Questão 69640

(FAAP - 2017)

Read the comic strip to answer question:

“If I wanted to do something, I wouldn’t be hanging around with you” is a conditional sentence that indicates:

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Questão 69660

(FGV-SP - 2017)

Patience is needed for Brazil to come good again

Michael Hasenstab

Dr. Michael Hasenstab is executive vice-president, portfolio manager and chief investment officer of Templeton Global Macro

The Olympic Games in Rio drew global interest to Brazil, but the country and the rest of South America has been in sharp focus for investors all year. They have flocked to the region as part of a broader migration into emerging market debt, following record low valuations and the hunt for yield in a low interest rate environment. While investors have been presented with a rarely seen buying opportunity in emerging markets like South America, it is a mistake to regard these countries as a homogenous group.

That leaves the challenge of working out which are the most attractive opportunities – some of our best known investments were not obvious choices.

We have devised a formula to help us evaluate the fundamental strength of different emerging market countries. It scores a country’s current and projected strength on five factors: how well it has learnt the lessons from past crises; the quality of its policy mix; the structural reform being undertaken to boost productivity; the level of domestic demand; and its ability to resist external shocks. The aim is to pick nations that are fundamentally strong but, for one reason or another, are out of favour with investors. It can take time for the market to catch up to reality. But if you are a long-term investor – and we are certainly in that camp – you have the luxury of being able to wait.

Brazil, for example, is known as a vulnerable market due to the commodities downturn, the ongoing corruption crisis and ensuing political turmoil, but our work suggests to us that it is poised for a potentially significant rebound in the long term. Its current score is low, but its projected future score tells a different story.

We believe the country has learnt the lessons from the most recent crisis, which brought home the importance of having a sustainable fiscal policy. It has already adopted a flexible exchange rate, has strong foreign exchange reserves and has limited short-term debt. This is also reflected in the country’s improving resilience to external shocks, with a reliance on commodities, at 60 per cent of exports, being the largest remaining negative.

It is perhaps no surprise, given Brazil’s deep recession and political instability, that there is much work required in terms of improving policy mix, making structural reforms and boosting domestic demand. However, there are signs things are being turned around, with monetary policy already being tightened aggressively to bring inflation expectations back under control, and the previously excessive levels of government subsidised lending being cut. Once political stability returns, the government will be empowered to do even more.

Work on structural reform should accelerate too, as Brazil’s middle class has made it clear it wants greater transparency and an economic policy framework that can both boost living standards and improve the environment for businesses.

(www.ft.com. 01.09.2016. Adaptado)

In the excerpt of the first paragraph “While investors have been presented with a rarely seen buying opportunity in emerging markets like South America, it is a mistake to regard these countries as a homogenous group”, the word in bold can be correctly replaced by

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Questão 69752

(FGV 2017) 

Estima-se que, em determinado país, o consumo médio por minuto de farinha de trigo seja 4,8 toneladas. Nessas condições, o consumo médio por semana de farinha de trigo, em quilogramas, será aproximadamente: 


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Questão 69753

(FGV 2017) 

A conta armada a seguir indica a adição de três números naturais, cada um com três algarismos, resultando em um número natural de quatro algarismos. Os algarismos que compõem os números envolvidos na conta, indicados pelas letras A,C,D e E, representam números primos distintos entre si.

Assim, o valor de E . D + A . C é igual a


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Questão 70056

(Upe-ssa 1 2017) A Condição Humana e a Cultura

A Cultura é tudo aquilo, que o homem adquire, ou mesmo, produz, com o uso de suas faculdades: todo o conjunto do saber e do fazer, ou seja, da ciência e da técnica, e tudo aquilo que, com o seu saber e com o seu fazer, extrai da natureza.

MONDIN, Batista. O homem, quem é ele?. São Paulo, 1980, p. 172.

Sobre esse assunto, é CORRETO afirmar que

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Questão 70176

(FATEC - 2017)

As reações de eliminação são reações orgânicas em que alguns átomos ou grupos de átomos são retirados de compostos orgânicos produzindo moléculas com cadeias carbônicas insaturadas, que são muito usadas em diversos ramos da indústria.

A dehidrohalogenação é um exemplo de reação de eliminação que ocorre entre um composto orgânico e uma base forte. Nesse processo químico, retira-se um átomo de halogênio ligado a um dos átomos de carbono. O átomo de carbono adjacente ao átomo de carbono halogenado “perde” um átomo de hidrogênio, estabelecendo entre os dois átomos de carbono considerados uma ligação dupla.

 A reação entre o hidróxido de sódio e o cloroetano ilustrada é um exemplo de dehidrohalogenação.

Agora, considere a reação entre o 1–clorobutano e o hidróxido de potássio.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a fórmula estrutural correta do composto orgânico obtido na reação entre o 1–clorobutano e o hidróxido de potássio, representada na figura.

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Questão 70626

(UEA - 2017)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a fórmula estrutural de um glicídio.

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Questão 70627

(UFRGS - 2017)

Sobre as macromoléculas biológicas presentes em todos os organismos, é CORRETO afirmar que 

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Questão 70735

(UDESC - 2017)

O experimento realizado por Ernest Rutherford, em que uma fina placa de ouro foi bombardeada com um feixe de partículas α , permitiu a suposição de um modelo de átomo com um núcleo pouco volumoso, de carga positiva, rodeado por uma região volumosa formada por elétrons, com carga negativa.

A construção deste modelo deve-se ao fato de:

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Questão 70777

(UNESC - 2017)

Which alternative contains the following sentence in passive voice correctly?

The professor is going to show the students an old bone.

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