(UNIMONTES - 2019)
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto que segue para responder à questão proposta.
Mass migrations have marked the history of the human race ever since people began to dream of a better life
Migration is in the news these days, as Donald Trump tries to set up new physical and administrative barriers against people wanting to enter the USA – mostly from Central America, Asia and Africa. But a century ago, the USA welcomed immigrants, most of them people from Europe who were migrating in mass, looking for a better life in the USA. Ellis Island, the small island in New York Harbor was, for millions of would-be immigrants, their first experience [5] of the promised land.
The year is 1906, the date November 16th. Franz and Ulrike Schumacher and their three children have just disembarked from the Hamburg-Amerika line steamship that has carried them across the stormy North Atlantic Ocean from Germany.
Like the thousands of other people milling around them, they are totally bewildered, caught up in a mixture of [10] hope and apprehension, as they crowd into a vast waiting room. The room sounds like the Tower of Babel, for few of those in it speak a word of English. They speak German, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, or Russian maybe, yet they have come, seeking a new life in a new world; and now they are on American soil for the first time. This is America! America! Or at least it is Ellis Island.
After interminable hours of waiting, the Schumacher family are finally called to a desk; immigration officials [15] study their papers, and ask them where they intend to go. They don't ask how long they're planning to stay, however, since they know the answer already. All those who pass through Ellis Island – and that could mean over 11,000 people per day – are would-be immigrants. They are looking to start a new life in a new world.
For many, passing through Ellis Island was not so much a matter of stepping into a new world, it was stepping into a new life, a new character. And so it was that the man who finally led his family through the door and onto the [20] ferry packed with a jostling crowd of new Americans was not Franz Schumacher any more, but Frank Shoemaker, even if he still didn't understand more than a couple of words of English.
Disponível em: https://linguapress.com/advanced/ellis-island.htm. Acesso em: 7 out. 2019. Adaptado.
*os números entre colchetes indicam o número das linhas do texto original.
A única alternativa cuja forma verbal NÃO expressa um fato ocorrido no passado é:
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(UERR - 2019)
Terrorist, Superman, feminist, messiah: Barack Obama's life as a cover star
He has appeared on more magazines than most supermodels. From Black Enterprise to Rolling Stone, the author of a new book traces the rise, fall – and legacy of the cover-star-in-chie
In October 2004, Barack Obama, then an Illinois state legislator, appeared on the cover of Black Enterprise, a popular African-American business monthly. It was his first-ever cover, and he shocked the magazine’s editors by proclaiming his intention to run for the United States Senate. They wondered if the young statesman was setting his hopes too high. Nevertheless, they ran the cover story with the prophetic headline: The next big thing in politics.
Cut to 2008, and Obama, having made it to the US Senate, now had his sights on the presidency. The experts said that America was not ready for an African-American leader; that white people wouldn’t vote for a non-white candidate or a man with a funny-sounding name, whose middle name is Hussein and who actually has Muslim relatives; and that even if they did, he would be assassinated before he saw out his first term.
After they were proved wrong and Obama was elected in November 2008, people went out in droves to buy newspapers and magazines with him on their covers, as commemorative keepsakes. His face was everywhere, providing print publishers with a bump to flagging sales. In a few short years, Obama had risen from obscurity to become the most famous person in the world.
(Excerpt from the site: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/sep/07/t errorist-superman-feminist-messiah-barack-obamas-lifeas-a-cover-star. Reaserched in September 2018).
In the sentence: “Obama had risen from obscurity to become the most famous person in the world.” Check the verbal form in bold.
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(UFRGS - 2019)
A reação de Maillard é uma reação química entre um aminoácido e um carboidrato redutor, originando compostos que conferem sabor, odor e cor aos alimentos. O aspecto dourado dos alimentos, após assados, é o resultado da reação de Maillard.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, respectivamente, exemplos de aminoácido e carboidrato.
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A compreensão dos ciclos da matéria nos ecossistemas do planeta permite que o ser humano formule as melhores soluções para impactos ambientais cada vez mais preocupantes.
Na natureza, o desequilíbrio verificado no ciclo do elemento carbono relaciona-se
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(FAMP - 2019/1)
Are countries trying to end US dollar's power?
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested that the U.S. dollar could be losing its status as the world's most important currency. Mr. Lavrov said that because the U.S. has imposed economic sanctions on countries like Iran, Turkey and Russia, these countries could start conducting international business in their own national currencies instead of the dollar. In addition, countries that have had trade tariffs imposed on them by the U.S. could also do trade in their own currencies. This could include the global economic superpower China dropping the dollar. China has already established trade deals in its own currency.
Experts say the U.S. dollar could lose its position as the international reserve currency. The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound as the international reserve currency in the 1920s. Since then, most international trade has taken place using the dollar. This means more U.S. dollars flow out of the U.S. than flow in. The effect of this is the U.S. has a currency deficit as its dollars are in the bank accounts of other countries. Mr. Lavrov said: "I'm confident that the grave abuse of the role of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency will result over time in the weakening and demise of its role." China's currency the yuan is emerging as an alternative trading currency. Africa's most populous nation Nigeria has already started trading using the yuan.
Source: https://www.forbes.com (adapted)
Select the correct alternative for Passive Voice.
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(UFJF-2019) Observe as figuras: A quantidade de radiação solar incidente afeta
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(UFRGS - 2019)
Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmações abaixo, referentes a algumas propriedades dos átomos.
( ) Isótonos têm propriedades físicas iguais.
( ) Isóbaros têm propriedades químicas iguais.
( ) Isótopos têm propriedades químicas iguais.
( ) Isóbaros de elementos diferentes têm necessariamente um número diferente de nêutrons.
A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
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Leia o texto e analise os gráficos a seguir.
Estamos vivendo uma nova fase na história, uma mudança no patamar da presença humana na Terra. O crescimento explosivo da população, que nos levou ao presente marco de 7 bilhões de pessoas, com a atual projeção de 10 bilhões em meados do século XXI, é uma realidade histórico-social de pouco mais de 200 anos.
Com base nos gráficos e nos conhecimentos sobre a evolução da estrutura etária brasileira, assinale a alternativa correta.
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(UECE - 2019)
Os primeiros bafômetros foram criados utilizando-se a reação de oxidação alcoólica que ocorre com o sal alaranjado, dicromato de potássio, dissolvido em meio ácido. Quando alguém consome alguma bebida alcoólica e sopra em um desses aparelhos, a coloração alaranjada fica verde-azulada denunciando que a pessoa está incapacitada para dirigir. A oxidação citada está equacionada da seguinte forma:
As letras x, y, z, w, que representam os números de oxidação dos respectivos elementos, estão corretas em
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(UPE - 2019)
Analise a tirinha a seguir:
O contexto da mensagem veiculada se relaciona principalmente à emissão de
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