Questão 73518

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) La pandemia ha plantado las semillas de una enorme crisis de salud mental, avisa la ONU. El aislamiento físico, el miedo, la pérdida económica y hasta la desinformación han extendido el malestar psicológico en la población. “Es urgente afrontar el severo impacto de esta crisis en la salud mental y el bienestar”. “La mayoría de nosotros pasamos un periodo de transición con síntomas de ansiedad, tristeza, duelos por pérdidas humanas, económicas o de la vida tal y como la conocíamos, por la dificultad en el contacto social y en los aspectos que nos caracterizan, por no acompañar a nuestros enfermos, pero ponemos nuestros recursos en marcha y esto se puede ir reduciendo según nos adaptemos”, asegura Silvia Berdullas, gerente del Consejo General de Psicología. “El problema es ese 20% de la población que va a desarrollar patologías. El problema es el estrés sostenido porque no sabemos cuándo va a finalizar todo esto y la incertidumbre se extiende. Y el problema son los estresores que añaden presión: primero fue la falta de camas hospitalarias, de equipos de protección, de espacio vital en casa; después, la ausencia de rastreo, de empleo, de profesores, de atención psicológica… Si alguna de las patas está frágil en una catástrofe y fallan los amortiguadores, todo se hace más difícil”. Berdullas palpó de primera mano la bomba que ha sido la pandemia para la salud mental porque trabajó en la coordinación del servicio telefónico de atención psicológica que puso en marcha el Ministerio de Sanidad durante el confinamiento. Entre las 15.170 llamadas atendidas, una buena parte era de enfermos, sus familiares o familiares de fallecidos con ansiedad, depresión o estrés agudo. La población general también acudió a la llamada por violencia de hijos contra padres, de hombres contra mujeres, por patologías psicológicas previas o, simplemente, por desesperación. Pero si un colectivo ha sido especialmente vulnerable es el de los sanitarios, que han sufrido la culpa por decisiones tomadas o por no poder hacer más, ansiedad ante la posibilidad de contagiarse o de contagiar a los suyos, además de enfado, tristeza, estrés y la estigmatización en sus entornos.

Disponível em: https://elpais.com/elpais/2020/11/05/eps/1604566652_540453.html. Acesso em: 24 maio 2021.

Considera las siguientes afirmaciones sobre el texto. 

I. El aumento de padecimientos psicológicos está relacionado al contexto de incertidumbres y privaciones que impuso la pandemia.

II. Gran parte de las personas no logra adaptarse a la pandemia y disminuir sus efectos en la salud mental y en el bienestar.

III. Se creó un servicio telefónico de atención psicológica dirigido a los más afectados por la pandemia, los enfermos por coronavirus y sus familiares.

IV. Se cree que el aumento de casos de violencia doméstica está relacionado a problemas de salud mental y a pérdida total de esperanza.

V. Se considera que los profesionales de la sanidad son los más afectados por los efectos psicológicos de la pandemia.

Son verdaderas las afirmaciones presentadas

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Questão 73519

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) El inicio de la vacunación contra la actual pandemia ha vuelto a poner a prueba el sistema de salud chileno, pero como demuestra la historia de la salud pública, paso a paso, desde 1808, cuando llegó el antídoto contra la viruela, el país ha construido una institucionalidad basada en los conocimientos científicos, pero también en una mirada política y social que apoya este proceso.

Disponível em: http://impresa.elmercurio.com/Pages/NewsDetail.aspx?dt=2021-02-07&dtB=23-02- 2021%200:00:00&PaginaId=1&bodyid=6. Acesso em: 07 jun. 2021. O trecho acima é uma manchete do jornal chileno El Mercurio, publicada dia 7 de fevereiro de 2021.

Assinale a alternativa que sintetiza a temática da manchete.

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Questão 73520

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Esta mañana el jefe de Gabinete de la Nación, Santiago Cafiero, admitió que “la cantidad de casos” impidió que la Copa América se jugara en la Argentina. El funcionario recibió esta mañana junto a la ministra de Salud, Carla Vizzotti, un cargamento de más de 2 millones de dosis de la vacuna de AstraZeneca y al ser consultado sobre los motivos por los que la Conmebol decidió suspender el torneo en el país, aseguró que fue una decisión vinculada a la crisis por la pandemia de coronavirus. Si bien remarcó que la Argentina tenía la intención de llevar a cabo el campeonato, insistió en que el brote atraviesa un momento demasiado complicado como para un evento de esa envergadura. “En definitiva lo que determinó la decisión de la Conmebol fue no sólo los protocolos o las medidas sanitarias a ajustar solicitadas por el gobierno argentino, sino realmente la cantidad de casos”. “Con tantos casos nosotros no podíamos llevar adelante una organización de estas características”, insistió y añadió: “La Argentina tenía un compromiso y tratamos en todo momento de sostenerlo pero la realidad epidemiológica se lo impidió”.

Disponível em: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/santiago-cafiero-sobre-la-copa-america-la-realidad-epidemiologica-impidio-que-se-hiciera-en-la-nid31052021/. Acesso em: 31 maio 2021. (Adaptado)

Os elementos linguísticos destacados no último parágrafo da notícia se referem, respectivamente, a

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Questão 73521

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) How many people in the U.S. have died from COVID? We know it is more than half a million, but the official count could miss tens of thousands of deaths. In TV police procedurals, the people who investigate premature deaths are depicted as highly trained, objective experts. In reality, the system in the U.S. is far less rigorous. The majority of states rely at least in part on coroners to rule on the circumstances surrounding unexpected or suspicious deaths—and contrary to what most of us probably believe, coroners are often laypeople without training in medicine. What is more, they are frequently elected officials, which makes them susceptible to political pressure from people or organizations looking to influence their conclusions.

Disponível em: <https://www.scientificamerican.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

De acordo com o texto, nos Estados Unidos, em alguns estados, mortes prematuras sem acompanhamento médico podem ser investigadas por

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Questão 73522

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Antibiotics are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in response to the use of these medicines. Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic resistant. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance leads to higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays, and increased mortality. The world urgently needs to change the way it prescribes and uses antibiotics, which are often over-prescribed and over-used by the public. Even if new medicines are developed, without behavior change, antibiotic resistance will remain a major threat. Behavior changes must also include actions to reduce the spread of infections through vaccination, hand washing, practicing safer sex, and good food hygiene.

Disponível em: <https://www.who.int/>. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021.

Com base no texto acima, é INCORRETO afirmar que

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Questão 73523

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the invention of the mechanical movable type printing press helped disseminate knowledge wider and faster than ever before. German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press around 1436, although he was far from the first to automate the book-printing process. Woodblock printing in China dates back to the 9th century and Korean bookmakers were printing with moveable metal type a century before Gutenberg. But most historians believe Gutenberg’s adaptation, which employed a screw-type wine press to squeeze down evenly on the inked metal type, was the key to unlocking the modern age. With the newfound ability to inexpensively mass-produce books on every imaginable topic, revolutionary ideas and priceless ancient knowledge were placed in the hands of every literate European, whose numbers doubled every century.

Disponível em: <https://www.history.com/>. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021.

Com base no texto, analise as afirmativas abaixo.

I. Johannes Gutenberg foi o primeiro a usar a prensa mecânica para impressão.

II. A invenção de Johannes Gutemberg possibilitou acelerar a impressão de livros.

III. Chineses e coreanos foram pioneiros na automação do processo de impressão.

IV. A produção em massa foi viabilizada pelo uso da prensa de vinho tipo parafuso.

V. Historiadores creditam a invenção da prensa ao índice de analfabetos na Europa.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas

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Questão 73524

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Engineering design and science inquiry share a number of similar features. Both are reasoning processes used to solve problems. Both use similar cognitive tools, such as brainstorming, reasoning by analogy, mental models, and visual representations. And both require testing and evaluation of the product — the engineering design or the scientific hypothesis. The two processes also differ in significant ways. One point of divergence is the role of constraints. Budget constraints, for instance, can limit science inquiry and can even keep scientists from answering a particular question. But they do affect the answer itself. For engineers, however, budget constraints can determine the actual characteristics of a design solution — the materials used, for example, or the number of redundancies included to protect against possible failure.

Disponível em: <https://www.linkengineering.org/> . Acesso em: 23 maio 2021.

According to the text,

I. engineering design and science inquiry use similar methods of reasoning.

II. budget constraints have similar effects for science inquiry and engineering design.

III. visual representations are especially used by science inquiry to solve problems.

IV. testing and evaluation of a problem are the main constraints in both processes.

V. although different, engineering design and science inquiry are significantly similar.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

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Questão 73525

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Prisons have very serious health implications. Prisoners are likely to have existing health problems on entry to prison, as they are predominantly from poorly educated and socio-economically deprived sectors of the general population, with minimal access to adequate health services. Their health conditions deteriorate in prisons which are overcrowded, where nutrition is poor, sanitation inadequate and access to fresh air and exercise often unavailable. Psychiatric disorders, HIV infection, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases, malaria, malnutrition, diarrhea and injuries including self-mutilation are the main causes of morbidity and mortality in prison. In countries with a high prevalence of TB in the outside community, prevalence of TB can be up to 100 times higher inside the prisons. In most countries HIV infection in prisons is significantly higher than within the population outside prison, especially where drug addiction and risk behaviors are prevalent. Prison staff are also vulnerable to most of the diseases of which prisoners are at risk. Prisons are not isolated from the society and prison health is public health. The vast majority of people committed to prison eventually return to the wider society. Thus, it is not in vain that prisons have been referred to as reservoirs of disease in various contexts.

Disponível em: <https://www.unodc.org/>. Acesso em: 30 maio 2021.

According to this text on public health consequences of imprisonment, we can say that

I. prisoners predominantly get diseases such as tuberculosis when they enter the prisons.

II. poverty is considered to be the main reason why prisoners get health problems in prisons.

III. data on imprisonment have shown that drug addiction is associated with HIV infection.

IV. public health data have shown staff with fairly high levels of infection caught at work in prisons.

V. imprisonment impacts public health once most prisoners are vulnerable and return to society.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

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Questão 73527

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) Much new can be (1) _____ on the Black Death’s patterns of territorial spread. Of particular importance was the sudden (2) _____ of the plague over vast distances, due to its rapid transportation by ship. Ships travelled at an average (3) _____ of around 40km a day (4) _____ today seems quite slow. However, this speed meant that the Black Death (5) _____ moved 600km in a fortnight by ship: spreading, in contemporary terms, with astonishing speed and unpredictability. By land, the average spread was much (6) _____: up to 2km per day along the busiest highways or roads and about 0.6km per day along secondary lines of communication.

Disponível em: <https://www.historytoday.com/>. Acesso em: 30 maio 2021.

Choose the alternative with the words which best complete the text above.

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Questão 73528

(UFU - 2021 - 1ª fase) When we take on a task, several brain networks dealing with attention and cognitive control are involved. These are the frontoparietal control network, the dorsal attention network, and the ventral attention network. Attempts to multitask can create interference among these networks, and this can lead to slower processing as well as mistakes, explains Kevin Paul Madore, a neuroscientist at Stanford University. Too much multitasking can interfere with both working memory and long-term memory. Research by Madore and colleagues found that heavier media multitasking is associated with attention lapses and forgetfulness. However, it’s still not clear what’s causing what. “Some research has indicated that chronic everyday media multitasking is related to errors in our ability to hold and use information in mind (working memory) and our ability to retrieve information (long-term memory),” says Madore, but he adds that more research is needed to determine the direction of causality.

Disponível em: <https://www.discovermagazine.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

Multitasking is a fairly common behavior today. Present research indicates multitasking

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