(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 15)
Who Sleeps?
Reptiles, birds and mammals all sleep. That is, they become unconscious of their surroundings for periods of time. Some fish and amphibians reduce their awareness but do not ever become unconscious like the higher vertebrates do. Insects do not appear to sleep, although they may become inactive in daylight or darkness. By studying brainwaves, it is known that reptiles do no dream. Birds dream a little. Mammals all dream during s leep. Different animals sleep in different ways. Some animals, like humans, prefer to sleep in one long session. Other animals (dogs, for example) like to sleep in many short bursts. Some sleep at night, while others sleep during the day.
Cows can sleep while standing up, but they only dream if they lie down.
Whales and dolphins are “conscious breathers” and because they need to keep conscious while they sleep in order to breathe, only one half of their brain sleeps at a time.
Adaptado de http://health.howstuffworks.com/sleep.htm
O que o texto afirma sobre os anfíbios, os insetos e os cães, no que diz respeito ao sono?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 16)
It was this aspect of servitude I found to be one of the strongest affronts to my dignity as a human being. To Mrs. Thomas and her son, I became invisible; their conversation was private with me, the black servant, in the room as it would have been with no one in the room… These gestures of ignoring my presence were not, I think, intended as insults; they were expressions of the employer’s ability to annihilate the humanness and even, at times, the very existence of me, a servant and a black woman.
a) Que relação tinha a narradora com a Sra. Thomas e seu filho e como esses a tratavam?
b) Segundo a narradora, o que esse tratamento expressava?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 17)
O texto faz uma previsão em relação ao planeta Terra. Que previsão é essa e o que a justifica?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 18)
O que o texto afirma sobre a Etiópia?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 19)
On Wednesday, the police in Oslo said that they were still frantically investigating the theft of the two Munch works, stolen from the Munch Museum on Sunday morning, but that they had no new leads to report. Their main evidence, they said, centers on an abandoned car found not far from the museum; the paintings’ discarded frames, found in a nearby field; interviews with guards and museumgoers who saw two men, one of them armed with a revolver, enter the museum and wrench the paintings from the walls; and closed-circuit television images of the incident.
The men were wearing ski masks that covered their faces, said Jorn-Kristian Jorgensen, an adviser in the information section of the Oslo Police Department. He also informed that no reward has yet been offered for the paintings’ recovery, though an offer is expected to emerge.
“The art world is a special world in itself, and probably it’s more psychiatry than crime,” he said of the hunt for the perpetrators. “Why are people stealing art that cannot be sold to anyone? What are these people searching for? Are they searching for money? Are they searching for honor within their own criminal world?”
Investigators specializing in stolen art – many of them based in London, the center of Europe’s art markets – say that art thieves in Europe, where most of the high-profile thefts take place, tend to fall into two categories. Some are low-level criminals who are more likely to improvise the operation and dispose quickly of the works, often for a fraction of their value; others are members of organized gangs who use the paintings as collateral or bartering chips in underworld deals involving drugs, forged documents and weapons. In such cases, recovering the paintings, if they are recovered at all, can take years, even decades.
a) Que ato criminoso motivou a autora a escrever esse t exto e em que dia da semana tal ato foi praticado?
b) O oferecimento de recompensas é uma estratégia freqüentemente utilizada durante investigações criminais. Que informações o texto fornece, a esse respeito, no caso em questão?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 20)
On Wednesday, the police in Oslo said that they were still frantically investigating the theft of the two Munch works, stolen from the Munch Museum on Sunday morning, but that they had no new leads to report. Their main evidence, they said, centers on an abandoned car found not far from the museum; the paintings’ discarded frames, found in a nearby field; interviews with guards and museumgoers who saw two men, one of them armed with a revolver, enter the museum and wrench the paintings from the walls; and closed-circuit television images of the incident.
The men were wearing ski masks that covered their faces, said Jorn-Kristian Jorgensen, an adviser in the information section of the Oslo Police Department. He also informed that no reward has yet been offered for the paintings’ recovery, though an offer is expected to emerge.
“The art world is a special world in itself, and probably it’s more psychiatry than crime,” he said of the hunt for the perpetrators. “Why are people stealing art that cannot be sold to anyone? What are these people searching for? Are they searching for money? Are they searching for honor within their own criminal world?”
Investigators specializing in stolen art – many of them based in London, the center of Europe’s art markets – say that art thieves in Europe, where most of the high-profile thefts take place, tend to fall into two categories. Some are low-level criminals who are more likely to improvise the operation and dispose quickly of the works, often for a fraction of their value; others are members of organized gangs who use the paintings as collateral or bartering chips in underworld deals involving drugs, forged documents and weapons. In such cases, recovering the paintings, if they are recovered at all, can take years, even decades.
Quais eram as evidências com que a polícia trabalhava na investigação do crime, na época em que a matéria foi publicada?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 21)
On Wednesday, the police in Oslo said that they were still frantically investigating the theft of the two Munch works, stolen from the Munch Museum on Sunday morning, but that they had no new leads to report. Their main evidence, they said, centers on an abandoned car found not far from the museum; the paintings’ discarded frames, found in a nearby field; interviews with guards and museumgoers who saw two men, one of them armed with a revolver, enter the museum and wrench the paintings from the walls; and closed-circuit television images of the incident.
The men were wearing ski masks that covered their faces, said Jorn-Kristian Jorgensen, an adviser in the information section of the Oslo Police Department. He also informed that no reward has yet been offered for the paintings’ recovery, though an offer is expected to emerge.
“The art world is a special world in itself, and probably it’s more psychiatry than crime,” he said of the hunt for the perpetrators. “Why are people stealing art that cannot be sold to anyone? What are these people searching for? Are they searching for money? Are they searching for honor within their own criminal world?”
Investigators specializing in stolen art – many of them based in London, the center of Europe’s art markets – say that art thieves in Europe, where most of the high-profile thefts take place, tend to fall into two categories. Some are low-level criminals who are more likely to improvise the operation and dispose quickly of the works, often for a fraction of their value; others are members of organized gangs who use the paintings as collateral or bartering chips in underworld deals involving drugs, forged documents and weapons. In such cases, recovering the paintings, if they are recovered at all, can take years, even decades.
Segundo o texto, as pessoas que cometeram o crime em questão tendem a se enquadrar em duas categorias: criminosos improvisados ou membros de gangues organizadas. Descreva o comportamento dos criminosos de cada categoria.
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 22)
TV-Turnoff Network is a national nonprofit organization that encourages children and adults to watch much less television in order to promote healthier lives and communities.
We have reconstructed the Tower of Babel, and it is a television antenna: a thousand voices producing a daily parody of democracy, in which everyone’s opinion is afforded equal weight regardless of substance or merit. – Ted Koppel
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. – Groucho Marx
The one function TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were. – David Brinkley
Segundo Ted Koppel, o que caracteriza a paródia de democracia produzida diariamente na televisão?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 23)
TV-Turnoff Network is a national nonprofit organization that encourages children and adults to watch much less television in order to promote healthier lives and communities.
We have reconstructed the Tower of Babel, and it is a television antenna: a thousand voices producing a daily parody of democracy, in which everyone’s opinion is afforded equal weight regardless of substance or merit. – Ted Koppel
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. – Groucho Marx
The one function TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if there were. – David Brinkley
a) Por que Groucho Marx considera a televisão educativa?
b) O que David Brinkley afirma sobre os noticiários da TV?
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(UNICAMP - 2005 - 2a fase - Questão 24)
O direito de exercer sua cidadania de forma plena tem sido reivindicação, amplamente divulgada na mídia, de várias minorias. Igualmente divulgados têm sido os argumentos contrários a essas reivindicações. Leia a charge abaixo e responda
Jack Ohman, The Oregon, 13 de julho de 2004
a) O que os homossexuais reivindicam, segundo o personagem da charge?
b) A ironia da charge reside no fato de que seu personagem é incapaz de perceber algo. O que ele não percebe?
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