(Unesp 2008)
Dear Sir,
I am writing to thank you for bouncing my cheque with which I endeavoured to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations, three "nanoseconds" must have elapsed between his presenting the cheque and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honour it. I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my Pension, an arrangement, which, I admit, has been in place for only eight years
You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account to the tune of 30 pounds by way of a penalty for the inconvenience caused to your bank. My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways.
I noticed that whereas I personally attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am confronted by that impersonal, overcharging, prerecorded, faceless entity, which your bank has become.
From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a flesh-and-blood person. My mortgage and loan payment will therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank by cheque, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must nominate. Be aware that it is an offence under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an envelope. Please find attached an Application Contact Status, which I require your chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative. Please note that a Solicitor must countersign all copies of his or her medical history, and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof.
(Adapted from: forums.film.com/showthead.php?t=15516)
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença: If the pension deposit ......... earlier, the lady ......................... in trouble.
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(UFF - 2008)
CURIOSITY: a path toward knowledge?
4Curiosity's virtue is its greed. It wonders, often indiscriminately, about everything it focuses on. Curiosity carries you, limited by time and space, beyond the immediate. It knows no boundaries, and it pushes you to learn about everything that's still unknown or unfamiliar to you. 1It can as easily direct itself to the ancient Egyptians as to the wriggling pond-life under your microscope. But that's also its vice, for it's usually directed to very particular interests - say, to ballet or to bugs. You therefore have to make strenuous efforts to extend its range, so that your wonder about ballet becomes knowledge about dance, or so that your fascination with bugs turns into a lifelong love affair with the entire natural world.
When you were a child, your eagerness to learn defined your behavior. You were full of wonder about everything - touching, holding, maybe wrecking anything that came into your reach. And as soon as you could talk you were full of questions: 2why is the sky blue? why is up up? why can't tomorrow be yesterday? You found everything "curiouser and curiouser", as Alice found it in Wonderland. Adults tried to answer your endless questions (even if you sometimes drove them crazy with them), for they knew that by rewarding your natural inquisitiveness and by satisfying your excitement to know, they'd help you to learn and, equally important, to acquire a taste for learning throughout your life.
Yet you must keep this in mind about knowledge: it isn't the same thing as information. Knowledge is information that has been given organization, meaning, and use. 3Facts exist by themselves. Knowledge is a human creation.
5Hydrogen and chlorine are elements of nature. That's a fact. Your understanding that, when combined, these two elements create new substances, such as hydrochloric acid, which has certain characteristics that hydrogen and chlorine independently don't have, constitutes knowledge.
Knowledge differs from information as music differs from sound. An orchestra warming up doesn't make music; it makes only noise. It makes music when the conductor takes over and each performer follows the score in cooperation with one another. Music is sound given form and significance. Similarly, knowledge is information given structure and meaning. The facts in your head become knowledge when you put them together so that they're related to one another and, put together, take on meaning that is large than the mere facts alone. Nothing has meaning by itself. Information has to gain meaning from the application of human thought. To attain knowledge, you must struggle endlessly to derive meaning from information.
Curiosity can be every student's best friend. It's the inner signal of what your mind and spirit want to know at any particular time. You ask questions and pursue your curiosity for a single reason: to create knowledge.
(Adapted from BANNER, Jr., M.J. and CANNON, H.C. The elements of learning. New Haven: Yale Press, 1999.)
greed = ganância, avidez
wriggling = remexendo-se, contorcendo-se
to wreck = destruir
to reward = recompensar
to pursue = buscar, perseguir
to struggle = esforçar-se
Mark the option in which the apostrophe S is used as in "curiosity's virtue" (ref. 4).
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(Fgv 2008)
Most of their criticism stems from the Hyde Act, passed last year by American lawmakers to allow nuclear trade with India. It contains a nonbinding clause directing the U.S. president to determine whether India is cooperating with American efforts to confront Iran about its nuclear program. That has been seized on by Indian critics as proof that Washington intends to direct New Delhi's foreign policy.
(Doubts grow over U.S. - India nuclear deal - By MATTHEW ROSENBERG)
According to the text, the Hyde Act:
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(Uepg 2008)
Times are tough and money is tight, but it doesn't have to cost a lot for you and your family to have a vacation together! Here are some good tips for you.
- Plan ahead
Planning ahead is the first step in saving for your getaway. A little thought, effort, and elbow grease will be well worth the effort. Asking friends, family, or a church group to travel with you divides costs. You can easily split the price of a large beach rental house or get a good group rate at a campground. An added benefit? Division of labor, leaving more time for FUN.
- Surf the Internet first
Travel deals, discounts and coupons abound online - if you know where to look. "My husband finds things like cheap airline tickets and car rental discounts," says Lisa Brown, mother of one. "We don't go anywhere without a discount coupon of some sort." Starting at any search engine (such as Yahoo! or Google), type "travel deals" or "travel discounts". Hotel discounts, attraction coupons, and Internet-only specials are ready for the taking. Look up your destination and click around. It's well worth the effort if the result is a 20 dollar nightly savings for lodging alone.
- Travel off-season
Kids too young for school, or perhaps school-aged but tracked out? One of best times to hit the beaches is the fall. Warm days, cool nights and warm water temperatures combine for great vacation days. Add off-season rates, and you're taking one terrific vacation.
- Lodging options
Where you rest your weary head after a day of vacation fun can be the most costly aspect of your trip. Look for hotels with advantages, such as free meals or discounts. "Hotels that include real breakfast are great," says Apex, North Carolina mom Robin Freer. "You save money on eating out and best of all, you save time in the morning, giving you more time to enjoy wherever you are going that day.
- Bringing home memories
Ever notice your bags are even more full on the return trip home? It's tough to resist purchasing some souvenirs along the way. But even the best-planned vacation budget can get blown out of the water with one trip to the souvenir shop. Avoid the tourist traps. Sure, you could pull out your wallet right at the attraction you're visiting. Or, you could drive just down the road to the local Wal-Mart or shopping center and purchase similar merchandise for substantially less money. Before you purchase a T-shirt stop and think. Is this something you can live without? And if not, is there a chance you can buy it elsewhere for less?
(Adaptado de http://sheknows.com/about/look/4255.html 8/9/2007)
According to the text which follows "Bringing home memories", mark the correct alternatives.
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Fernanda Colavitti
2A era digital trouxe inovações e facilidades para o homem que superou de longe o que 16a ficção previa até pouco tempo atrás. 1Se antes precisávamos correr em busca de informações de nosso interesse, hoje, úteis ou não, elas é que nos assediam: resultados de loterias, dicas de cursos, variações da moeda, ofertas de compras, notícias de atentados, ganhadores de gincanas, etc. 11Por outro lado, 6enquanto cresce a capacidade dos discos rígidos e a velocidade das informações, o desempenho da memória humana está ficando cada vez mais comprometido. Cientistas são unânimes ao associar 3a rapidez das informações geradas pelo mundo digital com a restrição de nosso "disco rígido" natural. 10Eles ressaltam, porém, que 7o problema não está propriamente 4nas novas tecnologias, mas 5no uso exagerado delas, o que faz com que deixemos de lado atividades mais estimulantes, como a leitura, que envolvem diversas funções do cérebro. Os mais prejudicados por esse processo têm sido crianças e adolescentes, cujo desenvolvimento neuronal acaba sendo moldado preguiçosamente.
Responda sem pensar: qual era a manchete do jornal de ontem? Você lembra o nome da novela que 12antecedeu o Clone? E quem era o técnico da Seleção Brasileira na Copa do Mundo de 1994? Não ter uma resposta imediata para essas perguntas não deve ser causa de preocupação para ninguém, mas exemplifica bem o problema constatado pela fonoaudióloga paulista Ana Maria Maaz Alvarez, que há mais de 20 anos estuda a relação entre audição e recordação.
A pedido de duas empresas, 8ela realizou uma pesquisa para saber o que estava ocorrendo com os funcionários que reclamavam com frequência de lapsos de memória. Foram entrevistados 71 homens e mulheres, com idade de 18 e 42 anos. 9A maioria dos esquecimentos era de natureza auditiva, como nomes que acabavam de ser ouvidos ou assuntos discutidos. (Por falar nisso, responda sem olhar no parágrafo anterior: você lembra o nome da pesquisadora citada?)
Ana Maria 13descobriu que os lapsos de memória resultavam basicamente do excesso de informação em consequência do tipo de trabalho que essas pessoas exerciam nas empresas, e do pouco tempo que 14dispunham para processá-las, somados à angústia de querer saber mais e ao excesso de atribuições. "Elas não se detinham no que estava sendo dito (lido, ouvido ou visto) e, consequentemente, não 15conseguiam gravar os dados na memória", afirma.
(Fonte Internet: Superinteressante, 2001).
(Uece 2008) Analise os elementos mórficos das formas verbais e assinale com V as segmentações corretas e, com F, as falsas.
( ) antecedeu (ref. 12): ante + ced + e + u
( ) descobriu (ref. 13): des + cobri + u
( ) dispunham (ref. 14): dis + punh + a + m
( ) conseguiam (ref. 15): con + segu + i + a + m
Assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
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En la frase "[...] agonizan los MARES-BASUREROS [...]", la expresión destacada traduce
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O gráfico aponta importantes mudanças no padrão de consumo de países desenvolvidos, entre as décadas de 1950 e 1990.
O modelo produtivo e a correspondente explicação para tais mudanças estão apontadas em:
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(UFG - 2008) Leia o soneto a seguir.
Longe de ti, se escuto, porventura,
Teu nome, que uma boca indiferente
Entre outros nomes de mulher murmura,
Sobe-me o pranto aos olhos, de repente...
Tal aquele, que, mísero, a tortura
Sofre de amargo exílio, e tristemente
A linguagem natal, maviosa e pura,
Ouve falada por estranha gente...
Porque teu nome é para mim o nome
De uma pátria distante e idolatrada,
Cuja saudade ardente me consome:
E ouvi-lo é ver a eterna primavera
E a eterna luz da terra abençoada,
Onde, entre flores, teu amor me espera.
(BILAC, Olavo. "Melhores poemas". Seleção de Marisa Lajolo. São Paulo: Global, 2003. p. 54. (Coleção Melhores poemas).
Olavo Bilac, mais conhecido como poeta parnasiano, expressa traços românticos em sua obra. No soneto apresentado observa-se o seguinte traço romântico:
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(Pucrs/2008) ________, autor de ________, está situado na geração que se convencionou chamar ________, e apresenta uma literatura voltada para as questões sociais do Brasil, compondo retratos dos problemas das cidades.
Os dados que completam as lacunas estão reunidos em:
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