(UECE - 2019)
Hola Marta, ¿cómo va todo por Madrid?
Espero que estés bien, feliz con los preparativos para tu boda. La verdad es que cuando me 1dijiste que te casabas, no 2me lo podía creer. Marta, la chica que decía que nunca se casaría, que quería ser libre… pero bueno, supongo que todos cambiamos. Te entiendo, Juan es un chico estupendo y si quieres formar una familia, es normal que te cases.
Te escribo para darte una mala noticia: no voy a poder asistir a la boda. El 12 de septiembre voy a estar en Estados Unidos, me han concedido una beca para estudiar en Boston en un centro de investigación. Es la oportunidad de mi vida y, desgraciadamente, el curso empieza el 13. Perdóname, no sabes la pena que me da no poder estar en Madrid. Os he comprado un pequeño regalo. Solo tienes que ir a buscarlo en la tienda de muebles del padre de Marcos; puedes ir a partir del día 3.
Bueno, te dejo. Espero que pases el mejor día de tu vida. Dale muchos recuerdos a Juan y a tu familia.
Nos vemos en Navidad. Te deseo lo mejor.
Besos, Paco.
Las partículas "me lo" (ref. 2) tienen función de, respectivamente
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O sociólogo polonês Zygmunt Bauman, em sua obra sobre a fragilidade dos vínculos humanos nas sociedades contemporâneas, usa expressões como “modernidade líquida” e “amor líquido”. Nessa perspectiva, estaríamos vivendo um momento sociocultural e histórico de maior individualização, onde as pessoas buscam mais liberdade individual e estão menos desejosas de procurar a segurança proporcionada pelos vínculos familiares, dos grupos comunitários, das classes sociais, dos relacionamentos amorosos duradouros. A necessidade de pertencimento a grupos religiosos e o cultivo das tradições, como o casamento monogâmico, por exemplo, estariam se liquefazendo diante da imperiosa vontade desse novo indivíduo sem vínculos sólidos e orientado pela fluidez constante das instituições e relações humanas.
BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Modernidade Líquida. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2001. Amor Líquido: sobre a fragilidade dos laços humanos. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2004.
Partindo da perspectiva de Bauman sobre a “modernidade líquida” e o “amor líquido, é correto afirmar que
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(UEG - 2018)
Global warming is intensifying El Niño weather
As humans put more and more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth warms. And the warming is causing changes that might surprise us. Not only is the warming causing long-term trends in heat, sea level rise, ice loss, etc.; it’s also making our weather more variable. It’s making otherwise natural cycles of weather more powerful.
Perhaps the most important natural fluctuation in the Earth’s climate is the El Niño process. El Niño refers to a short-term period of warm ocean surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific, basically stretching from South America towards Australia. When an El Niño happens, that region is warmer than usual. If the counterpart La Niña occurs, the region is colder than usual. Often times, neither an El Niño or La Niña is present and the waters are a normal temperature. This would be called a “neutral” state.
The ocean waters switch back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every few years. Not regularly, like a pendulum, but there is a pattern of oscillation. And regardless of which part of the cycle we are in (El Niño or La Niña), there are consequences for weather around the world. For instance, during an El Niño, we typically see cooler and wetter weather in the southern United States while it is hotter and drier in South America and Australia.
It’s really important to be able to predict El Niño/La Niña cycles in advance. It’s also important to be able to understand how these cycles will change in a warming planet.
El Niño cycles have been known for a long time. Their influence around the world has also been known for almost 100 years. Having observed the effects of El Niño for a century, scientists had the perspective to understand something might be changing.
The relationship between regional climate and the El Niño/La Niña status in climate model simulations of the past and future. It was found an intensification of El Niño/La Niña impacts in a warmer climate, especially for land regions in North America and Australia. Changes between El Niño/La Niña in other areas, like South America, were less clear. The intensification of weather was more prevalent over land regions.
And this conclusion can be extended to many other situations around the planet. Human pollution is making our Earth’s natural weather switch more strongly from one extreme to another. It’s a weather whiplash that will continue to get worse as we add pollution to the atmosphere.
Fortunately, every other country on the planet (with the exception of the US leadership) understands that climate change is an important issue and those countries are taking action. It isn’t too late to change our trajectory toward a better future for all of us. But the time is running out. The Earth is giving us a little nudge by showing us, via today’s intense weather, what tomorrow will be like if we don’t take action quickly.
Disponível em: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2018/aug/29/global-warming-is-intensifying-el-nino-weather. Acesso em: 19 set. 2018. (Adaptado).
Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos da língua inglesa, presentes no texto, constata-se que
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(UEG - 2019)
Leia o poema e a tirinha a seguir para responder à questão.
Ó mar salgado, quanto do teu sal
São lágrimas de Portugal!
Por te cruzarmos, quantas mães choraram,
Quantos filhos em vão rezaram!
Quantas noivas ficaram por casar
Para que fosses nosso, ó mar!
Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena
Se a alma não é pequena.
Quem quer passar além do Bojador
Tem que passar além da dor.
Deus ao mar o perigo e o abismo deu,
Mas nele é que espelhou o céu.
PESSOA, Fernando. Mar Português. In: Antologia Poética. Organização Walmir Ayala. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2014. p. 15.
O sentido da tirinha é construído a partir da relação que estabelece com os famosos versos de Fernando Pessoa: “Tudo vale a pena / Se a alma não é pequena”. O modo como esses dois textos se relacionam é chamado de
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(FAMERP - 2019)
There is nothing conventional about 17-year-old Michael Fuller’s relationship with music. As someone with high-functioning autism who sees the world through sound, creating melodies from the bustle of the high street or trains on the tracks feels more natural than any social interaction. This hardwired connection to sound has been with him for as long as he can remember.
By the age of 11, Michael could play Mozart by ear, having taught himself to play the piano through a mobile phone app. The app highlighted notes on a keyboard as classical music played. He describes his unusual musical talent as “downloading” music into his head. His mother, Nadine, remembers that as a child Michael would “suddenly pop up and say: ‘I’ve got a symphony’”. Michael took to the piano and found he could quickly perform complex pieces from memory.
“I liked what I was hearing, sought more music and began studying through Google and YouTube,” he remembers. “It was very organic. I would listen in great depth and the music would be implanted in my mind. I could then just play it on the piano – all without being taught.”
Growing up in a family that listened to reggae over classical music, Michael feels “very much aware” of how different his approach is to music – symbolised by the way he taught himself piano as a child. This, his mother says, came as a “surprise to the family and myself – I’d never listened to classical music in my life”.
It was not long after learning to play the piano that Michael started composing his own works. Describing this process as “making music with my mind”, Michael says composing classical symphonies “helps me to express myself through music – it makes me calm”. Michael wants to nurture his song writing to achieve his ambition of becoming a modern mainstream classical artist. He wants to control the creative process, unlike typical modern-day composers, who he says “write blobs on a page, hand it over to the musicians – then say bye-bye and stay in the background and get no recognition”. Instead, Michael is determined to take centre stage.
(Alex Taylor. www.bbc.com, 27.03.2018. Adaptado.)
In the excerpt from the first paragraph “has been with him for as long as he can remember”, the underlined expression indicates
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(MACKENZIE - 2019) Se as áreas laterais de dois cilindros equiláteros são, respectivamente, e
, então seus volumes, em
, são, respectivamente,
(UECE - 2019)
As margens continentais ativas se caracterizam, entre outros fatores, pela colisão de uma placa oceânica com uma placa continental.
Nessas áreas pode(m) ocorrer
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(UECE - 2019/ adaptada)
Hola Marta, ¿cómo va todo por Madrid?
Espero que estés bien, feliz con los preparativos para tu boda. La verdad es que cuando me dijiste que te casabas, no me lo podía creer. Marta, la chica que decía que nunca se casaría, que quería ser libre… pero bueno, supongo que todos cambiamos. Te entiendo, Juan es un chico estupendo y si quieres formar una familia, es normal que te cases.
Te escribo para darte una mala noticia: no voy a poder asistir a la boda. El 12 de septiembre voy a estar en Estados Unidos, me han concedido una beca para estudiar en Boston en un centro de investigación. Es la oportunidad de mi vida y, desgraciadamente, el curso empieza el 13. Perdóname, no sabes la pena que me da no poder estar en Madrid. Os he comprado un pequeño regalo. Solo tienes que ir a buscarlo en la tienda de muebles del padre de Marcos; puedes ir a partir del día 3.
Bueno, te dejo. Espero que pases el mejor día de tu vida. Dale muchos recuerdos a Juan y a tu familia.
Nos vemos en Navidad. Te deseo lo mejor.
Besos, Paco.
La forma verbal “entiendo” (línea 08) pertenece al verbo “entender”. Apunta la opción que pone otro verbo con la misma irregularidad.
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(UNIOESTE-2019) Os anfíbios estão entre os vertebrados mais ameaçados de extinção. Mudanças climáticas, poluição e o desmatamento estão entre as principais causas que têm levado ao declínio da população destes animais.
Com relação à biologia dos anfíbios, pode-se dizer que