
Questão 69887


(FCM - PB - 2012/1)

“El corazón humano genera tanta presión cuando bombea la sangre, que podría arrojarla hasta 10 metros de distancia.

Con sus aproximadamente 300 gramos de peso, un corazón de un promedio de vida de 70 años realiza un trabajo suficiente para subir cinco vagones cargados desde el nivel del mar hasta la cima del monte Everest.

Además, el corazón podría impulsar por las venas, en el tiempo mencionado, alrededor de 15 millones de litros de líquido”.

(FLORES y SILVA. Uno modular. In: www.quecurioso.com.ar.)

“[...] bombea la sangre [...]” es un sustantivo que cambia de género en español. Señala la alternativa en que ocurre idéntico fenómeno lingüístico:

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Questão 70075

(CEFET/MG - 2012) O país nasce a partir de um acordo de paz firmado em 2005, após 12 anos de uma guerra civil que deixou 1,5 milhão de mortos. Apesar de possuir grandes reservas de petróleo, eIe surge como um dos Estados mais pobres do mundo. Sua independência está sendo celebrada sem que as fronteiras entre o sul e o norte já estejam completamente definidas.

Fonte: NASSIF Luis, Online. Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 set. 2011. (Adaptado)

Nesse contexto, as informações referem-se à criação da(o)

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Questão 70766


(FCM PB - 2012/2)

Researchers from Brazilian museum Emílio Goeldi, in the northern state of Pará, have launched an ambitious project: Making each of the thousands of animal and plant species that inhabit the Amazon forest available on the Internet. At the moment, the Center of Biodiversity has a list of some 3,000 species, from mammals to spiders, all of which are native to Pará. In the new list, researchers want to include images and sounds of each species. The Amazon forest project is intended to eventually be expanded to include other Brazilian states, as well as neighboring countries, like Peru and Colombia. Even in groups which have been broadly studied, such as mammals and birds, about 10% of Amazonian species are still unknown. ―And there are lots more if you think of reptiles and amphibians‖, says biologist Ulisses Galatti, one of the project’s coordinators. In addition to the website, the Goeldi Museum will publish a book named ―Species of the Millennium‖, which tallies the 130 new discoveries made by the museum researchers between 2000 and 2011.

(Adapted from: Folha de São Paulo, Maio/2012)

Choose the appropriate question tag for the following sentence:

“Researchers want to include images and sounds of each species, ____________?”

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