A torre de marfim, a torre alada, esguia e triste sob o céu cinzento, corredores de bruma congelada, galerias de sombras e lamentos.
A torre de marfim fez-se esqueleto e o esqueleto desfez-se num momento, Ó! não julgueis as coisas pelo aspecto que as coisas mudam como muda o vento.
LIMA, Jorge de. Sonetos. Antologia poética. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1974. p. 99.
Está em desacordo com o texto o que se enuncia na alternativa
[...] Quando o afoxé desapontou no Politeama, ouviu-se um grito uníssono de saudação, um clamor de aplauso: viva, viva, vivoô! A surpresa fazia o delírio ainda maior: o doutor Francisco Antônio de Castro Loureiro, diretor interino da Secretaria de Polícia, não proibira por motivos étnicos e sociais, em defesa das famílias, dos costumes, da moral e do bem-estar público, no combate ao crime, ao deboche e à desordem, a saída e o desfile dos afoxés, a partir de 1904, sob qualquer pretexto e onde quer que fosse na cidade? Quem ousara, então? Ousara o Afoxé dos Filhos da Bahia; nunca saíra antes e jamais se concebera e vira afoxé assim de majestade, de figuração tão grande e bela, com batuque igual, maravilha de cores, ordem admirável e Zumbi em sua grandeza.
AMADO, Jorge. Tenda dos milagres. 45. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2006. p. 65.
O fragmento em foco, pertencente à obra “Tenda dos Milagres”, comprova um traço da prosa de Jorge Amado presente na alternativa
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Ao que, digo ao senhor, pergunto: em sua vida é assim? Na minha, agora é que vejo, as coisas importantes, todas, em caso curto de acaso foi que se conseguiram — pelo pulo fino de sem ver se dar — a sorte momenteira, por cabelo por um fio, um clim de clina de cavalo. Ah, e se não fosse, cada acaso, não tivesse sido, qual é então que teria sido o meu destino seguinte? Coisa vã, que não conforma respostas. Às vezes essa ideia me põe susto. Mas, o senhor veja: cheguei em casa do Mestre Lucas, ele me saudou, tão natural. Achei também tudo o natural, eu estava era cansado. E, quando Mestre Lucas me perguntou se eu vinha era de passeata, ou de recado da fazenda, expliquei que não: que eu tinha merecido licença de meu padrinho, para começar vida própria em Curralinho ou adiante, a fito de desenvolver mais estudos e apuramento só de cidade.
ROSA, João Guimarães. Grande sertão: veredas. 20. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p. 117-118.
O fragmento em foco faz parte de uma das mais importantes obras da literatura brasileira – “Grande sertão: veredas”. No texto, o narrador
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A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
According to the team of scientists mentioned in the text, Karakoram’s glaciers
A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text says:
( ) Lately, the slow melting of ice rivers and polar ice caps has been a general pattern.
( ) The Karakoram range is on the border between Pakistan, India and China.
( ) The Karakoram has around two thousand square kilometers of glaciers.
( ) The Karakoram’s glaciers have showed this tendency towards expansion since the beginning of the twentieth century.
According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
The phenomenon with the Karakoram
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A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
The French scientists involved in the survey mentioned in the text are using
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(UEFS - 2012)
Thickening glaciers
A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers.
Disponível em: https://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2012/04/120417_witn_glaciers.shtml. Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
The only false cognate from the text is in alternative
Ver questão
A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asia’s major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the world’s biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakoram’s glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas they’d been shrinking. It’s unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern that’s not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow.
Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012.
Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say
We always think “It will never happen to me,” but disasters can strike, at any time, anywhere — from hotel fires to train crashes to terrorist attacks. How would you cope if the unthinkable happened? 5 According to experts, people caught up in disasters tend to fall into three categories. About 10% to 15% remain calm and act quickly and efficiently. Another 15% completely panic, crying and screaming and obstructing the evacuation. But the vast majority (70%) of people do 10 very little. They are “stunned and confused,” says psychologist John Leach. Why is this? Research suggests that under great stress, our minds take much longer to process information. So, in a crisis, many people “freeze” just at 15 the moment when they need to act quickly. It also seems that personality is not a good guide to how people might react — a normally decisive person may not act quickly enough in a crisis and vice versa. “Most people go their entire lives without a disaster,” says Michael Lindell, a 20 professor at Texas A&M University. “So when something bad happens, they are so shocked they just think, ‘This can’t possibly be happening to me,’ instead of taking action.”
OXENDEN, C et Latham-Koenig, C American English File 4B, p. 52 Oxford University Press.
The alternative that summarizes the main idea of this text is