Os números reais x e y são tais que .
Nessas condições, tem-se y < 0 se, e somente se, x satisfizer a condição:
(UPF - 2017) O Oriente Médio nas últimas décadas tem sido abalado por vários conflitos, como a Guerra do Líbano, o conflito Irã/Iraque, a Guerra do Golfo e a questão Palestina.
Assinale a alternativa cujo fator informado apresenta a melhor relação com a origem dessa situação conflituosa.
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(ESCS - 2007) “Foi a derrubada do Xá do Irã em 1979, de longe a maior de todas as revoluções da década de 1970, e que entrará na história como uma das grandes revoluções sociais do século XX”.
(Eric J. Hobsbawn. Era dos Extremos: o breve século XX: 1914-1991, p. 440).
A opção a seguir que melhor explicita a originalidade da revolução iraniana no século XX é:
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(MACKENZIE - 2007)
By Stephen Thewlis
If you ___( I )___ an international student seeking an MBA, why ___( II )___ the United States? Because American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a leading edge in the business world through top-of-the-line education, diverse specialized programs, and unparalleled networking opportunities and resources.
There are over a thousand MBA programs in the U.S.A. You will find an array of options to fit just about any need - from specialized degrees to unique programs geared toward international students.
Most American business schools - regardless of the major focus - will train you in the principles of general business management, which is a combination of accounting, economics, finance, marketing and statistics, among other topics. American universities also offer a wealth of specialized MBA programs and classes to 1tailor your degree. Depending on your intended career goals, you'll find programs that offer a more focused approach, including business administration, finance, human resources, information technology, marketing, nonprofit administration, and more.
Adapted from Study in the U.S.A.
The alternative that contains the verbs which complete blanks I and II in their appropriate tense is:
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(UFPEL - 2007)
Written by Alvaro Antunes
It's widely known that Brazilians are the largest community in Orkut, Google's invitation-only social network. In fact, the number of Brazilian Orkut members is even larger than recorded, as many choose to register as if he or she was from a small country, like the British Virgin Islands, Nauru or so.
But why does this happen? Is this because Brazilians are naturally warmer and friendlier than other people? Do Brazilians really have more friends than anyone else?
Sadly, it seems that this is not the case. Take, for instance, how people join Orkut: in America, invitations to join are even auctioned off on eBay.
In Brazil, someone who tried this as a source of income would probably starve to death, as I know people who have simply posted on a newsgroup or mailing list something like "Whoever wants to join Orkut, just e-mail me." I myself joined Orkut through one such invitation. And I didn't even know the guy!
I believe that some people do that because of some kind of "most toys syndrome," that is, a desire to be able to boast that he or she has a great number of Orkut friends.
On the other hand, other people accept friend requests simply because they are asked (even by strangers), which takes us to the next point: at least for Brazilians, 1_______________________?
Once again, the sad answer seems to be no. For instance, I joined some cat lovers groups. A couple of days later, I was added to the friends list of a cat! And no, this was not a person using a cat as an alter ego, but rather someone's pet! If its owners invited me to their friends list, I would understand. But why should I be friends with only their cat?
Worse yet, I checked the cat's friends, and they were almost all pets too (including many dogs, by the way). There were also many fake celebrities and even completely fictional soap opera characters who are Orkut members and have many friends.
OK, I suppose that this may happen regardless of country, as a kind of joke, but the fact is that, even browsing several communities in English, I never found any pet, fake celebrity or character that wasn't registered by a Brazilian (and a profile written in Portuguese is a clear indication).
On the other hand, even disregarding 2"unreal" Orkut friends, becoming friends with real people you don't actually know is very easy on Orkut, at least for Brazilians.
I decided to check this for real, randomly adding to my friends list people who I found on the friend finder page, communities I'm not a member of, and so on. A considerable percentage of those accepted me as a friend, even if they had absolutely no idea about who I am or how I found them!
To stir things up, I decided to join, for a while, some communities that might suggest I am someone with strange tastes and views. And this had almost no effect on complete strangers accepting me as a friend. So what does this mean? That for many, perhaps most, Brazilians, an 'Orkut friend' is not what he or she would call a friend in the real world.
I don't know to what extent this is also true for members from other countries, but it surely helps inflate the number of Brazilian Orkut members.
So, if you take your Orkut friends list seriously, you ___________ think twice before accepting a stranger as a friend, as he or she __________ be.
Os verbos que completam corretamente a ideia contida no último parágrafo do texto são:
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(FGV - 2007) "(...) os domínios [grandes propriedades] foram divididos em pequenas unidades, confiadas a granjeiros, chamados colonos, e o termo 'colonus', que outrora designava o agricultor, ou seja, o camponês proprietário, tendeu a se aplicar exclusivamente ao colono do grande proprietário."
Paul Petit, "A Paz Romana", 1969.
O texto descreve o campo, no mundo romano antigo:
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(UNIOESTE - 2007) O bispo Jacques Bossuet, grande teórico do absolutismo monárquico, afirmou: "Todo poder vem de Deus. Os governantes, pois, agem como ministros de Deus e seus representantes na terra. Resulta de tudo isso que a pessoa do rei é sagrada e que atacá-lo é sacrilégio. O poder real é absoluto. O príncipe não precisa dar contas de seus atos a ninguém."
(In: Coletânea de Documentos Históricos para o 1º grau. São Paulo, SE/CENP, 1978, p. 79).
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO CARACTERIZA o regime absolutista de poder:
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Sobre a estrutura interna da Terra, é CORRETO afirmar que a(o):
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[…] a crosta terrestre está para a Terra na mesma proporção que a casca de ovo está para o ovo. A clara e a gema do ovo podem ser comparadas às camadas internas da Terra, representadas pelo manto e pelo núcleo.
ROSS, Jurandyr L. S. Geografia do Brasil. 5 ed. São Paulo: Edusp, 2005.
Analisando as características e a dinâmica da estrutura geológica da Terra é CORRETO afirmar que:
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Graben e Horst são formas de relevo associadas às falhas tectônicas.
No Brasil, os exemplos para I e II são, respectivamente,
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