Questão 24257

Soneto Químico  
De filhos do carbono nós fazemos de ti "compostos", ó gloriosa arte, reagiremos total, parte a parte, em ciclanos, em alcinos ou alcadienos.  

Desbravamos-te as formas anômeras, descobrimos veredas inúmeras, desde todos mistérios da alquimia onde ainda era tida como magia.  

Esculpida em mercúrio, chumbo e ferro. Em teu avanço para o tempo moderno tivestes sim uma explosão "polvorosa".  

Conhecer-te será sempre uma sina, empiricamente maravilhosa, então aplaudamos-te de pé, ó QUÍMICA.  

Disponível em: . Acesso: 20 abr. 2013.  

A fórmula geral dos compostos orgânicos apresentados no poema é, respectivamente, 

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Questão 24258

O enxofre, contaminante presente na gasolina e no óleo combustível, pode afetar a qualidade do ar nos grandes centros urbanos.  
A presença desse poluente em combustíveis 

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Questão 24259

Os habitantes das regiões áridas percebem que os lagos de água salgada têm menor tendência para secar que os lagos de água doce.  
Esse fato deve-se à  

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Questão 24260

O propeno, matéria prima de plásticos, pode ser utilizado como combustível e apresenta reatividade com HI.  
O mecanismo dessa reação pode ser explicado pela adição do 

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Questão 24261

Em pleno verão 'escaldante', uma jovem despejou 250 mL de água gelada, em temperatura de 2 oC, em um copo de vidro (SiO2), e observou imediatamente que a parede externa do copo adquiriu, até o nível de água, uma aparência esbranquiçada. Após 10 minutos, formaram-se gotículas de água na parede externa do copo que escorreram depois de 30 minutos.  Passados 180 minutos, quando a água do copo ficou em temperatura ambiente, apareceram várias bolhinhas na parede interna do copo.  
As bolhinhas se formaram após 180 minutos, porque a água  

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Questão 24263

No processo de galvanoplastia de um anel de alumínio com uma fina camada de ouro, insere-se o material em uma solução aquosa de  Au(NO3)3 que possui uma placa de ouro ligada a um gerador.   Dados:  potencial-padrão de redução, Eo (25 oC, 1 atm, íons = 1 mol L-1

Nessa reação de galvanoplastia,   

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Questão 24264

Na indústria moderna de fertilizantes, a produção da amônia, NH3, é a base para a elaboração de todos os outros fertilizantes nitrogenados. A amônia é obtida pela reação entre o nitrogênio (N2), que vem da atmosfera, e o hidrogênio (H2), que pode vir de diversas fontes (renováveis ou não). A reação ocorre em pressão elevada com auxílio de catalisadores.  
Dados: R = 0,082 atm.L.mol-1.K-1 e 1 atm = 760 mmHg  
A massa de amônia obtida a partir de 820 L de hidrogênio a 38.000 mmHg e 227 oC será de, aproximadamente,   

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Questão 24265

As duplas ligações existentes no anel benzênico nos dão a primeira impressão de que deveriam ser fáceis as reações de adição nesse anel, tal como acontece nos alcenos. Porém,  a  variação  da entalpia da reação de adição de hidrogênio  (H2) no  ciclohexeno  é –28,6 Kcal, enquanto o calor liberado pela mesma adição completa em benzeno é 49,8 kcal.  
Os valores da entalpia das reações das hidrogenações apresentadas acima indicam 

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Questão 24266

It is not money nor uninformed reform that makes schools better 
EDUCATION is the handmaiden of economic growth: teach future workers well, it is argued, and they will go on to invigorate the economy. No surprise then that the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, goes to great lengths to discover how the school systems in its member countries are doing. Education ministers are already anxiously awaiting the next issue of its PISA study, which is due to be published on December 7th. As happens every three years, this will detail and rank the reading, mathematics and science skills of 15-yearolds in each country. But even more important than ranking school systems is knowing how to make them better. That is the aim of another new study, to be released on November 29th by McKinsey. The consultancy selected school systems where it has seen standards rise and identified what they had in common. Countries can make rapid progress, it argues, if they do the right thing—and at the right time.  

For starters, McKinsey says, throwing money at education does not seem to do much good, at least in those countries that already send all their young people to school (see chart). America, for example, increased its spending on schools by 21% between 2000 and 2007, while Britain pumped in 37% more funds. Yet in this period, according to PISA, standards in both countries slipped. Many school systems that were not showered with extra funds did much better. Schools in the state of Saxony, in Germany, in Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Poland have all raised their games. Even poor countries such as Chile and Ghana have made progress. What separates the big spenders from the improvers, McKinsey found, is the awareness that different types of school system respond to radically different types of reform. In countries where schools mainly seek to teach pupils to read, write and grasp some basic maths, centralization seems to work. All teachers should be directed to teach the same lessons from the same textbooks.  Countries where schools have already attained a higher standard should become pickier in choosing teachers. Another study by McKinsey in 2007 concluded that making teaching a high-status profession was what boosted standards. For instance, schools could recruit teachers from among the best university graduates, an idea that was part of a series of measures published in England on November 24th. At the very top of the global educational league table — where only a handful of countries or systems within them manage to attain really high standards — decentralization is the name of the game. The authorities hand control over to teachers, most of whom are highly educated and motivated, so they can learn from each other and follow the best practices. When it comes to getting the very best grades, it seems that teacher still knows best.

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Based on the text, it is possible to state that   
I. the Brazilian educational system needs improvement.

II. educated workers can lead to stronger economies.

III. uninformed reforms can make schools better.

IV. schools in Slovenia have become better.

V. Poland has stimulated spending in education.   
Assinale a alternativa que contém somente afirmativas corretas.  

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Questão 24267

It is not money nor uninformed reform that makes schools better 
EDUCATION is the handmaiden of economic growth: teach future workers well, it is argued, and they will go on to invigorate the economy. No surprise then that the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, goes to great lengths to discover how the school systems in its member countries are doing. Education ministers are already anxiously awaiting the next issue of its PISA study, which is due to be published on December 7th. As happens every three years, this will detail and rank the reading, mathematics and science skills of 15-yearolds in each country. But even more important than ranking school systems is knowing how to make them better. That is the aim of another new study, to be released on November 29th by McKinsey. The consultancy selected school systems where it has seen standards rise and identified what they had in common. Countries can make rapid progress, it argues, if they do the right thing—and at the right time.  

For starters, McKinsey says, throwing money at education does not seem to do much good, at least in those countries that already send all their young people to school (see chart). America, for example, increased its spending on schools by 21% between 2000 and 2007, while Britain pumped in 37% more funds. Yet in this period, according to PISA, standards in both countries slipped. Many school systems that were not showered with extra funds did much better. Schools in the state of Saxony, in Germany, in Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Poland have all raised their games. Even poor countries such as Chile and Ghana have made progress. What separates the big spenders from the improvers, McKinsey found, is the awareness that different types of school system respond to radically different types of reform. In countries where schools mainly seek to teach pupils to read, write and grasp some basic maths, centralization seems to work. All teachers should be directed to teach the same lessons from the same textbooks.  Countries where schools have already attained a higher standard should become pickier in choosing teachers. Another study by McKinsey in 2007 concluded that making teaching a high-status profession was what boosted standards. For instance, schools could recruit teachers from among the best university graduates, an idea that was part of a series of measures published in England on November 24th. At the very top of the global educational league table — where only a handful of countries or systems within them manage to attain really high standards — decentralization is the name of the game. The authorities hand control over to teachers, most of whom are highly educated and motivated, so they can learn from each other and follow the best practices. When it comes to getting the very best grades, it seems that teacher still knows best.

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Based on the text and on the PISA chart, we can infer that the relationship between public spending and quality in education is more efficient in 

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