Questão 51943

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Um escritor classificou Vidas secas como “romance desmontável”, tendo em vista sua composição descontínua, feita de episódios relativamente independentes e seqüências parcialmente truncadas. Essas características da composição do livro

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Questão 51945

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Decerto a gente daqui

jamais envelhece aos trinta

nem sabe da morte em vida,

vida em morte, severina;

(João Cabral de Melo Neto, Morte e vida severina)

Neste excerto, a personagem do "retirante" exprime uma concepção da “morte e vida severina”, idéia central da obra, que aparece em seu próprio título. Tal como foi expressa no excerto, essa concepção só NÃO encontra correspondência em:

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Questão 51948

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Apesar de muito diferentes entre si, as personagens Macunaíma (de Macunaíma) e Gonçalo Mendes Ramires (de A ilustre Casa de Ramires) apresentam como traço de semelhança o fato de que ambas.


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Questão 51952

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Working women in Japan are more likely to be married than not these days, a sharp reversal of the tradi-tional pattern. But for most of them, continuing to work after the wed-ding is an easier choice than having children. Despite some tentative attempts by government and business to make the working world and parenthood compatible, mothers say Japan’s business culture remains unfriendly to them. Business meetings often begin at 6 p.m. or later, long hours of unpaid overtime are expected, and companies routinely transfer employees to different cities for years. As a result, many women are choosing work over babies, causing the Japanese birthrate to fall to a record low in 1999----- an average 1.34 babies per woman----- an added woe for this aging nation.


According to the passage, the majority of working women in Japan

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Questão 51960

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Working women in Japan are more likely to be married than not these days, a sharp reversal of the tradi-tional pattern. But for most of them, continuing to work after the wed-ding is an easier choice than having children. Despite some tentative attempts by government and business to make the working world and parenthood compatible, mothers say Japan’s business culture remains unfriendly to them. Business meetings often begin at 6 p.m. or later, long hours of unpaid overtime are expected, and companies routinely transfer employees to different cities for years. As a result, many women are choosing work over babies, causing the Japanese birthrate to fall to a record low in 1999----- an average 1.34 babies per woman----- an added woe for this aging nation.


"attempts (...) to make the working world and parenthood compatible" (lines 2-3) means that

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Questão 51962

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

Working women in Japan are more likely to be married than not these days, a sharp reversal of the tradi-tional pattern. But for most of them, continuing to work after the wed-ding is an easier choice than having children. Despite some tentative attempts by government and business to make the working world and parenthood compatible, mothers say Japan’s business culture remains unfriendly to them. Business meetings often begin at 6 p.m. or later, long hours of unpaid overtime are expected, and companies routinely transfer employees to different cities for years. As a result, many women are choosing work over babies, causing the Japanese birthrate to fall to a record low in 1999----- an average 1.34 babies per woman----- an added woe for this aging nation.


Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

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Questão 51963

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

It is a nice irony, given that scientific genetics started with the manipulation of a crop plant, the pea, that the most vehement public opposition to it in recent years has come from those who object to the genetic manipulation of crops. At the moment, so-called genetically modified (GM) crops are in disgrace. Consumers, particularly in Europe, are wary of buying food that may contain them. Environmental activists are ripping up fields where they are being tested experimentally. And companies that design them are selling off their GM subsidiaries, or even themselves, to anyone willing to take on the risk. Yet the chances are that this is just a passing fad. No trial has shown a health risk from a commercially approved GM crop (or, more correctly, a transgenic crop, as all crop plants have been genetically modified by selective breeding since time immemorial). And while the environmental risks, such as cross-pollination with wild species and the promotion of insecticide-resistant strains of pest, look more plausible, they also look no worse than the sorts of environmental havoc wreaked by more traditional sorts of agriculture.


According to the passage,

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Questão 51964

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

It is a nice irony, given that scientific genetics started with the manipulation of a crop plant, the pea, that the most vehement public opposition to it in recent years has come from those who object to the genetic manipulation of crops. At the moment, so-called genetically modified (GM) crops are in disgrace. Consumers, particularly in Europe, are wary of buying food that may contain them. Environmental activists are ripping up fields where they are being tested experimentally. And companies that design them are selling off their GM subsidiaries, or even themselves, to anyone willing to take on the risk. Yet the chances are that this is just a passing fad. No trial has shown a health risk from a commercially approved GM crop (or, more correctly, a transgenic crop, as all crop plants have been genetically modified by selective breeding since time immemorial). And while the environmental risks, such as cross-pollination with wild species and the promotion of insecticide-resistant strains of pest, look more plausible, they also look no worse than the sorts of environmental havoc wreaked by more traditional sorts of agriculture.


Choose the correct active voice form for ...."fields where they are being tested experimentally"

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Questão 51967

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

It is a nice irony, given that scientific genetics started with the manipulation of a crop plant, the pea, that the most vehement public opposition to it in recent years has come from those who object to the genetic manipulation of crops. At the moment, so-called genetically modified (GM) crops are in disgrace. Consumers, particularly in Europe, are wary of buying food that may contain them. Environmental activists are ripping up fields where they are being tested experimentally. And companies that design them are selling off their GM subsidiaries, or even themselves, to anyone willing to take on the risk. Yet the chances are that this is just a passing fad. No trial has shown a health risk from a commercially approved GM crop (or, more correctly, a transgenic crop, as all crop plants have been genetically modified by selective breeding since time immemorial). And while the environmental risks, such as cross-pollination with wild species and the promotion of insecticide-resistant strains of pest, look more plausible, they also look no worse than the sorts of environmental havoc wreaked by more traditional sorts of agriculture.


The passage tells us that GM crops

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Questão 51970

(FUVEST - 2001 - 1a fase)

It is a nice irony, given that scientific genetics started with the manipulation of a crop plant, the pea, that the most vehement public opposition to it in recent years has come from those who object to the genetic manipulation of crops. At the moment, so-called genetically modified (GM) crops are in disgrace. Consumers, particularly in Europe, are wary of buying food that may contain them. Environmental activists are ripping up fields where they are being tested experimentally. And companies that design them are selling off their GM subsidiaries, or even themselves, to anyone willing to take on the risk. Yet the chances are that this is just a passing fad. No trial has shown a health risk from a commercially approved GM crop (or, more correctly, a transgenic crop, as all crop plants have been genetically modified by selective breeding since time immemorial). And while the environmental risks, such as cross-pollination with wild species and the promotion of insecticide-resistant strains of pest, look more plausible, they also look no worse than the sorts of environmental havoc wreaked by more traditional sorts of agriculture.


Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

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