(FGV 2014) Leia atentamente o texto abaixo e depois assinale a alternativa correta:
"As bases de inspiração dessas novas elites eram as correntes cientificistas, o darwinismo social do inglês Spencer, o monismo alemão e o positivismo francês de Auguste Comte. Sua principal base de apoio econômico e político procedia da recente riqueza gerada pela expansão da cultura cafeeira no Sudeste do país, em decorrência das crescentes demandas de substâncias estimulantes por parte das sociedades que experimentavam a intensificação do ritmo de vida e da cadência do trabalho"
(SEVCENKO, N. “Introdução”. In: História da vida privada no Brasil. São Paulo: Cia das Letra, 1998, p. 14).
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(PUC-Campinas) "O duque de Bridgewater censurava os seus homens por terem voltado tarde depois do almoço; estes se desculparam dizendo que não tinham ouvido a badalada da 1 hora, então o duque modificou o relógio, fazendo-o bater 13 badaladas."
Este texto revela um dos aspectos das mudanças oriundas do processo industrial inglês no final do século XVIII e início do século XIX. A partir do conhecimento histórico, pode-se afirmar que:
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(UNIFESP - 2020)
Leia a crônica “Inconfiáveis cupins”, de Moacyr Scliar, para responder à questão a seguir.
Havia um homem que odiava Van Gogh. Pintor desconhecido, pobre, atribuía todas suas frustrações ao artista holandês. Enquanto existirem no mundo aqueles horríveis girassóis, aquelas estrelas tumultuadas, aqueles ciprestes deformados, dizia, não poderei jamais dar vazão ao meu instinto criador.
Decidiu mover uma guerra implacável, sem quartel, às telas de Van Gogh, onde quer que estivessem. Começaria pelas mais próximas, as do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo.
Seu plano era de uma simplicidade diabólica. Não faria como outros destruidores de telas que entram num museu armados de facas e atiram-se às obras, tentando destruílas; tais insanos não apenas não conseguem seu intento, como acabam na cadeia. Não, usaria um método científico, recorrendo a aliados absolutamente insuspeitados: os cupins.
Deu-lhe muito trabalho, aquilo. Em primeiro lugar, era necessário treinar os cupins para que atacassem as telas de Van Gogh. Para isso, recorreu a uma técnica pavloviana. Reproduções das telas do artista, em tamanho natural, eram recobertas com uma solução açucarada. Dessa forma, os insetos aprenderam a diferenciar tais obras de outras.
Mediante cruzamentos sucessivos, obteve um tipo de cupim que só queria comer Van Gogh. Para ele era repulsivo, mas para os insetos era agradável, e isso era o que importava.
Conseguiu introduzir os cupins no museu e ficou à espera do que aconteceria. Sua decepção, contudo, foi enorme. Em vez de atacar as obras de arte, os cupins preferiram as vigas de sustentação do prédio, feitas de madeira absolutamente vulgar. E por isso foram detectados.
O homem ficou furioso. Nem nos cupins se pode confiar, foi a sua desconsolada conclusão. É verdade que alguns insetos foram encontrados próximos a telas de Van Gogh. Mas isso não lhe serviu de consolo. Suspeitava que os sádicos cupins estivessem querendo apenas debochar dele. Cupins e Van Gogh, era tudo a mesma coisa.
(O imaginário cotidiano, 2002.)
Em “Mediante cruzamentos sucessivos, obteve um tipo de cupim que só queria comer Van Gogh” (5.° parágrafo), o cronista recorre à figura de linguagem denominada:
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(UECE 2020) Um elevador, de modo simplificado, pode ser descrito como um sistema composto por duas massas ligadas por uma corda inextensível e suspensa por uma polia de eixo fixo. Uma das massas é um contrapeso e uma outra massa é a cabine com seus passageiros. Considerando uma situação que a cabine executa uma viagem de subida, é correto afirmar que:
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(UERJ - 2020/ adaptada)
¿Qué es una metáfora? ¿Cuál es su cometido y valor? ¿Cómo podemos servirnos de ella para prosperar y ampliar nuestra perspectiva? Intentaremos resolver éstas y otras cuestiones al respecto, y procuraremos vislumbrar cómo las metáforas, si se utilizan de manera efectiva, pueden configurar nuestras vidas y dirigir nuestros destinos hacia un nuevo nivel de comprensión. [...]
Si nos sentimos mal acerca de algo, debemos echarles un vistazo rápido a las metáforas que utilizamos para describir como nos sentimos o para referirnos al obstáculo que se interpone en nuestro camino. A menudo, utilizamos metáforas que intensifican nuestras sensaciones negativas. Cuando las personas experimentan dificultades, dicen con frecuencia cosas como: “Siento como si todo el peso del mundo descansara sobre mis hombros”. O bien: “Parece como si delante de mí hubiera un muro que no puedo atravesar”. Estas metáforas incapacitadoras pueden cambiarse en un instante, con la misma rapidez con las que fueron creadas.
Las metáforas no sólo nos afectan como individuos, sino que también afectan a nuestra comunidad y al mundo. Las metáforas que adoptamos culturalmente pueden configurar nuestras percepciones y acciones de manera definitoria. Nuestra crisis nacional ha generado metáforas que nos “convencen” de ciertos patrones y comportamientos sociales a los ciudadanos, y estos actúan en consecuencia corroborándolos.
Adaptado de andrescuevascoach.com.
"A menudo, utilizamos metáforas que intensifican nuestras sensaciones negativas."
El término subrayado indica una idea de:
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(UEG - 2017) Na figura a seguir, as retas r, s, t, u são paralelas e seus coeficientes lineares estão em uma progressão airtmetica de razão -2
Sabendo-se que a equação da reta p é
e da reta u é
, o ponto de intersecção da reta p com reta s é
(PUC-MG) Considere a circunferência C de equação (x + 1)2 + (y - 1)2 = 9 e a reta r de equação x + y = 0. É CORRETO afirmar
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(UERJ - 2020)
Organizers of an annual conference that brings together people who believe that our planet is not round are planning a cruise to the supposed edge of the Earth. They’re looking for the ice wall that holds back the oceans.
The journey will take place in 2020, the Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) recently announced on its website. The goal? To test so-called flat-Earthers’ assertion that the Earth is a flattened disk surrounded at its edge by a towering wall of ice. Details about the event, including the dates, are forthcoming, according to the FEIC, which calls the cruise “the biggest, boldest adventure yet”. However, it’s worth noting that nautical maps and navigation technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS) work as they do because the Earth is … a globe.
Believers in a flat Earth argue that images showing a curved horizon are fake and that photos of a round Earth from space are part of a vast conspiracy perpetrated by NASA and other space agencies to hide Earth’s flatness. “This likely began during the cold war”, the Flat Earth Society (FES) says. “The U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. were obsessed with beating each other into space to the point that each faked their accomplishments in an attempt to keep pace with the other’s supposed achievements.” These and other flat-Earth assertions appear on the website of the FES, allegedly the world’s oldest official flat Earth organization, dating to the early 1800s.
However, the ancient Greeks demonstrated that Earth was a sphere more than 2.000 years ago, and the gravity that keeps everything on the planet from flying off into space could exist only on a spherical world.
But in diagrams shared on the FES website, the planet appears as a pancake-like disk with the North Pole smacked in the center and an edge “surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back”. This ice wall – thought by some flat-Earthers to be Antarctica – is the destination of the promised FEIC cruise.
There’s just one catch: navigational charts and systems that guide cruise ships and other vessels around the Earth’s oceans are all based on the principle of a round Earth, says Henk Keijer, a former cruise ship captain with 23 years of experience.
GPS relies on a network of dozens of satellites orbiting thousands of miles above Earth; signals from the satellites beam down to the receiver inside of a GPS device, and at least three satellites are required to pinpoint a precise position because of Earth’s curvature, Keijer explained. “Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information to everyone on Earth”. He adds: “But it is not enough, because the Earth is round”.
Whether or not, the FEIC cruise will rely on GPS or deploy an entirely new flat-Earth-based navigation system for finding the end of the world remains to be seen.
Adaptado de livescience.com, 30/05/2017.
Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information.
In relation to the rest of the statement, the underlined fragment has the objective of:
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(UERJ - 2020)
Imagine your city isn’t as safe as it used to be. Robberies are on the rise, home invasions are increasing and murder rates have nearly doubled in the past three years. What should city officials do about it? Hire more cops to round up the thugs and lock them away in a growing network of prisons? Or design programs that promise more peace by addressing issues like a faltering economy and underperforming schools?
Your answer – and the reasoning behind it – can hinge on the metaphor being used to describe the problem, according to new research by Stanford psychologists. Your thinking can even be swayed with just one word, they say.
Psychology Assistant Professor Lera Boroditsky and doctoral candidate Paul Thibodeau were curious about how subtle cues and common figures of speech can frame approaches to difficult problems. “Some estimates suggest that one out of every 25 words we encounter is a metaphor”, said Thibodeau, the study’s lead author. “But 1we didn’t know the extent to which these metaphors influence people”.
In five experiments, 2test subjects were asked to read short paragraphs about rising crime rates in the fictional city of Addison and answer questions about the city. The researchers gauged how people answered these questions in light of how crime was described – as a beast or a virus.
They found the test subjects’ proposed solutions differed a great deal depending on the metaphor they were exposed to. The results have shown that people will likely support an increase in police forces and jailing of offenders if crime is described as a “beast” preying on a community. But if people are told crime is a “virus” infecting a city, they are more inclined to treat the problem with social reform. According to Boroditsky: “People like to think they’re objective. They want to believe they’re logical. But they’re really being swayed by metaphors”.
To get a sense of how much the metaphor really mattered, the researchers also examined what role political persuasions play in people’s approach to reducing crime. They suspected that Republicans would be more inclined to catch and incarcerate criminals than Democrats, who would prefer enacting social reforms. They found Republicans were about 10 percent more likely to suggest an enforcement-based solution.
“We can’t talk about any complex situation – like crime – without using metaphors”, said Boroditsky. 3“Metaphors aren’t just used for flowery speech. They shape the conversation for things we’re trying to explain and figure out. And they have consequences for determining what we decide is the right approach to solving problems”.
While their research focused on attitudes about crime, their findings can be used to understand the implications of how a casual or calculated turn of phrase can influence debates and change minds.
Adaptado de news.stanford.edu.
Metaphors aren't just used for flowery speech. They shape the conversation for things we're trying to explain and figure out. (ref. 3)
In order to clarify the meaning relation between the two sentences above, the following word can be inserted in the underlined one:
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(UFMS - 2020)
Read the text to answer the questions below.
Located within the Indigenous Nations Park, the MARCO offers permanent and temporary works by modern and contemporary visual artists. Its collection originates in 1979, in the former State Pinacoteca, enriched later by spontaneous donations of artists, private collectors and cultural institutions. It currently consists of approximately 1,600 works in various artistic modalities, including a significant set of works that record the course of visual arts in Mato Grosso do Sul, from the beginning to the present day
(FONTE: Disponível em: www.visitms.com.br/en/atrativo/425. Acesso em: 4 nov. 2019).
According to Text, choose the correct alternative that answers: what are the adjectives in these sentences?
“Its collection originates in 1979, in the former State Pinacoteca, enriched later by spontaneous donations of artists, private collectors and cultural institutions. It currently consists of approximately 1,600 works in various artistic modalities, including a significant set of works that record the course of visual arts in Mato Grosso do Sul, from the beginning to the present day.”
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