Questão 24875

(UEFS - 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.

HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative words.

I. _______ have scientists worked with human embryonic stem cells? This is the first time.

II. _______ is likely to profit from human embryonic stem cells? Patients with Alzheimer and diabetes, for example.

III. _______ cells could be replaced by human embryonic stem cells? Those of the blood, skin, heart, and others.

IV. _______ do humans need to start reproducing themselves? Among other things, a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin and the womb of a surrogate mother.

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is

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Questão 24876

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.
HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

Considering the possibility of human cloning, the American scientists mentioned in the text

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Questão 24877

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.
HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

The text says that anyone who could afford a well-equipped laboratory would be able to clone a baby by

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Questão 24878

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.
HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

According to the text, bioethicists

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Questão 24879

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.
HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

The only alternative without a pair of opposites is

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Questão 24880

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

For the first time, scientists have created human embryos that are genetic copies of living people and used them to make stem cells — a feat that paves the way for treating a range of diseases with personalized body 5 tissues but also ignites fears of human cloning. If replicated in other labs, the methods detailed Wednesday in the journal Cell would allow researchers to fashion human embryonic stem cells that are custom-made for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other 10 health problems.

Theoretically capable of reproducing themselves indefinitely, these stem cells could be used to grow replacements for a wide variety of diseased cells — those of the blood, skin, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and 15 more — that would not risk rejection by the patient’s immune system.

The report also raises the specter that, with a high-quality donor egg, a bit of skin, some careful tending in a lab and the womb of a willing surrogate, humans 20 have cracked the biological secret to reproducing themselves. That is an objective American scientists have squarely renounced as unethical and scientifically irresponsible. At the same time, most acknowledge that such “reproductive cloning” will one day prove too 25 tempting to resist.

In the hope that other researchers will validate and extend their results, the scientists at Oregon Health & Science University provided an exceptionally detailed account of their techniques. For anyone with a 30 well-equipped fertility lab, the comprehensive guide could also be a useful handbook for cloning a baby. The success of the experiments rekindled debate among bioethicists, who have long anticipated that human cloning would become a reality.
HEALY, Melissa. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 13 maio 2013.

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:


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Questão 24998

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano) 

In this cartoon, the man on the raft is feeling

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Questão 24999

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano) 

From what the man says, one can infer that he

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Questão 25000

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano) 

Sabios sí señor

Si el Gobierno nombra un grupo de expertos para que estudie la reforma de las pensiones, ¿a qué conclusión creen ustedes que llegará? Exacto, a que hay que recortarlas. El presidente no necesitaba un grupo 5 de expertos, necesitaba una coartada, a ser posible de carácter científico, para demostrar que no se encontraba en el lugar del crimen el día de autos. Las coartadas científicas, ya lo vamos viendo, sirven para cometer atropellos repugnantes.

10 Resulta que, según los expertos, para mantener la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones hay que inyectarle un poco de ácido, una porción de líquido desincrustante, un detergente corrosivo. Si entendemos por sostenibilidad de un sistema su cualidad de 15 sostenible, significa que vamos a cambiar una sostenibilidad buena por otra mala. En la mala, y por poner un ejemplo, las pensiones no se actualizarán de acuerdo a la subida del pan. Se trata de desincentivar a los ancianos, por naturaleza insolidarios, para que se 20 mueran de una vez y dejen de ser una carga, para el contribuyente honrado. ¿Qué hemos conseguido, de hecho, durante los años en los que su renta subía por encima del IPC? Que se agarraran como moluscos a la vida.

25 Todo esto no se puede decir así, con la crudeza que está empleando un servidor, incluso aunque no ocurriera nada, que con los actuales niveles de resignación tampoco ocurriría. Por eso mismo, es muy de agradecer que este Gobierno de ricos, colocado ahí 30 por la banca preferentista para proteger a las clases altas y a los defraudadores, y pese a no necesitar excusa de tipo alguno para cometer sus atropellos, culmine el de las pensiones parapetándose tras un grupo de sabios sí señor.

MILLÁS, Juan José. Sabios sí señor. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2013. Adaptado.

De acuerdo con el texto, las pensiones

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Questão 25001

(UEFS 2013 - Meio do ano)

Sabios sí señor

Si el Gobierno nombra un grupo de expertos para que estudie la reforma de las pensiones, ¿a qué conclusión creen ustedes que llegará? Exacto, a que hay que recortarlas. El presidente no necesitaba un grupo 5 de expertos, necesitaba una coartada, a ser posible de carácter científico, para demostrar que no se encontraba en el lugar del crimen el día de autos. Las coartadas científicas, ya lo vamos viendo, sirven para cometer atropellos repugnantes.

10 Resulta que, según los expertos, para mantener la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones hay que inyectarle un poco de ácido, una porción de líquido desincrustante, un detergente corrosivo. Si entendemos por sostenibilidad de un sistema su cualidad de 15 sostenible, significa que vamos a cambiar una sostenibilidad buena por otra mala. En la mala, y por poner un ejemplo, las pensiones no se actualizarán de acuerdo a la subida del pan. Se trata de desincentivar a los ancianos, por naturaleza insolidarios, para que se 20 mueran de una vez y dejen de ser una carga, para el contribuyente honrado. ¿Qué hemos conseguido, de hecho, durante los años en los que su renta subía por encima del IPC? Que se agarraran como moluscos a la vida.

25 Todo esto no se puede decir así, con la crudeza que está empleando un servidor, incluso aunque no ocurriera nada, que con los actuales niveles de resignación tampoco ocurriría. Por eso mismo, es muy de agradecer que este Gobierno de ricos, colocado ahí 30 por la banca preferentista para proteger a las clases altas y a los defraudadores, y pese a no necesitar excusa de tipo alguno para cometer sus atropellos, culmine el de las pensiones parapetándose tras un grupo de sabios sí señor.

MILLÁS, Juan José. Sabios sí señor. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2013. Adaptado.

Es una opinión expresada por el autor la de que

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