(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
A team of Peruvian archaeologists has found a new trail leading to the Machu Picchu complex in Cusco, Peru — even if much of the road is still heavily covered by thick vegetation. The discovery was announced by 5 the director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete. The new road, almost a mile long, leads to the Wayraqtambo area located in the rear section of the citadel.
A team of workers are still on site cleaning the path, 10 whose width varies between 3.9 and 4.5 feet, to clean the road of brushes and trees. At the moment, only intermittent retaining walls, up to 10 feet high, holding back Machu Picchu mountain can be seen. “We don’t know yet exactly how long or how tall the tunnel is,”
15 Astete told Fox News Latino, explaining that much excavation needs to be done. The tunnel was built after 20 feet of earth and rock collapsed over the road, he added. “[The Incas] had to break up all those rocks to construct the tunnel.”
20 The road includes a tunnel—around 15 feet long and as much as 12 feet high—built with the rocks typical of Inca architecture. “It is one of the finest examples of Inca engineering,”
Astete has said. Astete told FNL that the newly-discovered road 25 probably predates Machu Picchu itself, which was built at the height of the Inca Empire, around 1450, and was unknown to the outside world before being discovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.
While Machu Picchu’s original purpose is still 30 unknown, one of the most popular theories about the site is that it was the royal retreat of the 15th-century Inca Emperor Pachacuti. According to a National Geographic report published in 2011, this idea maintains that Machu Picchu was a place for Pachacuti and his 35 royal court to relax, hunt, and entertain guests.
Machu Picchu, which covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys, was declared one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 1983.
New Trail to Machu Picchu. Disponível em: <http:// latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2014/06/06/new-trail-to-machupicchu-found-in-peru-nearly-mile-long-and-wit-tunnel/>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.
The director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
A team of Peruvian archaeologists has found a new trail leading to the Machu Picchu complex in Cusco, Peru — even if much of the road is still heavily covered by thick vegetation. The discovery was announced by 5 the director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete. The new road, almost a mile long, leads to the Wayraqtambo area located in the rear section of the citadel.
A team of workers are still on site cleaning the path, 10 whose width varies between 3.9 and 4.5 feet, to clean the road of brushes and trees. At the moment, only intermittent retaining walls, up to 10 feet high, holding back Machu Picchu mountain can be seen. “We don’t know yet exactly how long or how tall the tunnel is,”
15 Astete told Fox News Latino, explaining that much excavation needs to be done. The tunnel was built after 20 feet of earth and rock collapsed over the road, he added. “[The Incas] had to break up all those rocks to construct the tunnel.”
20 The road includes a tunnel—around 15 feet long and as much as 12 feet high—built with the rocks typical of Inca architecture. “It is one of the finest examples of Inca engineering,”
Astete has said. Astete told FNL that the newly-discovered road 25 probably predates Machu Picchu itself, which was built at the height of the Inca Empire, around 1450, and was unknown to the outside world before being discovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.
While Machu Picchu’s original purpose is still 30 unknown, one of the most popular theories about the site is that it was the royal retreat of the 15th-century Inca Emperor Pachacuti. According to a National Geographic report published in 2011, this idea maintains that Machu Picchu was a place for Pachacuti and his 35 royal court to relax, hunt, and entertain guests.
Machu Picchu, which covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys, was declared one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 1983.
New Trail to Machu Picchu. Disponível em: <http:// latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2014/06/06/new-trail-to-machupicchu-found-in-peru-nearly-mile-long-and-wit-tunnel/>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.
Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text has answers to the following questions:
( ) Who discovered Machu Picchu?
( ) How big is Machu Picchu?
( ) What do some people believe Machu Picchu was used for?
( ) When exactly did the Incas leave Machu Picchu?
According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
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(UEFS - 2014 - Meio do ano)
A team of Peruvian archaeologists has found a new trail leading to the Machu Picchu complex in Cusco, Peru — even if much of the road is still heavily covered by thick vegetation. The discovery was announced by [5] the director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete. The new road, almost a mile long, leads to the Wayraqtambo area located in the rear section of the citadel.
A team of workers are still on site cleaning the path, [10] whose width varies between 3.9 and 4.5 feet, to clean the road of brushes and trees. At the moment, only intermittent retaining walls, up to 10 feet high, holding back Machu Picchu mountain can be seen. “We don’t know yet exactly how long or how tall the tunnel is,”
[15] Astete told Fox News Latino, explaining that much excavation needs to be done. The tunnel was built after 20 feet of earth and rock collapsed over the road, he added. “[The Incas] had to break up all those rocks to construct the tunnel.”
[20] The road includes a tunnel—around 15 feet long and as much as 12 feet high—built with the rocks typical of Inca architecture. “It is one of the finest examples of Inca engineering,”
Astete has said. Astete told FNL that the newly-discovered road [25] probably predates Machu Picchu itself, which was built at the height of the Inca Empire, around 1450, and was unknown to the outside world before being discovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.
While Machu Picchu’s original purpose is still [30] unknown, one of the most popular theories about the site is that it was the royal retreat of the 15th-century Inca Emperor Pachacuti. According to a National Geographic report published in 2011, this idea maintains that Machu Picchu was a place for Pachacuti and his [35] royal court to relax, hunt, and entertain guests.
Machu Picchu, which covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys, was declared one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 1983.
New Trail to Machu Picchu. Disponível em: <http:// latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2014/06/06/new-trail-to-machupicchu-found-in-peru-nearly-mile-long-and-wit-tunnel/>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.
*os números entre colchetes correspondem aos números das linhas do texto original
The word “around” (l. 20) has the same meaning as
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
A team of Peruvian archaeologists has found a new trail leading to the Machu Picchu complex in Cusco, Peru — even if much of the road is still heavily covered by thick vegetation. The discovery was announced by 5 the director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, Fernando Astete. The new road, almost a mile long, leads to the Wayraqtambo area located in the rear section of the citadel.
A team of workers are still on site cleaning the path, 10 whose width varies between 3.9 and 4.5 feet, to clean the road of brushes and trees. At the moment, only intermittent retaining walls, up to 10 feet high, holding back Machu Picchu mountain can be seen. “We don’t know yet exactly how long or how tall the tunnel is,”
15 Astete told Fox News Latino, explaining that much excavation needs to be done. The tunnel was built after 20 feet of earth and rock collapsed over the road, he added. “[The Incas] had to break up all those rocks to construct the tunnel.”
20 The road includes a tunnel—around 15 feet long and as much as 12 feet high—built with the rocks typical of Inca architecture. “It is one of the finest examples of Inca engineering,”
Astete has said. Astete told FNL that the newly-discovered road 25 probably predates Machu Picchu itself, which was built at the height of the Inca Empire, around 1450, and was unknown to the outside world before being discovered in 1911 by the American historian Hiram Bingham.
While Machu Picchu’s original purpose is still 30 unknown, one of the most popular theories about the site is that it was the royal retreat of the 15th-century Inca Emperor Pachacuti. According to a National Geographic report published in 2011, this idea maintains that Machu Picchu was a place for Pachacuti and his 35 royal court to relax, hunt, and entertain guests.
Machu Picchu, which covers 32,592 hectares of mountain slopes, peaks and valleys, was declared one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 1983.
New Trail to Machu Picchu. Disponível em: <http:// latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2014/06/06/new-trail-to-machupicchu-found-in-peru-nearly-mile-long-and-wit-tunnel/>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.
Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
According to this comic strip, the big cat, Garfield,
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
According to the last picture of the comic strip,
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Com base nessa informação e nos conhecimentos sobre o intemperismo como raiz das transformações das rochas e dos solos, e sua importância socioeconômica, é correto afirmar:
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) A população humana é desigualmente distribuída pela face da Terra. Existem áreas escassamente povoadas, assim como grandes concentrações populacionais, conhecidas como formigueiros humanos.
Considerando-se a informação e os conhecimentos sobre a distribuição da população, no Brasil e no mundo, marque V nas alternativas verdadeiras e F, nas falsas.
( ) A população da África é bem distribuída, sendo o Egito o país mais populoso.
( ) A Ásia apresenta extensas regiões praticamente despovoadas, como a Sibéria, o Tibete e a península Arábica, ao lado de alguns dos países mais populosos da Terra, como a China, a Índia e a Indonésia.
( ) A população americana está concentrada, principalmente, na região dos Grandes Lagos, na costa Leste da América do Norte, e no Sudeste do Brasil, na América do Sul.
( ) O processo de mecanização rural, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil, aumentou o número de empregos, atraindo a população urbana para o campo e provocando fortes adensamentos.
( ) A Região Nordeste brasileira foi a primeira colonizada pelo europeu e, atualmente, seus maiores adensamentos demográficos estão localizados na faixa litorânea.
A alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Em relação à dinâmica do espaço populacional, marque V nas afirmativas verdadeiras e F, nas falsas.
( ) O conceito de “povoado” expressa a densidade demográfica ou população relativa.
( ) As mulheres são maioria em todas as regiões brasileiras, contando a Região Norte com a maior porcentagem.
( ) O cálculo da renda per capita, realizado obrigatoriamente em moeda nacional, permite estimar se a riqueza é distribuída com equilíbrio na sociedade.
( ) A desaceleração do crescimento demográfico brasileiro é decorrente sobretudo da queda constante da taxa de fecundidade.
( ) O único continente no qual os homens são maioria é a Ásia, sobretudo na China, Índia, Bangladesh e Paquistão, países nos quais as famílias dão prioridade ao nascimento de meninos.
A alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) A população de uma região ou país pode ser analisada a partir de aspectos diferentes, como a estrutura etária, a participação dos setores da economia ou o sexo.
Considerando esse contexto, marque V nas afirmativas verdadeiras e F, nas falsas.
( ) A pirâmide etária é uma representação gráfica da composição da população de um lugar, em função da idade e do sexo, em um determinado ano.
( ) O perfil de um país pode ser revelado pela participação da população ativa nos diferentes ramos da economia.
( ) Os países desenvolvidos concentram a maior parte da PEA (População Economicamente Ativa) no setor terciário.
( ) A estrutura populacional, vista a partir do sexo, indica que a taxa de masculinidade é calculada pelo número de mulheres para cada grupo de 100 homens.
( ) A pirâmide etária idosa tem uma base muito larga e o ápice estreito.
A alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo, é a
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