Questão 25663

(UEFS -  2014/2)


a descoberta

Seguimos nosso caminho por este mar de longo
Até a oitava da Páscoa
Topamos aves
E houvemos vista de terra

os selvagens

Mostraram-lhes uma galinha
Quase haviam medo dela
E não queriam pôr a mão
E depois a tomaram como espantados

primeiro chá

Depois de dançarem 
Diogo Dias
Fez o salto real

as meninas da gare

Eram três ou quatro moças bem moças e bem gentis
Com cabelos mui pretos pelas espáduas
E suas vergonhas tão altas e tão saradinhas
Que de nós as muito bem olharmos
Não tínhamos nenhuma vergonha.


ANDRADE, Oswald de. Descoberta. Poesias Reunidas. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1971.
Disponível em: <http://www. entrevista. agulha.nom.br/oswal.html#adescoberta>.  Acesso em: 5  maio  2014.


Nesse texto, a intertextualidade é identificada por meio de 

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Questão 25664

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)



Meio milhão de pessoas respondeu a uma consulta pública sobre o que é preciso para a vida melhorar. Em vez de “valores financeiros”, a resposta foi: valores de vida, valores éticos, valores humanos. Em breve, você vai saber mais sobre o que o Brasil está pedindo e sobre como ajudar no dia a dia a resolver os problemas de todos. Enquanto isso, comemore a chegada do ano novo e, principalmente, de um momento do país que acaba de começar.



O principal objetivo da campanha publicitária institucional é 

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Questão 25665

(UEFS-BA-2014 - Meio do ano)

Considerando-se a análise dos aspectos linguísticos que estruturam o anúncio, é correto afirmar: 

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Questão 25666

(UEFS-BA-2014 - Meio do ano)

O texto em destaque é um “pôster-poema” de Lenora de Barros. A combinação do texto verbal com o não verbal permite afirmar: 

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Questão 25667

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) 

Não à toa, assim Breton definiu a si mesmo e a seus correligionários no I Manifesto: “Surrealismo. s.m. Automatismo psíquico puro, por meio do qual alguém se propõe a expressar – verbalmente, utilizando a palavra escrita, ou qualquer outra maneira – o verdadeiro funcionamento do pensamento, na ausência do controle exercido pela razão, livre de qualquer preocupação estética ou moral”.

5 Esta herança antirracionalista é o que alça o surrealismo ao conflito com outras tendências artísticas, como os construtivistas e os formalistas, que floresceram na Europa após a 1ª Grande Guerra. Pela gênese francesa, o surrealismo emparelha-se com similares em proposta, porém não em método e resultado, como o cubismo, fortalecido pela volta dos romantismos francês e alemão. Até compartilhava valores com o simbolismo e a pintura metafísica, mas é especialmente com o viés dessacralizador e emputecido do dadaísmo que sempre conversou mais. António lembra que “o empenho 10 político do surrealismo e dos surrealistas fez-se em torno de questões como a linha antiarte e a tradição revolucionária do movimento dadaísta”. Além do mais, muitos surrealistas se escolaram naquela corrente, inclusive Breton, que rompeu com o dadaísmo apenas em 1922. Ambos promoviam uma crítica severa à racionalidade burguesa e saudavam “O Maravilhoso, o universo fantástico e os domínios do onírico”.

BELLÉ, Junior. Estilhaços de um olhar mágico. Disponível em:<http://www.revistadacultura.com.br/revistadacultura/detalhe/14-05-05/ Estilha%C3%A7os_de_um_olho_m%C3%A1gico.aspx>. Acesso em: 17  maio  2014.  Adaptado.

De acordo com a leitura do texto, que aborda a arte surrealista, por ocasião de seus 90 anos, o principal propósito dessa vanguarda está descrito em

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Questão 25668

(UEFS/BA  -2014 - Meio do ano)


(DALÍ, Salvador. Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon, 1941. (Disponível em:


(KAHLO, Frida. Coluna Partida, 1944. Oléo sobre lienzo, montado
sobre fibra dura, 43 x 33 cm, México. (Disponível em: <https://artsandculture.


Considerando-se a comparação entre a tela de Salvador Dali, intitulada “Autorretrato mole com fatia de bacon assado” e a tela de Frida Kahlo, denominada “Coluna partida”, é correto afirmar: 

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Questão 25669

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)


China’s one-child policy

China’s top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.

The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down China’s rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families.

Some critics say the law hurts China’s elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children.

20 The world’s most populous nation will soon have too few people – or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects’ most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and China’s population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the People’s Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly.

30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. “China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality,” said Jiang Fan, a National People’s Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. “We cannot risk the population growing out of control.”

PARK, Madison. China’s one-child policy. Disponível em: <http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.

Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False).

About China’s one-child policy, it’s correct to say:

(  ) It was implemented as an attempt to control China’s population growth.

(  ) It has become less strict to permit a second child to the general population.

(  ) Nowadays, if both parents don’t have any brothers and/or sisters, they are allowed to have a second child.

(  ) It was unanimously supported by the Chinese population right from the very beginning.

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is 


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Questão 25670

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)


China’s one-child policy

China’s top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.

The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down China’s rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families.

Some critics say the law hurts China’s elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children.

20 The world’s most populous nation will soon have too few people – or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects’ most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and China’s population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the People’s Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly.

30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. “China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality,” said Jiang Fan, a National People’s Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. “We cannot risk the population growing out of control.”

PARK, Madison. China’s one-child policy. Disponível em: <http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.

Critics of the one-child policy argue that it 


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Questão 25671

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)


China’s one-child policy

China’s top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.

The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down China’s rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families.

Some critics say the law hurts China’s elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children.

20 The world’s most populous nation will soon have too few people – or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects’ most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and China’s population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the People’s Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly.

30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. “China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality,” said Jiang Fan, a National People’s Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. “We cannot risk the population growing out of control.”

PARK, Madison. China’s one-child policy. Disponível em: <http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.

The birth rate in China has __________ since the end of the last century.

According to the text, the alternative that completes the blank correctly is 

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Questão 25672

(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)


China’s one-child policy

China’s top legislature approved resolutions to officially amend its controversial one-child policy. The changes to the one-child policy will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was 5 an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.

The one-child policy, which started in the 1970s, is believed to have prevented some 400 million births, 10 according to Xinhua. Although the policy has been applauded by many for slowing down China’s rapid population growth, it has also been widely criticized for resulting in forced abortions and hefty fines for families.

Some critics say the law hurts China’s elderly, who 15 typically rely on their children for support in old age, and even constrains economic growth as the working-age population begins to decline. Since the 1990s, the birth rate has declined, with Chinese women giving birth to an average of 1.4 to 1.6 children.

20 The world’s most populous nation will soon have too few people – or, rather, too few of the right kind of people. More than three decades of governmentmandated family planning have succeeded beyond the architects’ most grandiose dreams. Add to that the natural 25 inclination of richer, more educated people to limit their family size, and China’s population growth is projected to gradually diminish within fifteen years. That would leave the People’s Republic with a distorted population: too few youths, too few women and too many elderly.

30 Off icials say the easing of the one-child policy does not mean China is ending its family planning. “China still has a large population. This has not changed. Many of our economic and social problems are rooted in this reality,” said Jiang Fan, a National People’s Congress 35 deputy, in Chinese media. “We cannot risk the population growing out of control.”

PARK, Madison. China’s one-child policy. Disponível em: <http:// www.cnn.com/2013/12/28/world/asia/china-one-child-policy-official>. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2014. Adaptado.

Considering the primary concern of the government-mandated family planning in China, the author of the text recognizes that it has 


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