depois, faça o que é pedido.

Eu sei que vou te amar

Eu sei que vou te amar

Por toda a minha vida eu vou te amar

Em cada despedida, eu vou te amar

Desesperadamente, eu sei que vou te amar

E cada verso meu será

Pra te dizer

Que eu sei que vou te amar

Por toda a minha vida

Eu sei que vou chorar

A cada ausência tua, eu vou chorar

Mas cada volta tua há de apagar

O que esta tua ausência me causou

Eu sei que vou sofrer

A eterna desventura de viver

À espera de viver ao lado teu

Por toda a minha vida

(Vinícius de Morais e Tom Jobim)

No texto dessa letra de música (MPB), observa-se a presença da linguagem coloquial, quando o leitor verifica

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Questão 2328

(Uemg 2015) Considerando a análise de aspectos linguísticos dos trechos abaixo, extraídos da obra “Você Verá”, marque (V) para os comentários verdadeiros e (F) para os falsos. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA.

( ) Em “Acho a astrologia a ciência dos tolos, e, até prova em contrário, não me considero um deles.” Houve um desvio da norma padrão, que prescreve como certa a expressão “até provem o contrário”, em substituição à expressão sublinhada.

( ) Em “Foi um morticínio, uma coisa que ninguém na região nunca vira(...)”, a palavra morticínio significa assassinato em série.

morticínio significa assassinato em série.

( ) O que aconteceu com o nome do narrador do conto Bem - Stanislaw > Lauro > Lau > Stan - é um fenômeno linguístico semelhante ao ocorrido com o pronome de tratamento Vossa Mercê - Vosmecê > você > cê.

( ) Em “(...) que direito tinha o Bem de se tornar milionário?”, o pronome sublinhado aparece anteposto ao verbo (próclise), uma vez que a preposição o atrai, segundo a norma padrão.

( ) Em “(...) quando a mãe a levava à matinê.” e “(...) pois ainda escutava em mim as risadas”, os pronomes sublinhados são classificados, respectivamente, como oblíquo  átono e oblíquo tônico.

( ) Em “Minha mãe sempre dizia: 'Deus protege quem trabalha’”, a regência do verbo proteger não está de acordo com a norma padrão, uma vez que ele é transitivo indireto e, por isso, rege preposição, como em: 'Deus protege a quem trabalha’”.


A sequência correta é

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Questão 3253

(UEMG - 2013)

The Birth of a Storyteller

Jackie Torrence spent her childhood in North Carolina, in the southern part of the United States. She was a shy child because she had problems with her teeth, which made it hard for her to talk. Other children teased her because of her speech problem, so she spent much of her childhood playing alone. One of Jackie’s favorite games was to pretend she was on television. She told stories out loud using gestures and dramatic voices. At school, Jackie soon learned that she was good at writing stories, and with the help of her favorite teacher, she started to work on improving her speech.

Jackie’s first storytelling performance was in a library. She was working as a librarian and was asked to entertain a group of children. Jackie told them a story and they loved it! Before long, she began telling stories within her community. Many of her stories came from old American and African-American folktales. Eventually, she started telling stories across North America.

As Jackie’s fame increased, her health decreased. She now has to use a wheelchair, but this has not stopped her storytelling career. Jackie’s stories have been published in books, magazines, and newspapers and she has appeared on radio and television. She has won awards for nine of her sound recordings and three of her television specials.

Adapted from NorthStar 3: Listening and Speaking, 2nd Edition (Longman, p. 57), Helen S. Solórzano and Jennifer P. L. Schmidt.


In the sentence, “She has won awards for nine of her sound recordings and three of her television specials”, the underlined expression shows that  

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