Questão 77310

(UFU - 2022)


La arveja, alverja o guisante es un cultivo que tiene un nivel proteico que oscila entre 20 y 24%, lo cual lo convierte en un alimento importante para la seguridad alimentaria. Dado el alto contenido de fósforo y proteína, es exigente en fertilización, pero altamente cultivado en varios municipios del departamento del Cauca, la investigación tuvo por objeto evaluar el efecto del abono orgánico a base de hoja de coca en la producción de Pisum sativum L. en dos municipios del departamento, mediante fertilización foliar y edáfica, para comparar con la fertilización convencional.

MONTES ROJAS, C.; AMBUILA CHAMIZO, N. M.; CÓRDOBA CERÓN, E. E.; ANAYA FLOREZ, M. del S. Efecto del abono a base de hoja de coca en Pisum sativum L. en el Cauca, Colombia. Biotecnología en el sector agropecuario y agroindustrial, v. 20, n. 1, p. 124-135, 2021.


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Questão 77311

(UFU - 2022)



El anuncio del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social de España tiene la finalidad de

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Questão 77312

(UFU - 2022)


Children who are slow to walk because of diseases like muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome have been shown to benefit cognitively and socially by moving around with the help of a motor. The problem: most motorized wheelchairs are too big for the tiniest kids. As a result, some parents of such children have been stuck modifying toy cars to help them out. Enter Permobil’s Explorer Mini ($2,695): a U.S. Food and Drug Administration–cleared motorized device built expressly for kids ages 1 to 3. Kids can control the chair, available only with a prescription, via a joystick. The idea, says Amy Morgan, a pediatric physical therapist and Permobil project manager, is “to jump-start kids’ physical development.” It is an ergonomic device with multiple weight bearing surfaces to help promote safe, stable upright postures while providing opportunities to improve strength, endurance and postural control.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 17 set. 2022. (Adaptado).


Sobre o produto descrito no texto, é INCORRETO afirmar que ele

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Questão 77313

(UFU - 2022)


As a sleep coach, I regularly meet people who have “tried everything” to get more sleep. They have read every article on the subject and devoured every tip on the internet and then adjusted and readjusted their routines based on the advice they have found. Many of them are doing all the right things – spending time winding down before bed, curbing screen time, meditating – but still they struggle. The problem is that when it comes to sleep, unlike almost every other area of life, effort is not rewarded. In fact, it is actively punished. The more you try, the less you are likely to succeed. This is because sleep is a passive process, like breathing or digesting. It cannot be controlled and nothing we can do can force it to happen. If we can stop trying, sleep will naturally follow. But not trying to sleep is extremely hard, especially when you are exhausted and desperate. Instead, I get my clients to shift their attention towards the main causes of sleeplessness: lack of sleep drive and hyperarousal. Tackling these two factors (which happily respond very well to a bit of effort) can then create the right conditions to allow sleep to happen all on its own.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 24 set. 2022.


Tome como base o texto acima e analise as afirmativas abaixo.


I. Dicas sobre como dormir melhor incluem a necessidade de diminuição do ritmo noturno e até mesmo o uso da TV.

II. Muitas pessoas com dificuldade para dormir seguem dicas da internet e ajustam suas rotinas, com bons resultados.

III. Esforçar-se para dormir pode, por vezes, se tornar um problema ao invés de contribuir para a solução.

IV. Apesar de o ato de dormir ser essencialmente um processo passivo, ele pode ser controlado com esforço.

V. O insone deveria focar nas causas principais que provocam a sua falta de sono e o estado de vigília.


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Questão 77314

(UFU - 2022)


He was regarded as one of the most significant statesmen of the 20th century. Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, died last night aged 91. Lauded in the West as the man who helped bring down the Berlin Wall and end the Cold War without bloodshed, he was widely despised at home as the gravedigger of the communist Soviet Union. He set out to revitalise the sclerotic Communist system through democratic and economic reform, but unleashed forces beyond his control and found himself occupying a shrinking middle ground. The last leader of the Soviet Union will reportedly not be given a state funeral, according to Russian state-linked media. He oversaw the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, an event that Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, has previously described as a "catastrophe". Putin took half a day to issue a personal statement on Gorbachev's death, with a backhanded half compliment on his place in history.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15 set. 2022. (Adaptado).


According to the text, how could Gorbachev probably be referred to by Russia’s president?

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Questão 77315

(UFU - 2022)


Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a highly infectious viral disease that mostly affects young children. Poliovirus is most often transmitted by sewage-contaminated drinking water. It can survive for two months outside the body and is particularly transmissible in areas with open sewers. About three-fourths of infections are asymptomatic, allowing the disease to spread undetected. When the virus reaches the brain and spinal cord, it can result in permanent paralysis or death. Since there is no cure for polio, public health officials have focused on mass immunization to control the disease. Two polio vaccines are widely used: the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) developed by Jonas Salk in 1954, which is administered through injection and gives immunity through one dose, and the oral polio vaccine (OPV) developed by Albert Sabin in 1961, which contains live strains of the virus and is more easily administered than the Salk vaccine. Both vaccines lose efficacy when exposed to high temperatures and therefore need to be kept cool. The OPV requires several boosters to be effective.

Once endemic in more than one hundred countries, polio today has a foothold in just two: Afghanistan and Pakistan. At its peak, the infectious disease killed or paralyzed hundreds of thousands of people annually, but breakthroughs in vaccines and public health programs have made remarkable progress. However, there are challenges to vaccinating the world’s remaining unprotected children: some communities strongly oppose vaccination efforts, and polio workers have come under attack by militants. Underscoring the dangers, polio reemerged in southern Africa in 2021, and cases of vaccine-derived polio surfaced in Israel and the United States in 2022. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine has disrupted efforts to manage an outbreak in the country’s west.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 set. 2022.


According to the text,


I. Polio is as easily transmissible in the United States as it is in underdeveloped countries.

II. Most polio infections can be easily transmitted since they can show no symptoms and go undetected.

III. Although polio vaccines have been successful, thousands are dying or paralyzed in some countries.

IV. Mass immunization is the best alternative available although some still oppose vaccination strategies.

V. Although polio can only be caused by direct contact with the virus in the environment, vaccination is still a challenge.


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Questão 77316

(UFU - 2022)


Early in life, it is most often delaying partnering and childbearing that increases solo-living. Living alone is also common in countries where rural youth migrate to urban centers for work and form their own household. Among young adults, men take longer to get married or move in with partners compared to women. In later life, the gender trend reverses dramatically, and women live alone two to four times more often than men across 113 countries looked at in one study. This can be explained by women living longer than men on average, resulting in more widows living alone. Increasing life expectancy, dissolution of partnerships and death of a partner tend to be the main drivers behind trends in elderly one person households.

Middle-aged adults’ solo-living is more complex. According to a Canadian panel survey, employed men and those living in vulnerable communities are less likely to stay living on their own compared to unemployed men and those living in less vulnerable communities, respectively. Among women, those with poor health and medium-level of education are more likely to live alone compared to women with excellent health and lower education.

In countries with high value placed on the individual, living alone is more common than countries with high value of family co‐residence. For example, in Sweden and across the Nordics living alone has become a norm through a “culture of individualism” and a welfare state which enables people to access affordable housing and public services independent of family support.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 24 set. 2022.


Com base no texto, considere as afirmações abaixo.


I. Homens de meia idade desempregados e em comunidades menos vulneráveis tendem a viver sozinhos.

II. De acordo com um dos estudos, mulheres mais velhas vivem muito mais com a companhia de familiares.

III. Em alguns países, a cultura e a existência de políticas públicas favorecem viver sozinho.

IV. A migração da zona rural para as cidades contribui para o compartilhamento de habitação entre jovens.

V. Mulheres de meia idade com saúde comprometida vivem mais com companhia que outras mais saudáveis.


Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas, de acordo com o texto.

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Questão 77317

(UFU - 2022)


Choose the alternative which indicates the best order of sentences to complete the following text: “Soap is a very useful thing in our daily life. It is prepared through a number of steps. […]”

1. Now, the soap cakes are ready for use. We can make it ourselves at home or in school.

2. Then, the heated solution is allowed to cool.

3. It is left in that condition for twelve hours. As a result, the mixture becomes solid.

4. First, coconut oil and caustic soda are mixed with water.

5. Thereafter, it is cut into cake-like pieces.

6. The solution is heated for thirty minutes.

7. After that, the required amount of common salt is added to that solution.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 18 set. 2022.

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Questão 77318

(UFU - 2022)


So, to avoid listeriosis, use a fridge thermometer to check your fridge is running at a temperature below 5℃. It’s also important to not eat foods that are past their use-by dates. And follow the opened storage duration instructions, for example: “Once opened, consume within two days”. In contrast, other food poisoning is usually the result of poor food handling (such as not separating raw and cooked food, or failing to wash hands) that leads to cross-contamination, or failure to cook food to high enough temperatures to reduce the number of bacteria.

The increased cost of food and the rising cost of energy is having a significant effect on people’s finances. But people could unintentionally put themselves at risk of listeriosis when attempting to reduce their energy usage or spending on food. For example, people may be more tempted to eat foods beyond their use-by date or keep foods for longer than the recommended duration after opening to avoid wasting food and money. Also, people may be more likely to adjust the temperature of their fridge to reduce electricity usage. Although many people may be looking at different ways of saving money during this difficult time, we must remember that storing food for too long at the wrong temperature can allow listeria to grow to high numbers, enough to make us ill. Unfortunately, we can’t see, smell or taste listeria. So ensuring our fridges are running at temperatures below 5℃, and that we follow the use-by dates and the opened storage duration instructions, are essential to protect ourselves and our families from listeria, particularly during the cost of living crisis.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 25 set. 2022.


According to this text on listeriosis, we can state that

I. you can avoid it by not eating foods that have been opened too long or that have reached their storage dates.

II. you can also avoid eating contaminated food with listeria if it changes its appearance, smell or taste.

III. it is usually caused by cross-contamination which could result from poor food handling.

IV. keeping food under the right temperature will help protect your family against food poisoning.

V. people may be putting themselves at risk of listeriosis when trying to save money and reduce living costs.


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Questão 77319

(UFU - 2022)


It is a widespread belief that statins are a likely cause of muscle aches. Now a "monumental" study by researchers at Oxford University has "definitively" debunked the theory that the cholesterol-busting pills are to blame for common pains. While aches are experienced by many taking the drugs, the vast majority are caused by other things – most commonly that those taking them are simply getting older. GPs are advised to offer patients greater reassurance, paving the way for millions more people to be prescribed the pills that greatly reduce the risk of heart attacks. It follows decades of debate about the merits of statins, which are taken by more than eight million people in the UK.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 10 set. 2022.


Considering this text about statins, it is INCORRECT to state

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