Questão 50471

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Christoph Oswald has no problem approaching women.

As he makes his way through the crowd at his favorite Frankfurt club,

his cell phone scans a 10-meter radius for “his type”: tall, slim, sporty,

in her 30s-and, most important, looking for him, a handsome

36-year-old software consultant who loves ski



Before he reaches the bar, his phone starts vibrating and

an attractive blonde appears on its screen. “Hi, I’m Susan,” she

says. “Come find me!” Christoph picks her out of the crowd, and

soon they’re laughing over a drink. Both Christoph and Susan have phones equipped with

Symbian Dater, a program that promises to turn the cell phone

into a matchmaker. By downloading Symbian, they installed a

20-character encrypted code that includes details of who they

are and what they’re looking for in a mate. Whenever they go

out, their matchmaking phones sniff out other Symbian Daters

over the unlicensed, and therefore free, Bluetooth radio

frequency. If profiles match up, the phones beep wildly and

send out short video messages.


(NEWSWEEK, JUNE 7 / JUNE 14, 2004)

According to the passage, Symbian Dater is a program that

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Questão 50472

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Christoph Oswald has no problem approaching women.

As he makes his way through the crowd at his favorite Frankfurt club,

his cell phone scans a 10-meter radius for “his type”: tall, slim, sporty,

in her 30s-and, most important, looking for him, a handsome

36-year-old software consultant who loves ski



Before he reaches the bar, his phone starts vibrating and

an attractive blonde appears on its screen. “Hi, I’m Susan,” she

says. “Come find me!” Christoph picks her out of the crowd, and

soon they’re laughing over a drink. Both Christoph and Susan have phones equipped with

Symbian Dater, a program that promises to turn the cell phone

into a matchmaker. By downloading Symbian, they installed a

20-character encrypted code that includes details of who they

are and what they’re looking for in a mate. Whenever they go

out, their matchmaking phones sniff out other Symbian Daters

over the unlicensed, and therefore free, Bluetooth radio

frequency. If profiles match up, the phones beep wildly and

send out short video messages.


(NEWSWEEK, JUNE 7 / JUNE 14, 2004)

In the passage, the correct translation for “picks her out” is

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Questão 50474

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Christoph Oswald has no problem approaching women.

As he makes his way through the crowd at his favorite Frankfurt club,

his cell phone scans a 10-meter radius for “his type”: tall, slim, sporty,

in her 30s-and, most important, looking for him, a handsome

36-year-old software consultant who loves ski



Before he reaches the bar, his phone starts vibrating and

an attractive blonde appears on its screen. “Hi, I’m Susan,” she

says. “Come find me!” Christoph picks her out of the crowd, and

soon they’re laughing over a drink. Both Christoph and Susan have phones equipped with

Symbian Dater, a program that promises to turn the cell phone

into a matchmaker. By downloading Symbian, they installed a

20-character encrypted code that includes details of who they

are and what they’re looking for in a mate. Whenever they go

out, their matchmaking phones sniff out other Symbian Daters

over the unlicensed, and therefore free, Bluetooth radio

frequency. If profiles match up, the phones beep wildly and

send out short video messages.


(NEWSWEEK, JUNE 7 / JUNE 14, 2004)

We can conclude from the passage that Christoph Oswald


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Questão 50476

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Texto para as questões

 LOS ANGELES – Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers

Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of

theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured

history surrounding that studio’s attempts to revive

“Superman,” the forerunner of Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous

comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel’s arrival would be

nothing short of a miracle.

Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful

comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in

development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four

directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without

settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who

directed “X-Men” and its sequel, was named on July 18 to

replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the

project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the

studio was determined to make the film.



The passage says that Warner Brothers Pictures

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Questão 50479

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Texto para as questões

 LOS ANGELES – Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers

Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of

theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured

history surrounding that studio’s attempts to revive

“Superman,” the forerunner of Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous

comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel’s arrival would be

nothing short of a miracle.

Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful

comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in

development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four

directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without

settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who

directed “X-Men” and its sequel, was named on July 18 to

replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the

project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the

studio was determined to make the film.



According to the passage, Superman’s arrival

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Questão 50480

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Texto para as questões

 LOS ANGELES – Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers

Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of

theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured

history surrounding that studio’s attempts to revive

“Superman,” the forerunner of Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous

comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel’s arrival would be

nothing short of a miracle.

Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful

comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in

development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four

directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without

settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who

directed “X-Men” and its sequel, was named on July 18 to

replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the

project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the

studio was determined to make the film.



The passage suggests that, for its new movie, Warner Brothers Pictures still needs to

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Questão 50481

(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Texto para as questões

 LOS ANGELES – Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers

Pictures hopes to usher “Superman” into thousands of

theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured

history surrounding that studio’s attempts to revive

“Superman,” the forerunner of Hollywood’s now-ubiquitous

comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel’s arrival would be

nothing short of a miracle.

Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful

comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in

development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four

directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without

settling on one. The latest director – Bryan Singer, who

directed “X-Men” and its sequel, was named on July 18 to

replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the

project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the

studio was determined to make the film.



According to the passage, Joseph McGinty Nichol

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Questão 50969

(FUVEST - 2005 - 2 FASE) Procedimento de segurança, em auto-estradas, recomenda que o motorista mantenha uma “distância” de 2 segundos do carro que está à sua frente, para que, se necessário, tenha espaço para frear (“Regra dos dois segundos”). Por essa regra, a distância D que o carro percorre, em 2s, com velocidade constante V0, deve ser igual à distância necessária para que o carro pare completamente após frear. Tal procedimento, porém, depende da velocidade V0 em que o carro trafega e da desaceleração máxima α fornecida pelos freios.

a) Determine o intervalo de tempo T0, em segundos, necessário para que o carro pare completamente, percorrendo a distância D referida.

b) Represente, no sistema de eixos da folha de resposta, a variação da desaceleração α em função da velocidade V0, para situações em que o carro pára completamente em um intervalo T0 (determinado no item anterior).

c) Considerando que a desaceleração α depende principalmente do coeficiente de atrito µ entre os pneus e o asfalto, sendo 0,6 o valor de µ, determine, a partir do gráfico, o valor máximo de velocidade VM, em m/s, para o qual a Regra dos dois segundos permanece válida.

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Questão 50982

(FUVEST - 2005 - 2 FASE) Num espetáculo de fogos de artifício, um rojão, de massa M0 = 0,5 kg, após seu lançamento, descreve no céu a trajetória indicada na figura. No ponto mais alto de sua trajetória (ponto P), o rojão explode, dividindo-se em dois fragmentos, A e B, de massas iguais a M0/2. Logo após a explosão, a velocidade horizontal de A, VA, é nula, bem como sua velocidade vertical.

a) Determine o intervalo de tempo T0, em segundos, transcorrido entre o lançamento do rojão e a explosão no ponto P.

b) Determine a velocidade horizontal VB, do fragmento B, logo após a explosão, em m/s.

c) Considerando apenas o que ocorre no momento da explosão, determine a energia E0 fornecida pelo explosivo aos dois fragmentos A e B, em joules.

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Questão 50983

(FUVEST - 2005 - 2 FASE) Um sistema mecânico faz com que um corpo de massa M0, após um certo tempo em queda, atinja uma velocidade descendente constante V0, devido ao efeito do movimento de outra massa m, que age como freio. A massa m é vinculada a uma haste H, presa ao eixo E de um cilindro C, de raio R0, conforme mostrado na figura. Quando a massa M0 cai, desenrola-se um fio que movimenta o cilindro e o eixo, fazendo com que a massa m descreva um movimento circular de raio R0. A velocidade V0 é mantida constante, pela força de atrito, entre a massa m e a parede A, devido ao coeficiente de atrito µ entre elas e à força centrípeta que age sobre essa massa. Para tal situação, em função dos parâmetros m, M0, R0, V0, µ e g, determine

a) o trabalho Tg, realizado pela força da gravidade, quando a massa M0 percorre uma distância vertical correspondente a uma volta completa do cilindro C.

b) o trabalho TA, dissipado pela força de atrito, quando a massa m realiza uma volta completa.

c) a velocidade V0, em função das demais variáveis.

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