(Upf 2014)
Conheci que Madalena era boa em demasia, mas não conheci tudo de uma vez. Ela se revelou pouco a pouco, e nunca se revelou inteiramente. A culpa foi minha, ou antes, a culpa foi desta vida agreste, que me deu uma alma agreste.
E, falando assim, compreendo que perco o tempo. Com efeito, se me escapa o retrato moral de minha mulher, para que serve esta narrativa? Para nada, mas sou forçado a escrever.
Quando os grilos cantam, sento-me aqui à mesa da sala de jantar, bebo café, acendo o cachimbo. Às vezes as ideias não vêm, ou vêm muito numerosas – e a folha permanece meio escrita, como estava na véspera. Releio algumas linhas, que me desagradam. Não vale a pena tentar corrigi-las. Afasto o papel.
Emoções indefiníveis me agitam – inquietação terrível, desejo doido de voltar, tagarelar novamente com Madalena, como fazíamos todos os dias, a esta hora. Saudade? Não, não é isto: é desespero, raiva, um peso enorme no coração.
Procuro recordar o que dizíamos. Impossível. As minhas palavras eram apenas palavras, e as dela tinham alguma coisa que não consigo exprimir. Para senti-las melhor, eu apagava as luzes, deixava que a sombra nos envolvesse até ficarmos dois vultos indistintos na escuridão.
Lá fora os sapos arengavam, o vento gemia, as árvores do pomar tornavam-se massas negras.
RAMOS, Graciliano. São Bernardo.
A única afirmação que não corresponde ao texto acima é que Paulo Honório, personagem-narrador:
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(UECE-2014) Leia:
Atente à caracterização do engraxate.
Segundo o cronista, ele era gordo e calvo. Essa caracterização
I. está, de algum modo, relacionada com as ideias principais do texto.
II. tem uma função textual.
III. atende a uma necessidade de coerência interna do texto.
Estão corretas as complementações contidas em
(UNIFOR - 2014)
“Bohemian Rhapsody” é uma canção cuja letra foi escrita por Freddie Mercury, gravada originalmente pela banda Queen em 1975 no álbum A Night at the Opera. Esta canção possui uma estrutura musical incomum para a música popular, o que a faz ser considerada por muitos uma obra de rock progressivo. Suas seis sessões não possuem um refrão. Foi lançada como compacto e tornou-se um estrondoso sucesso comercial.
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy
I need no sympathy…
Nothing really matters (1)
Anyone can see (2)
Nothing really matters (3)
Nothing really matters to me (4)
Anyway the wind blows (5)
Nos últimos versos, os pronomes nothing, anyone e anyway passam a ideia de:
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(UNESP - 2014/2 - 1a fase)
No trecho do primeiro quadrinho – This should be the last load –, a palavra should indica uma ideia de:
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(UFRGS - 2014)
Britain has met the heir who will certainly change the face of monarchy for ever. Kate and William’s son enters this world as a Royal Highness, destined to be king of his country. Though his mother is a Duchess, the title 1__________ disguise the fact that there has never been a royal child quite like Kate’s. For while William descends from a line of monarchs, this baby boy’s maternal grandparents 5once worked for British Airways and now run their own company.
This new prince will become the first British monarch with working-class blood running through his veins. Monarchy these days is a precarious business, and increasingly hard to justify – not only in terms of the funds taxpayers donate to the Crown, but in a wider world in which royal families seem ever more anachronistic. This baby has arrived at a time of profound social change and evolution – 2__________ is why I believe a royal child with middle-class antecedents can provide the social alchemy that will secure the future of the House of Windsor.
William and Kate, a modern couple, lived together quite openly for several years before their marriage, a 6sensible decision 7condoned by the Queen, which 4__________ been seen as unthinkable less than a decade earlier. This was after Prince Charles had moved in with his divorced former mistress, Camila Parker Bowles, a situation that would have been equally unacceptable a few years ago.
All this evidences a rapidly evolving monarchy. Who would have suspected that the Queen would have been seen 8pretending to parachute into the Olympic stadium with James Bond? And who 3__________ predict how far this process of evolution will have travelled by the time the new prince reaches the throne? From the pit to the Palace in three generations? Surely it is the perfect fairy tale for a nation that grows more middle-class 9by the year.
(Adaptado de: THORTON, Michael. A very middle class baby who will secure the future of the royal family. Daily Mail. 22 jul 2013. Disponível em: <http://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2374279/Kate-Middletongives-birth-middle-class-Royal-baby-boy-securemonarchys-future.html>. Acesso em: 06 set. 2013.)
Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas nas referências 1, 2 e 3.
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(UNIFOR - 2014) Leia as sentenças abaixo e marque a opção correta de acordo com o uso dos artigos definido e indefinido:
I. Can you play a guitar?
II. I once played the guitar which had only five strings.
III. She started learning the piano at the age of five.
IV. I’ve always had a flute, ever since I was a child.
V. I’m afraid the violin is an instrument I never mastered.
(UFGRS - 2014)
“Fan” is 1__________ abbreviated form of “fanatic”, which has 2__________ roots in 3__________ Latin word “fanaticus”, which simply meant “belonging to the temple, a devotee”. But these words quickly 5assumed negative connotations, to the point of becoming references to excessive religious belief and to any mistaken enthusiasm.
Based on such connotations, news reports frequently characterize fans as psychopaths 4__________ frustrated fantasies of intimate relationships with stars or unsatisfied desires to achieve stardom take violent and antisocial forms. Whether viewed as a religious fanatic, a psychopathic killer, a neurotic fantasist, or a lust-crazed groupie, the fan remains a “fanatic” with interests alien to the realm of “normal” cultural experience and a mentality dangerously out of touch with reality.
To understand the logic behind this discursive construction of fans, 6we must reconsider what we mean by taste. Concepts of “good taste,” appropriate conduct, or aesthetic merit are not natural or universal; 7rather, they are rooted in social experience and reflect particular class interests. Taste becomes one of the important means by which social distinctions are maintained and class identities are forged. Those who “naturally” possess appropriate tastes “deserve” a privileged position, while the tastes of others are seen as underdeveloped. Taste distinctions determine desirable and 8undesirable ways of relating to cultural objects, strategies of interpretation and styles of consumption.
The stereotypical conception of the fan reflects anxieties about the violation of dominant cultural hierarchies. 9The fans’ transgression of bourgeois taste disrupt dominant cultural hierarchies, insuring that their preferences be seen as abnormal and threatening by those who have an interest in the maintenance of these standards (even by those who may share similar tastes but express them in different ways).
Adapted from: JENKINS, Henry. Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture.
Select the alternative which correctly fills in the gaps in references 1, 2 and 3, in the order they appear.
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(UFRGS - 2014)
I am happy to join (1)__________ you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.
In the process (2)__________ gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom (3)__________ drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. (4) The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the (15) Negro community must not lead us to distrust of (8) all white people, for (13) many of our white brothers, as evidenced by (5) their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is (17) inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.
I have a (9) dream that one day (11) this nation will rise up and (18) live out the true (16) meaning of (6) its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
(19) This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. When we allow (10) freedom to (12) ring, when we let (7) it ring from every state and every city, we will speed up that (14) day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will join hands and sing the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
(Adaptado de: LUTHER KING JR., Martin. I have a dream. Disponível em: <http://www.archives.gov/press/exhibits/dream-speech.pdf>. Acesso em: 06 set. 2013.)
Assinale a alternativa que poderia substituir o trecho "The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community" (ref. 4), sem significativa alteração de sentido ou prejuízo da correção gramatical.
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(PUC-RS - 2014)
Eight rules for walks in the country
Posted by Tom Cox
“It’s quite an up and down kind of walk,” said my friend Emma. “Oh,” added Emma, “and it gets a bit blowy up there, so I’d leave your credit card back here if I were you.” I gave her a searching look, wondering how a credit card might relate to a strong wind. “I took mine up there the other week and it blew out of my hand into the sea,” she clarified. “I had to order a new one.”
I fell in love with walking because it lifted my spirit and took me to parts of my local area that I would never have _________ otherwise, but also because there was something brilliantly ridiculous about the idea of _________ yourself, 1on a whim, alone, in a bit of countryside you’d never _________ before, with no real goal apart from putting one foot in front of the other.
I’ve never really dressed in any walking-specific clothing or taken any special supplies out with me, but I do think there are a few things I’ve learned about “how to walk” in gentle terrain that might help others. I have compiled some of the main ones: always be assertive in saying “Hello!” to fellow walkers, unless in a built-up area; learn to fold your map properly; show strange dogs and cows who is boss; don’t be afraid of dictaphones*; try not to have a beard, but if you do have a beard, have a dog as well; try to avoid headwear, unless strictly necessary; choose an apt soundtrack for your walk; watch out for fookwits and loonies!
This last one doesn’t apply specifically to country walks. It’s just something that my dad tells me every time I see him, and it’s worked fairly well as a general rule for life over the years, so it probably works for walking as well.
*voice recorders
Adapted from http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/sep/11/eight-rules-country-walks.
To solve question, read paragraph 3 and select the correct words to complete the gaps.
_________ you _________ in a built-up area, you _________ greet the fellow walkers.
According to the idea in the text, the correct words to fill in the gaps are, respectively,
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(Mackenzie - 2014)
Understanding jokes is part of the process of native language acquisition, and jokes are part of the charm that belongs to any language. Learning to understand jokes in a new language is both a cause, and a consequence, of language proficiency (Cook 2000).
The most obvious benefit of understanding jokes is that it can help students feel more comfortable in their new language. A shared moment of humor lowers the affective filter, that invisible barrier that makes learners feel awkward and uncomfortable. A low affective filter is one of the cornerstones of successfully learning a new language (Krashen 1982). If a class can laugh together, they are likely to learn better together, too. Jokes based on wordplay have additional benefits because they build metalinguistic awareness, or conscious awareness of the forms of language, and this, ___( I )___, helps in learning more language (Ely and McCabe 1994; Zipke 2008; Lems 2011). In particular, metalinguistic awareness boots reading comprehension and encourages higher-order thinking.
___( II )___ native speakers need to access a great deal of linguistic information and background knowledge to “get” a joke (Aarons 2012). At the same time, jokes that are based on wordplay in another language can be really hard to understand because they need to be processed very quickly. In a social setting where everyone is standing around chatting, understanding a joke that comes up may seem like a high-stakes test. Not understanding a joke in this situation can make someone feel like an outsider and create a sense of isolation. ___( III )___, an important part of learning a new language is learning to enjoy its jokes.
Puns: A special form of joke Puns are a special form of humor based on double meanings. Puns are sometimes nicknamed “the lowest form of humor” and often greeted with groans, but in fact, the language knowledge needed to understand a pun is very sophisticated (Pollack 2011).___( IV )__ they require processing the sound and meaning of words twice, puns demand considerable language agility. __( V )__ humor based on sight gags, funny facial expressions, or amusing visual arrangements, the humor of pun is based on language play.
The text states that
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