(UFU - 2015 - 1ª FASE)
Observe o seguinte trecho da música “Sem Saúde” composta por Gabriel, O Pensador; Memê e Fábio Fonseca:
“Pelo amor de Deus alguém me ajude!
Eu já paguei o meu plano de saúde mas agora ninguém quer me aceitar
E eu tô com dô, dotô, num sei no que vai dá!
Emergência! Eu tô passando mal
Vô morrer aqui na porta do hospital
Era mais fácil eu ter ido direto pro Instituto Médico Legal Porque isso aqui tá deprimente, doutor”
Considerando a relação entre problema social, problema sociológico e a denúncia apresentada na letra da música, relacionada à área da saúde, a denúncia apresentada pela música
(UFU - 2015 - 1ª FASE)
Em 2006, o DIEESE (Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos) lançou um estudo intitulado “A jornada de trabalho no Brasil” na qual se pode ler que
[...] com exceção das conquistas obtidas em acordos ou convenções coletivas desde a Constituição de 1988, praticamente todas as alterações nos direitos trabalhistas foram no sentido de diminuir direitos e/ou de intensificar o ritmo de trabalho.
DIEESE. A Jornada de Trabalho no Brasil. Disponível em <http://portal.mte.gov.br/data/files/FF8080812BA5F4B7012BAB0CD8FE72AD/Prod02_2006.pdf>. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2015.
Tomando por base as reflexões de Karl Marx acerca da jornada de trabalho e seus conhecimentos sobre a realidade nacional, é correto afirmar que:
(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano) Um carro, partindo do repouso, ganha velocidade a uma taxa constante de 6m/s^2 .
Considerando-se M o valor da distância por ele percorrida após 8s e N, o valor da velocidade média para o intervalo de t = 0 até t = 8s, concluí-se que o valor de M + N é igual a
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(UEFS 2014 - Meio do ano)
La frase transcrita “Por eso, estamos haciendo un curso para rehabilitarlos” expresa
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(Fuvest 2015)
E Jerônimo via e escutava, sentindo ir-se-lhe toda a alma pelos olhos enamorados.
Naquela mulata estava o grande mistério, a síntese das impressões que ele recebeu chegando aqui: ela era a luz ardente do meio-dia; ela era o calor vermelho das sestas da fazenda; era o aroma quente dos trevos e das baunilhas, que o atordoara nas matas brasileiras; era a palmeira virginal e esquiva que se não torce a nenhuma outra planta; era o veneno e era o açúcar gostoso; era o sapoti mais doce que o mel e era a castanha do caju, que abre feridas com o seu azeite de fogo; ela era a cobra verde e traiçoeira, a lagarta viscosa, a muriçoca doida, que esvoaçava havia muito tempo em torno do corpo dele, assanhando-lhe os desejos, acordando-lhe as fibras embambecidas pela saudade da terra, picando-lhe as artérias, para lhe cuspir dentro do sangue uma centelha daquele amor setentrional, uma nota daquela música feita de gemidos de prazer, uma larva daquela nuvem de cantáridas que zumbiam em torno da Rita Baiana e espalhavam-se pelo ar numa fosforescência afrodisíaca.
Aluísio Azevedo, O cortiço.
Para entender as impressões de Jerônimo diante da natureza brasileira, é preciso ter como pressuposto que há
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(Udesc 2015)
'Twerking' bounces into Oxford dictionary
LONDON – Twerking, the rump-busting up-and-down dance move long beloved on America's hip-hop scene, has officially gone mainstream. 5It's got the English dictionary entry to prove it.
Britain's Oxford Dictionaries said the rapid-fire gyrations employed by U.S. pop starlet Miley Cyrus to bounce her way to the top of the charts had become 3increasingly visible in the past 12 months and would be added to its publications under the entry: "Twerk, verb."
Although Cyrus's eye-popping moves at Monday's MTV Video Music Awards may have been many viewers' first introduction to the practice, Oxford Dictionaries' Katherine Connor Martin said "twerking" was some two decades old.
"There are many theories about the origin of this word, and since it arose in oral use, we may never know the answer for sure," Martin said. "We think the most likely theory is that it is an alteration of work, because that word has a history of 4being used in similar ways, with dancers being encouraged to 'work it.' The 't' could be a result of blending with another word such as twist or twitch."
"Twerk" will be added to the dictionary as part of its quarterly update, 1which includes words such as "selfie," the word typically used to describe pouty smartphone self-portraits, "digital detox" for time spent way from Facebook and Twitter, and "Bitcoin," for the nationless electronic currency, 2whose gyrations have also caught the world's eye.
Oxford Dictionaries is responsible for a range of reference works, including Oxford Dictionaries Online, which focuses on modern usage, and the historically-focused Oxford English Dictionary, which probably won't be adding "twerk" to its venerable pages any time soon.
The definition: "Twerk, v.: dance to popular music in a sexually 6provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance."
By RAPHAEL SATTER Associated Press (www.mercurynews.com) Accessed on: august 10th, 2014.
The words in bold: “which” (ref. 1) and “whose” (ref. 2) are consecutively related to:
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(Ufrgs 2015)
The study of game 13aesthetics is a very recent practice, spanning less than two 7decades. Unlike game studies in 4mathematics or the social sciences, 1_________ are much older, games became subject to humanistic study only after computer and video games became popular. This lack of persistent interest might seem 15odd, but only if we see traditional games and computer games as intrinsically similar, 2_________ 19they are not. We might try to explain this lack by noting that games are usually seen as trivial and 16lowbrow by the aesthetic and theoretical elites 3__________ cultivate the 5analysis of artistic 14media objects: literature, the visual arts, theatre, music, etc. But this does not explain the fact that aesthetic studies of games are now not only possible, but even encouraged and supported with funding. What happened to cause this change?
A possible explanation could be that digital games, unlike traditional games or sports, consist of non-ephemeral content (stored words, sounds and images), which 8places them much closer to the ideal object of the 9Humanities, the work of art. Thus, they become visible and textualizable for 29the aesthetic observer, in a way the 6previous 10phenomena were not.
However, 21this sudden visibility, probably also caused by the tremendous economic and cultural 12success of computer games, produces 26certain blind spots in the aesthetic observer, especially if 18he/she is trained in textual/visual analysis, as is usually the case. Instead of treating 22the new phenomena carefully, and as 24objects of 30a study for which no methodology yet exists, they are analyzed with tools that happen to be at hand, such as 27film or narrative theories. Therefore 28we need to outline and promote 23a methodology for 25the aesthetic study of games, 20which, 31given the current 17nascent state of the field, 32will doubtlessly give way to more sophisticated 11approaches in the years to come.
Adapted from: Aarseth, Espen. Playing Research: Methodological approaches to game analysis. Available at: <http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/dac/ papers/Aarseth.pdf>. Accessed on July 26th, 2014.
Select the alternative that adequately fills in the blanks in references 1, 2 and 3.
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(Ufrgs 2015)
The study of game 13aesthetics is a very recent practice, spanning less than two 7decades. Unlike game studies in 4mathematics or the social sciences, 1_________ are much older, games became subject to humanistic study only after computer and video games became popular. This lack of persistent interest might seem 15odd, but only if we see traditional games and computer games as intrinsically similar, 2_________ 19they are not. We might try to explain this lack by noting that games are usually seen as trivial and 16lowbrow by the aesthetic and theoretical elites 3__________ cultivate the 5analysis of artistic 14media objects: literature, the visual arts, theatre, music, etc. But this does not explain the fact that aesthetic studies of games are now not only possible, but even encouraged and supported with funding. What happened to cause this change?
A possible explanation could be that digital games, unlike traditional games or sports, consist of non-ephemeral content (stored words, sounds and images), which 8places them much closer to the ideal object of the 9Humanities, the work of art. Thus, they become visible and textualizable for 29the aesthetic observer, in a way the 6previous 10phenomena were not.
However, 21this sudden visibility, probably also caused by the tremendous economic and cultural 12success of computer games, produces 26certain blind spots in the aesthetic observer, especially if 18he/she is trained in textual/visual analysis, as is usually the case. Instead of treating 22the new phenomena carefully, and as 24objects of 30a study for which no methodology yet exists, they are analyzed with tools that happen to be at hand, such as 27film or narrative theories. Therefore 28we need to outline and promote 23a methodology for 25the aesthetic study of games, 20which, 31given the current 17nascent state of the field, 32will doubtlessly give way to more sophisticated 11approaches in the years to come.
Adapted from: Aarseth, Espen. Playing Research: Methodological approaches to game analysis. Available at: <http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/dac/ papers/Aarseth.pdf>. Accessed on July 26th, 2014.
Consider the following alternative writings to the clause a study for which no methodology yet exists (ref. 30).
I. a study that lacks a tailored methodology
II. a study devoid of a specific methodology
III. a study whose proper methodology still does not exist
Which could adequately replace the original clause without altering the literal meaning of the sentence?
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(UEMA - 2015)
In 1985, Frejat, then guitarist for Barão Vermelho, hit the stage wearing green and yellow clothes. It was January 15th, the day in which Tancredo Neves was named president of Brazil. Cazuza sang “Pro Dia Nascer Feliz” with lots of enthusiasm.
Frejat returns to the festival this year for a solo performance on October 1st.
Fonte: Disponível em: TAM. TAM nas nuvens. São Paulo: New Content Editora, set/2011.
O fragmento que apresenta um pronome relativo é
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(Ufpr 2015)
Recentemente, a produção fotocatalítica de hidrogênio vem atraindo atenção devido ao processo que gera um combustível limpo, o qual é utilizado em células a combustível. O processo se baseia na separação da água nos seus componentes, conforme equilíbrio inserido no esquema, utilizando luz solar e um fotocatalisador (p. ex. NaTaO3:La). O processo é extremamente endotérmico, necessitando 1,23 eV para ocorrer. Num experimento, o processo foi realizado num sistema fechado, como esquematizado abaixo. Considerando essas informações, identifique as afirmativas a seguir como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):
( ) A quantidade de fotocatalisador limita a conversão.
( ) O aumento da temperatura irá favorecer a conversão.
( ) A diminuição do volume do sistema irá favorecer a conversão.
( ) É condição necessária para a produção de hidrogênio que o fotocatalisador absorva energia solar superior a 1,23 eV.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
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