Questão 68901

Analise as afirmativas sobre os ácidos nucléicos DNA e RNA.


I. O DNA e o RNA são formados pelo encadeamento de grande número de moléculas menores, os nucleotídeos.

II. No RNA, está presente a pentose ribose e, no DNA, a pentose desoxirribose.

III. As duas cadeias de um RNA mantêm-se unidas por meio de ligações de hidrogênio

IV. Adenina, citosina, timina e guanina ocorrem tanto no DNA quanto no RNA.

V. A transcrição é o processo pelo qual a molécula de RNA é formada a partir da molécula de DNA.


Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas:

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Questão 68964

(UEG - 2017) Leia o texto a seguir.

Antes de partir, o príncipe-regente recomendara que o exército francês fosse recebido em boa paz. Parecia uma veleidade qualquer tentativa de oposição às forças de Napoleão, cujo imenso poder triunfava por toda a Europa. O exército atravessou o país sem encontrar nenhuma resistência, nem organizada, nem popular.

SARAIVA, José Hermano. História concisa de Portugal. Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América, 1996. p. 267.

O maior desafio ao citado “triunfo de Napoleão por toda Europa” foi a forte resistência mantida pela Inglaterra, que envolveu Portugal no conflito ao

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Questão 68965

(PUC - RS - 2017/2)

Thrilling Discovery of Seven Earth-sized Planets Orbiting Nearby Star

Ian Sample Science editor-published on Wed. 22 Feb 2017

01  A huddle of seven worlds, all close in size to Earth,
02  and perhaps warm enough for water and the life it can
03  sustain, has been spotted around a small, faint star in
04  the constellation of Aquarius. The discovery, which has
05  thrilled astronomers, has raised hopes that the hunt for
06  alien life could start much sooner than previously thought.
07  The next generation of telescopes are due to switch on in
08  the next decade. Astronomers reported what looked like
09  three planets in orbit around Trappist-1, a star they named
10  after the Trappist robotic telescope in the Chilean desert
11  that first caught sight of the alien worlds. The telescope
12  did not see the planets directly, but recorded the shadows
13  they cast as they crossed the face of the star.

14  It is the first time that so many Earth-sized planets have
15  been found in orbit around the same star, an unexpected
16  haul that suggests the Milky Way may be teeming with
17  worlds that, in size and firmness underfoot at least,
18  resemble our own rocky home. Researchers hope to
19  know if there is life on the planets within a decade. Ignas
20  Snellen, an astrophysicist at the Leiden Observatory in the
21  Netherlands, who was not involved in the study, said the
22   findings show that Earth-like planets must be extremely
23  common. “This is really something new,” he said. “When
24  they started this search several years ago, I really thought
25  it was a waste of time.__________________________.”

26  Astronomers are now focusing on whether the planets
27  have atmospheres. If they do, they could reveal the first
28  hints of life on the surfaces below. The Hubble telescope
29  could detect methane and water in the alien air, but both
30  can be produced without life. David Charbonneau, a
31  professor of astronomy at Harvard University who was
32  also not involved in the latest study, said a growing
33  number of astronomers were getting excited about what
34  he called “the M-dwarf opportunity” – the study of planets
35  around such faint dwarf stars. “It’s a fast track approach
36  to looking for life beyond the solar system,” he said.

Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/feb/22/thrilling-discovery-of-seven-earth-sized-planets-discovered-orbiting-trappist-1-star

The last sentence of the second paragraph was taken out of the text. The alternative below which presents the right sentence is

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Questão 68967

(PUC - RS 2017/1)

London: the city that ate itself


London is a city ruled by money. The things that make it special – the markets, pubs, high streets and communities – are becoming unrecognisable. The city is suffering a form of entropy whereby anything distinctive is converted into property value. Can the capital save itself?

London is without question the most popular city for investors,” says Gavin Sung of the international property agents Savills. “There is a trust factor. It has a strong government, a great legal system, the currency is relatively safe. It has a really nice lifestyle”. There are parks, museums and nice houses. Its arts of hedonism are reaching unprecedented levels: its restaurants get better or at least more ambitious and its bars offer cocktails previously unknown to man. In some ways, the city has never been better. It has a buzz. Its population keeps growing and investment keeps pouring in, both signs of its desirability. As its mayor likes to boast: “London is to the billionaire as the jungles of Sumatra are to the orangutans. It is their natural habitat.”

At the same time, to use a commonly heard phrase, the city is eating itself. Most obviously, its provision of housing is failing to keep up with its popularity, with effects on price that breed bizarre reactions at the top end of the market and misery at the bottom. Thousands are being forced to leave London because their local authorities can’t find them homes and people on middle incomes can’t acquire a place where anyone would want to raise a family.

There are also effects beyond housing, although often driven by residential property prices. The spaces for work that are an essential part of the city’s economy are being squeezed, its high streets diminished, its pubs and other everyday places closing. It is suffering a form of entropy whereby the distinctive or special is converted into property values. Its essential qualities, which are that it was not polarised on the basis of income, and that its best places were common property, are being eroded. (…)

This would matter less if the city were making new places with the qualities of those now packaged up and commodified – if the supply of good stuff _____ expanding – but it _____ not. Although the cranes swing, much of the new living zones now _____ created range from the ho-hum to the outright catastrophic. The skyline _____ plundered for profit, but without creating towers to be proud of or making new neighbourhoods with any positive qualities whatsoever. If London is an enormous party, millions of people are on the wrong side of its velvet rope.


In the rest of Britain, a common view of London is that it is a parasitic monster or, as Alex Salmond put it, quoting Tony Travers of the London School of Economics: “The dark star of the economy, inexorably sucking in resources, people and energy. Nobody quite knows how to control it.” Both the SNP and Ukip can be seen as anti-London parties, as expressions of a feeling that national decisions are made in the capital, by the capital, for the capital. Those Scots who want independence are less concerned about being part of the same country as Middlesbrough or Ipswich than they are about London. But these views overlook the extent to which the city is feeding on its own.

Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jun/28/london-the-city-that-ate-itself-rowan-moore


The alternative that presents all the correct forms to fill in the bold paragraph are, respectively,

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Questão 69097

(UERR 2017) 

“Em 1949, Simone de Beauvoir já havia escrito que não se nasce mulher, torna-se. Em O Segundo Sexo, desafiava a ideia de destino natural feminino e mais, destacava o caráter cultural e, portanto, mutável nas definições de feminilidade”

(BASSANEZI, Carla Beozzo; PEDRO, Joana Maria (org.). Nova história das mulheres no Brasil. São Paulo: Contexto, 2012).

Sobre as transformações culturais no mundo após 1945, assinale a única afirmativa falsa:

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Questão 69098

(UNIFENAS 2017) 

A pílula anticoncepcional foi comercializada pela primeira vez em 1960, nos Estados Unidos. Atualmente, milhōes de mulheres, em todo o mundo, utilizam a pílula oral como método anticoncepcional. No Brasil, a pílula anticoncepcional foi comercializada pela primeira vez em 1961.

A década de 1960 foi marcada em vários países por lutas e mobilizações da sociedade civil por mais direitos. Nesse sentido, a pílula anticoncepcional tornou-se um símbolo

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Questão 69172

(UDESC - 2017)

A descoberta da radioatividade, pelo francês Henri Becquerel (1852-1909), poucos meses após a descoberta dos raios X, foi um dos acontecimentos mais importantes no processo que culminou no desenvolvimento da estrutura atômica dos átomos. Em relação à estrutura atômica dos átomos, assinale a alternativa correta.

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Questão 69441

(UnirG - 2017/2)

Read part of Adele’s song “Million years ago” and answer the Question.

I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who can't stand the reflection that they see
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air, I miss my friends
I miss my mother, I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago

(Available on: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/adele/millionyearsago.html Accessed on: May 5th, 2017.)

Read the sentence taken from the song.

Choose the only correct option considering the use of the relative pronouns.

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Questão 69463

(UNCISAL - 2017)

There were lots of stuff in Friends that people had missed the first time, only for it to be rediscovered 12 years after the series finale. If you spend a lot of your time on the Internet then you'll probably be aware of that. Fans have noticed famous scenes where Matthew Perry almost cracked-up, and people have even spotted pies going missing from tables when Brad Pitt appeared on the show. And there’s the moment an extra chewed her coffee. […]

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 nov. 2016 (adaptado).

Os verbos em destaque estão empregados, respectivamente, nos seguintes tempos verbais:  

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Questão 69518

(FATEC - 2017) 


Paixão sem grita, amor sem agonia,
Que não oprime nem magoa o peito,
Que nada mais do que possui queria,
E com tão pouco vive satisfeito...

Amor, que os exageros repudia,
Misturado de estima e de respeito,
E, tirando das mágoas alegria,
Fica farto, ficando sem proveito...

Viva sempre a paixão que me consome,
Sem uma queixa, sem um só lamento!
Arda sempre este amor que desanimas!

Eu, eu tenha sempre, ao murmurar teu nome,
O coração, malgrado o sofrimento,
Como um rosal desabrochado em rimas.

https://tinyurl.com/nxwg9mp Acesso em: 17.02.2017.

Dentre as características do texto Incontentado, de Olavo Bilac, temos

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