Questão 3291

(Mackenzie - 1996) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences.


I - Study harder;________ you'll fail.

II - I know nothing about it;________, I can't help you.

III -The editors continue to publish,________ irregularly, two journals.

IV - ________being a good actor, he is also an excellent soccer player.           

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Questão 3424

(PUC - PR - 1996) Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue below:


Mr. Wilson is applying for a job. Right now, he is being interviewed by Mrs. Taylor, head of the personnel department.

Mrs. Taylor: ______ is your full name, please?

Mr. Wilson: Thomas Wilson.

Mrs. Taylor: ______ are you from?

Mr. Wilson: Canada.

Mrs. Taylor: ______ were you born?

Mr. Wilson: I was born on March 7, 1956.

Mrs. Taylor: ______ did you know about our job offer?

Mr. Wilson: Through the ad you put in the newspaper.

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Questão 3426

(UEL - 1996)


"Did you like the film?"

"No, not very    (I)   "

"   (II)    was wrong with it?"

"The actors were good but the story was too sentimental."


Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) da frase apresentada.

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Questão 3427

(UFV - 1996) 

ASTROLOGY: Fact or Fiction?

Scientists have for many years denounced astrology as unscientific, and there is no doubt that many so-called astrological "facts" are nonsense. But the question still remains, is there perhaps some truth in what astrologers say?

Some years ago two French psychologists found evidence for a marked relationship between people's personality and the position of certain planets at the moment of their birth.

Personality questionnaires were sent out to more than 2000 men and women without prior selection; when they were returned, the birth dates were noted and the results were put through a computer. Many astrological predictions about the relationship between personality and birth dates did, in fact, begin to emerge very clearly. Hence three main groups were selected for special study, namely sportsmen, actors and scientists. Astrological expectations had suggested a connection between the competitive, assertive personality of the sportsman and the "war-like" planet Mars. Similarly the scientist, reserved and serious, had been connected with the "grave" planet Saturn, and the social, expansive nature of the actor was linked with the "jovial" planet Jupiter.

Much to the surprise of everyone, the remarkable conclusion of the research showed that people of a certain group actually were born "under" a particular planet: sportsmen under Mars, scientists under Saturn and actors under Jupiter. By "under" is meant that they were born just after the rise of the planet or just before it set. To calculate these coincidences the place of birth of the people concerned had to be known, as well as the precise time of day when they were born.

One further fact emerged very clearly from this research and that was that people who were born under the "water signs" of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio showed a marked tendency to be very emotional - thus confirming another claim made by astrologers.


According to the text, to calculate which planet a person was born under, the astrologer needed to know:    

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Questão 3484

(Mackenzie - 1996)

Choose the correct alternative.

Change the following sentence to the Reported Speech: "ARE THERE ANY MESSAGES FOR ME?, said Helen." 

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Questão 3565

(Faap 1996) Uma estufa para flores, construída em alvenaria, com cobertura de vidro, mantém a temperatura interior bem mais elevada do que a exterior. Das seguintes afirmações:

I. O calor entra por condução e sai muito pouco por convecção.

II. O calor entra por radiação e sai muito pouco por convecção.

III. O calor entra por radiação e sai muito pouco por condução.

IV. O calor entra por condução e convecção e só pode sair por radiação.

A(s) alternativa(s) que pode(m) justificar a elevada temperatura do interior da estufa é(são):


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Questão 3667

(Ufpe 1996) Um terremoto normalmente dá origem a dois tipos de ondas, s e p, que se propagam pelo solo com velocidades distintas. No gráfico a seguir está representada a variação no tempo da distância percorrida por cada uma das ondas a partir do epicentro do terremoto. Com quantos minutos de diferença essas ondas atingirão uma cidade situada a 1500 km de distância do ponto 0?

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Questão 3692

(Fatec 1996) Dados os vetores A, B e C, representados na figura em que cada quadrícula apresenta lado correspondente a uma unidade de medida, é correto afirmar que a resultante dos vetores tem módulo:


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Questão 3710

(Fuvest 1996) Dois vagões de massa M1 e M2 estão interligados por uma mola de massa desprezível e o conjunto é puxado ao longo de trilhos retilíneos e horizontais por uma força que tem a direção dos trilhos. Tanto o módulo da força quanto o comprimento da mola podem variar com o tempo. Num determinado instante os módulos da força e da aceleração do vagão de massa M1 valem, respectivamente F e a1, tendo ambas o mesmo sentido. O módulo da aceleração do vagão de massa M2 nesse mesmo instante, vale

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Questão 3711

(Fuvest 1996) Um corpo C de massa igual a 3 kg está em equilíbrio estático sobre um plano inclinado, suspenso por um fio de massa desprezível preso a uma mola fixa ao solo, como mostra a figura a seguir. O comprimento natural da mola (sem carga) é L0 = 1,2 m e ao sustentar estaticamente o corpo ela se distende, atingindo o comprimento L = 1,5 m. Os possíveis atritos podem ser desprezados. A constante elástica da mola, em N/m, vale então

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