(EEAR - 2019)
Read the text and complete the blanks with the appropriate verbs.
Dear John,
How are you? Here I am in Mayflower in an English class with my cousin. Here in Mayflower the students __________ to school in the morning, but in Brazil __________ the option to study during the morning or after lunch. I think this option __________ because of the weather: in Brazil the sun is up early so people start the day earlier.
I miss you and I hope to see you soon.
goes / there are / happened
go / there is / happens
goes / have / happens
go / got / happen
go / there is / happens
A alternativa [B] deve ser escolhida, pois completa corretamente as lacunas. Pelo fato de o texto possuir um caráter descritivo e narrativo, o tempo verbal a ser usado deve ser o simple present. A alternativa [C] está errada, porque apesar de possuir verbos no simple present, a concordância verbal não foi utilizada adequadamente.
(EEAR - 2016) Dada a reta r : 2x - 3y + 5 = 0 e o ponto P(5, 6), a distância de P à reta r é
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(EEAR - 2016) A reta s que passa por P(1, 6) e é perpendicular a r : y = x + 3 é