(UEA 2019)
No contexto da demarcação de terras indígenas no Brasil, o mapa permite concluir que
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(UNCISAL 2019)
A discussão sobre patriarcado e capitalismo foi recorrente no movimento feminista francês. Debatia-se intensamente se haveria ou não autonomia entre esses dois “sistemas”. É a partir de divergências em relação a essa questão que se estabelece uma categorização do movimento feminista, largamente utilizada, em duas correntes: feminismo socialista e feminismo radical. Entretanto, deve-se ressaltar que há menos uma oposição e mais um continuum entre aquelas análises que consideram a subordinação feminina uma consequência do capitalismo e aquelas que a veem como uma consequência do patriarcado ou de uma forma de dominação masculina sistemática.
ABREU, Maira. Nosotras: feminismo latino-americano em Paris. Revista de Estudos Feministas. Florianópolis, 21 (2), maio-ago. 2013, p. 564 (adaptado).
Embora mais antigos, os movimentos pelos direitos das mulheres ganharam maior relevância e abrangência ao longo do século XX, tendo alcançado conquistas fundamentais no que diz respeito ao reconhecimento das mulheres como cidadãs.
Ao longo do tempo, a atuação desses movimentos permaneceu focada em
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(FAMERP - 2019) Apenas em 1865, ano do término da Guerra Civil, algumas questões que estavam presentes no período colonial e na Independência (como a escravidão) seriam parcialmente resolvidas. Parcialmente porque, como é lógico notar, o fim da escravidão em 1865 não significou o fim do racismo ou da violência contra os negros.
(Leandro Karnal. Estados Unidos: a formação da nação, 2015.)
A Guerra Civil Americana (1861-1865)
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Um dos conceitos utilizados para a compreensão de genética diz que a propriedade de um alelo de produzir o mesmo fenótipo tanto em condição homozigótica quanto em condição heterozigótica é causada por um gene
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(UEMG - 2019)
Ao comparar a linguagem utilizada nessa publicidade com a linguagem contemporânea, nota-se que houve variação e mudança no português escrito. Considerando que esse anúncio é de 1929, infere-se que as mudanças ocorridas em algumas palavras desse texto foram causadas por
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(UFRGS - 2019)
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced a new category in time for next February’s awards ceremony: “achievement in popular film”. The idea is [5] that, alongside the time-honoured “Best Picture” category, there will be another for films which have a broader appeal: blockbusters, in other words. Ironically, the announcement has been anything but [10] popular. On social media, responses to this idea have ranged from hostile to very hostile indeed. Many feel that the once-prestigious Oscars are dumbing down to the level of the MTV Awards. What’s next—Best kiss? Loudest [15] shoot-out? Most skyscrapers flattened by aliens in a single action sequence?
The concept of the “Hit Oscar” or the “Popcorn Oscar”, as it has been nicknamed,
raises other questions, too. To start with, who [20] decides whether or not a film is popular? What are the criteria or thresholds? And isn’t it an insult to nominees, the implicit suggestion being that hit films can’t be artistic (and vice versa)?
[25] The timing, too, is off. “Black Panther”, Marvel’s Afrofuturist superhero blockbuster, could well have been nominated for best picture in 2019. Indeed, it could well have won, ……… acknowledging the superhero [30] boom as well as emphasising just how successful films with black casts and creative teams can be. But it is now likely that “Black Panther” will be shoved into the “popular” ghetto, and that the best-picture prize will go [35] to an indie drama. If so, the introduction of a new category will have helped maintain the status quo, rather than upending it.
It is understandable that the Oscars’ organisers should want to shake up the [40] ceremony’s format, bearing in mind how low its television ratings have fallen. One reason for this decline, the theory goes, is that best- picture winners are no longer the films that the great American public is queuing up to [45] see.
But if hugely profitable, crowd-pleasing films aren’t winning best picture these days, it is not because the Academy’s voters are becoming more snobbish or sophisticated in [50] their tastes. It is because Hollywood has stopped making middlebrow historical epics that used to be a shoo-in. What the introduction of the popular category acknowledges is that there are now hardly [55] any studio films in the chasm between shiny comic-book movies and quirky indie experiments. The industry is producing nothing for grown-up viewers who want more scale and spectacle than they can get from a [60] low-key drama, but who don’t fancy seeing people in colourful costumes firing laser beams at each other.
The new division between best picture and popular picture may be ill-judged, but it [65] reflects a pre-existing dichotomy between arthouse and multiplex fare. So have pity on the poor Academy. If Hollywood studios weren’t quite so obsessed with superhero franchises, the Oscars might not be in this [70] mess in the first place.
Adaptado de: https://www.economist.com/prospero/2018/08 /11/the-academy-announces-a-misguided-newcategory. Acesso em: 08 ago. 2018.
Considere os seguintes trechos extraídos do texto.
I - The idea is that, alongside the timehonoured “Best Picture” category, there will be another for films (l. 04-07).
II - It is understandable that the Oscar´s organisers should want to shake up the cerimony´s format (l. 38-40).
III- (…) best-picture winners are no longer the films that the great American public is queuing up to see (l. 42-45).
Em quais a palavra that pode ser tanto omitida quanto substituída por which?
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(FATEC - 2019/2)
The Most Important Skill For 21st–Century Success
By Kevin H. Johnson
The world of work is changing so rapidly, as emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation change job requirements. As technologies continue to evolve and business conditions shift, employees must stay in learning mode so their skills don’t lose currency.
It’s one thing to keep up with skills as they’re changing in the here and now. It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all.
There’s so much uncertainty and ambiguity around the future of work, it doesn’t matter your industry or job function. That’s why, when anyone asks what the next “hot” skill will be, I say it’s the same skill that will serve people today, tomorrow, and far into the future — the ability to learn.
When people embrace lifelong learning, assimilating new skills isn’t a source of fear and stress — it’s just another part of their career journey. Separating process from outcome will make you a better learner too, as you get less fixated on immediate mastery of a skill and more appreciative of how moving outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person.
A learning mindset also makes it less likely you’ll be thrown off or immobilized when a project changes scope or a job function undergoes transformation. While others scramble to figure out where to go from here, lifelong learners maintain momentum and productivity.
https://tinyurl.com/ya42xtrr Acesso em: 15.03.2019. Adaptado. Original colorido.
O verbo may, na oração do segundo parágrafo “It’s a whole different challenge to prepare yourself for tools and technologies that may exist only in the minds of engineers, if at all”, indica
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(UFMS - 2019)
Cleir Avila Ferreira Júnior was born in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. He is a self-taught artist. He has painted professionally since he was 18 years old. He has begun his artistic works with a hyperrealist influence, where he portrayed some regional and ecological themes, especially the Pantanal nature, presented in almost all his art.
In 1994, he started his mural work on the sides of some Campo Grande’s buildings, as example: the great "Onça Pintada" (50m high and 220m2) took him and his team a month of execution, and the "Tuiuiús" (40m high and 300m2) was his second mural.
In 1995, he painted the "Blue Macaw" (45m high and 430m2).
In 1996, he built the "Macaws’ Monument" in front of the international airport in Campo Grande, MS.
In 1998, he painted a mural of 700m2 in Corumbá, MS, where he portrayed the red macaw in one of its walls and in the other two a big gold fish. Therefore, he did uncountable art around Mato Grosso do Sul State, mainly into the touristic cities.
(FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Cleir Avila. Disponível em: http://www.artenossaterra.xpg.com.br/index.html. Acesso em: 10 nov. 2018).
Based on part of the text, answer the question: In which verb tense are the following sentences?
“In 1995, he painted the ‘Blue Macaw’ (45m high and 430m2). In 1996, he built the ‘Macaws Monument’ in front of the international airport in Campo Grande, MS. In 1998, he painted a mural of 700m2 in Corumbá, MS, where he portrayed the red macaw in one of its walls and in the other two a big gold fish. Therefore, he did uncountable art around Mato Grosso do Sul State, mainly into the touristic cities”.
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(UPE SSA - 1ª fase - 1º dia - 2019)
The song below was performed by a gospel choir during the mariage ceremony of Prince Harry and the North American Megan Markle, held at Windson Castel on May 19, 2018.
Stand By Me
Ben E. King
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darling, darling
Stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me
Stand by me
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
Whenever you're in trouble, won't you stand by me
Oh stand by me
Oh won't you stand now?
Stand by me
(In: https://www.vagalume.com.br/ben-e-king/stand-by-me-traducao.html)
In Whenever you’re in trouble (…), the highlighted word, in Portuguese, means
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(UEA 2019) O sistema nervoso autônomo humano é responsável pelo controle das funções vegetativas, tais como a homeotermia, a respiração e a circulação.
Tal controle, cujo objetivo é a manutenção do equilíbrio das condições fisiológicas internas (homeostasia), ocorre em função
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