Questão 51564

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) O texto abaixo reproduz uma fala de Ellen Orford, uma personagem da ópera Peter Grimes, escrita pelo britânico Benjamim Britten (Libreto Montagu Slater, ato II, cena I). Leia-o e responda à questão.

When fi rst I started teaching
the life at school to me seemed bleak and empty…
But soon I found a way of knowing children,
found the woes of little people
hurt more, but are more simple.

a) Qual é a profissão de Ellen e quais foram as primeiras impressões que teve de seu trabalho?
b) O que a personagem descobriu sobre os desgostos, as mágoas das crianças?

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Questão 51567

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) No ano passado, o furacão Katrina – que atingiu e devastou várias cidades do sul dos Estados Unidos – destacou-se como matéria para o humor de muitos cartunistas norte-americanos. The Akron Beacon Journal, por exemplo, publicou, em 30/08/2005, a tirinha abaixo, de Chip Bok. Com base nela, responda à questão.

a) Que efeitos do Katrina estão sendo noticiados na tirinha?
b) Explicite o comportamento humano que a tirinha põe em evidência.

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Questão 51568

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage birth rates in the USA have declined steadily since 1991. While this is good news, teen birth rates in this country remain high, exceeding those in most developed countries. High teen birth rates are an important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risks to their health, and their opportunities to build a future are diminished.

• Between 1991 and 2002, the teenage birth rate fell by 30 percent. Still, in 2002, about 4 teenage girls in 100 had a baby.

• About 11 percent of all U.S. births in 2002 were to teens (ages 15 to 19) and about 17 percent of teen mothers go on to have a second baby within three years after the birth of their first baby.

• A teenage mother is at greater risk than women over age 20 for pregnancy complications such as pregnancy-induced anemia and high blood pressure. Teens that are under 15 years old also may be more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy complications as mothers ages 20 to 24.

• Teen mothers are more likely than mothers over age 20 to give birth prematurely. In 2002, 9.6 percent of mothers ages 15 to 19 years had a low birth weight baby (under 5.5 pounds), compared to 7.8 percent for mothers of all ages. Low birth weight babies may have organs that are not fully developed. This can lead to chronic lung problems, or bleeding in the brain, blindness and serious intestinal problems. Low birth weight babies are more than 20 times as likely to die in their first year of life as normal weight babies.

• Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. With her education cut short, a teenage mother may lack job skills, making it hard for her to find and keep a job. A teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare.

Adaptado de www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1159.asp

Segundo o texto, quais são os riscos de uma gravidez na adolescência para a saúde da mulher?

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Questão 51569

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage birth rates in the USA have declined steadily since 1991. While this is good news, teen birth rates in this country remain high, exceeding those in most developed countries. High teen birth rates are an important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risks to their health, and their opportunities to build a future are diminished.

• Between 1991 and 2002, the teenage birth rate fell by 30 percent. Still, in 2002, about 4 teenage girls in 100 had a baby.

• About 11 percent of all U.S. births in 2002 were to teens (ages 15 to 19) and about 17 percent of teen mothers go on to have a second baby within three years after the birth of their first baby.

• A teenage mother is at greater risk than women over age 20 for pregnancy complications such as pregnancy-induced anemia and high blood pressure. Teens that are under 15 years old also may be more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy complications as mothers ages 20 to 24.

• Teen mothers are more likely than mothers over age 20 to give birth prematurely. In 2002, 9.6 percent of mothers ages 15 to 19 years had a low birth weight baby (under 5.5 pounds), compared to 7.8 percent for mothers of all ages. Low birth weight babies may have organs that are not fully developed. This can lead to chronic lung problems, or bleeding in the brain, blindness and serious intestinal problems. Low birth weight babies are more than 20 times as likely to die in their first year of life as normal weight babies.

• Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. With her education cut short, a teenage mother may lack job skills, making it hard for her to find and keep a job. A teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare.

Adaptado de www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1159.asp

Entre os problemas gerados pela gravidez precoce, o estudo registra o nascimento de bebês de baixo peso. De acordo com o texto, que problemas de saúde podem acometer esses bebês? Por quê?

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Questão 51570

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage birth rates in the USA have declined steadily since 1991. While this is good news, teen birth rates in this country remain high, exceeding those in most developed countries. High teen birth rates are an important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risks to their health, and their opportunities to build a future are diminished.

• Between 1991 and 2002, the teenage birth rate fell by 30 percent. Still, in 2002, about 4 teenage girls in 100 had a baby.

• About 11 percent of all U.S. births in 2002 were to teens (ages 15 to 19) and about 17 percent of teen mothers go on to have a second baby within three years after the birth of their first baby.

• A teenage mother is at greater risk than women over age 20 for pregnancy complications such as pregnancy-induced anemia and high blood pressure. Teens that are under 15 years old also may be more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy complications as mothers ages 20 to 24.

• Teen mothers are more likely than mothers over age 20 to give birth prematurely. In 2002, 9.6 percent of mothers ages 15 to 19 years had a low birth weight baby (under 5.5 pounds), compared to 7.8 percent for mothers of all ages. Low birth weight babies may have organs that are not fully developed. This can lead to chronic lung problems, or bleeding in the brain, blindness and serious intestinal problems. Low birth weight babies are more than 20 times as likely to die in their first year of life as normal weight babies.

• Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. With her education cut short, a teenage mother may lack job skills, making it hard for her to find and keep a job. A teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare.

Adaptado de www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1159.asp

A gravidez prematura faz com que muitas adolescentes abandonem seus estudos. Quais são, segundo o texto, as possíveis conseqüências desse fato?

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Questão 51571

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda à questão.

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage birth rates in the USA have declined steadily since 1991. While this is good news, teen birth rates in this country remain high, exceeding those in most developed countries. High teen birth rates are an important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risks to their health, and their opportunities to build a future are diminished.

• Between 1991 and 2002, the teenage birth rate fell by 30 percent. Still, in 2002, about 4 teenage girls in 100 had a baby.

• About 11 percent of all U.S. births in 2002 were to teens (ages 15 to 19) and about 17 percent of teen mothers go on to have a second baby within three years after the birth of their first baby.

• A teenage mother is at greater risk than women over age 20 for pregnancy complications such as pregnancy-induced anemia and high blood pressure. Teens that are under 15 years old also may be more than twice as likely to die of pregnancy complications as mothers ages 20 to 24.

• Teen mothers are more likely than mothers over age 20 to give birth prematurely. In 2002, 9.6 percent of mothers ages 15 to 19 years had a low birth weight baby (under 5.5 pounds), compared to 7.8 percent for mothers of all ages. Low birth weight babies may have organs that are not fully developed. This can lead to chronic lung problems, or bleeding in the brain, blindness and serious intestinal problems. Low birth weight babies are more than 20 times as likely to die in their first year of life as normal weight babies.

• Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school than girls who delay childbearing. With her education cut short, a teenage mother may lack job skills, making it hard for her to find and keep a job. A teenage mother may become financially dependent on her family or on welfare.

Adaptado de www.marchofdimes.com/professionals/681_1159.asp

Os índices “30%”, “17%” e “9,6%” são mencionados em diferentes passagens do texto. O que esses índices mostram, respectivamente?

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Questão 51572

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Os quatro adesivos para carros reproduzidos abaixo (www.bumperart.com) contêm mensagens feministas. Leia-os e responda à questão.

a) Qual dos quatros adesivos sugere que as mulheres não precisam dos homens? Justifique sua resposta.
b) Indique o número do adesivo que também pode ser lido como machista.

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Questão 51574

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questão.

The predominant paradigms of analysis of the spread of English around the world have by and large failed to problematize the causes and implications of this spread. The spread of English is taken to be natural, neutral, and beneficial. More critical analysis, however, show that English threatens other languages, acts as a gatekeeper to positions of wealth and prestige both within nations and between nations and is the language through which much of the unequal distribution of resources and knowledge operates. Furthermore, its spread has not been the coincidental by-product of changing global relations but rather the deliberate policy of English-speaking countries protecting and promoting their economic and political interests

A. Pennycook, “English in the world / The world in English”, in J.W. Tollefson (org.) Power and Inequality in Language Education. Cambridge: CUP, 1995:54

Segundo o texto, o que provocou a expansão da língua inglesa no mundo contemporâneo?

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Questão 51575

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questão.

The predominant paradigms of analysis of the spread of English around the world have by and large failed to problematize the causes and implications of this spread. The spread of English is taken to be natural, neutral, and benefi cial. More critical analysis, however, show that English threatens other languages, acts as a gatekeeper to positions of wealth and prestige both within nations and between nations and is the language through which much of the unequal distribution of resources and knowledge operates. Furthermore, its spread has not been the coincidental by-product of changing global relations but rather the deliberate policy of English-speaking countries protecting and promoting their economic and political interests

A. Pennycook, “English in the world / The world in English”, in J.W. Tollefson (org.) Power and Inequality in Language Education. Cambridge: CUP, 1995:54

Além de afi rmar que o inglês ameaça outras línguas e é, em grande parte, responsável pela distribuição desigual de recursos e conhecimento, que outro argumento é utilizado pelo autor do texto para se contrapor àqueles que consideram benéfi ca a expansão da língua inglesa?

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Questão 51576

(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questão.


Fascinating facts about the invention of the Blue Jeans by Levi Strauss in 1873

The Gold Rush of 1848 attracted many adventurers to California. One of them was a twenty-year-old named Levi Strauss. Strauss had been a draper, or cloth seller, in New York, and he took a few bolts of cloth to sell on the journey west.
In this manner he earned his way, and by the time he reached California, Levi Strauss had sold everything except a roll of canvas. No one wanted clothes made of canvas!
Or did they? It turned out that “up in the diggings,” where the miners worked, pants wore out very quickly. So Strauss made some pairs of canvas trousers to sell to miners. More and more miners were coming to Strauss and asking him for a pair of those canvas trousers. Not entirely happy with canvas, Levi started using a new fabric from Genoa, Italy. The weavers there called the fabric “genes”. Strauss
changed the name to “jeans” and later he called his pants “Levi’s”. They were popular with cowboys as well as miners. Today, called Levi’s or blue jeans, they are popular with men, women, and children in many countries of the globe

 www.ideafinder.com, acessado em 24/01/2003.

a) Como Strauss conseguiu chegar à Califórnia?

b) Para quem Strauss vendeu calças feitas de lona? Por quê?

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