(FATEC - 2018) Ao assumir o poder na França, Napoleão Bonaparte anunciou que o período conturbado da Revolução de 1789 chegaria ao fim. Em busca de conciliação nacional, ele afirmava estar acima dos interesses particulares e prometia que, a partir daquele momento, iria fazer da França a maior potência do mundo.
Conhecido como Era Napoleônica, o período em que Napoleão Bonaparte governou a França ficou marcado
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(UEMA - 2018)
Homem e Máquina
Desde que as primeiras máquinas começaram a atuar em fábricas, as queixas sobre a perda de postos de trabalho são constantes. Um estudo divulgado em 2015 revelou que a tecnologia, na verdade, criou mais empregos do que eliminou.
“A tendência de reduzir postos de trabalho na agricultura e na indústria é compensada pelo rápido crescimento nos setores de serviços, criatividade e tecnologia”, dizem os economistas que analisaram dados dos últimos 144 anos para avaliar como os avanços na tecnologia afetaram o emprego na Inglaterra e no País de Gales. Eles falam em uma “mudança profunda” nas relações de trabalho. [...]
Os dados confirmam a ideia de que os robôs livram o homem de trabalhos pesados ou degradantes. As inovações tecnológicas reduziram os postos de trabalho em atividades maçantes, perigosas e repetitivas. O setor agrícola foi o primeiro a se beneficiar disso. [...]
Uma pesquisadora de Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), especialista nas relações humanosrobôs, é menos alarmista em relação à perda de postos para as máquinas. “A automação pode até ter substituído os humanos em algumas áreas, mas a tecnologia atual ainda não é suficiente para o trabalho totalmente sem humanos. Isso significa que boa parte do desenvolvimento hoje vai na direção de termos robôs criados para trabalhar com os humanos, em vez de substituí-los”, afirmou à PLANETA.
Um professor do departamento de Ciência da Computação da USP preocupa-se com uma troca de mão de obra. “Os robôs deveriam substituir o trabalho humano apenas em duas condições: na medida em que o trabalho desagrada o ser humano e na medida em que se dê um trabalho mais digno para a pessoa substituída”, avalia. Para ele, há risco de as pessoas tratarem colegas como máquinas.
Revista Planeta. 2017. (Adaptado).
No primeiro parágrafo, a expressão que serve para revelar a intenção do autor sobre o seu posicionamento, a respeito do que é dito, é
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(UFMS - 2018) Em geometria existem muitas simetrias, estudos dos ângulos internos e externos de uma figura. Nesse sentido, um aluno de Matemática desenhou um pentágono regular e, a partir dos seus vértices, traçou todas as diagonais. Assim, verificou a formação de uma estrela de cinco pontas, conforme a figura a seguir:
Ao somar os ângulos internos das pontas da estrela, o valor encontrado foi de:
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(UEA - SIS - 2018/2)
Heading the soccer ball may be bad for young brains
The question of whether young children should use their heads on the soccer field has been a debatable one in recent years. In 2015, U.S. Youth Soccer, the organization that oversees most of the American leagues for children and teenagers, announced a ban on heading in games and practices by participants younger than 11, citing concerns that the play might contribute to brain concussions.
In response, some soccer authorities pointed out that young players would be late to learn an essential soccer skill and that concussions from heading are rare in that age group.
Now a study presented last month at the annual convention of the American College of Sports Medicine may help quell doubts about the current regulations, which went into effect in 2016.
Gretchen Reynolds. www.nytimes.com, 19.06.2018. Adaptado.)
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo “which went into effect in 2016”, o termo sublinhado refere-se a
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(UFRGS - 2018) Tomando-se os números primos compreendidos entre 0 e 20, o número de frações do tipo , em que a < b , que pode ser formado é
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(UERR - 2018)
What Makes a Genius? The World’s Greatest Minds Have One Thing in Common
Walter Isaacson @WalterIsaacson Nov. 16, 2017
Franklin, Einstein, Jobs, da Vinci. How history's greatest thinkers broke with tradition and solved problems nobody else could see. Being a genius is different than merely being supersmart. Smart people are a dime a dozen, and many of them don’t amount to much. What matters is creativity, the ability to apply imagination to almost any situation.Take Benjamin Franklin. He lacked the analytic processing power of a Hamilton and the philosophical depth of a Madison. Yet with little formal education, Franklin taught himself to become the American Enlightenment’s best inventor, diplomat, scientist, writer and business strategist. He proved, by flying a kite, that lightning is electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He devised clean-burning stoves, charts of the Gulf Stream, bifocal glasses, enchanting musical instruments and America’s unique style of homespun humor.
Albert Einstein followed a similar path. He was slow in learning to speak as a child–so slow that his parents consulted a doctor. The family maid dubbed him “der Depperte,” the dopey one, and a relative referred to him as “almost backwards.” He also harbored a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one schoolmaster to send him packing and another to amuse history by declaring that he would never amount to much. These traits made Einstein the patron saint of distracted schoolkids everywhere.
(Excerpt from the site: http://time.com/5027069/what-makes-a-genius/ researched on November 2017.)
In the sentence “He proved, by flying a kite, that lightning is electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He devised clean-burning stoves” the underlined verbs are in the:
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(UERR - 2018)
A civil rights 'emergency': justice, clean air and water in the age of Trump
by Oliver Milman in New York
The Trump administration’s dismantling of environmental regulations has intensified a growing civil rights battle over the deadly burden of pollution on minorities and low-income people. Black, Latino and disadvantaged people have long been disproportionately afflicted by toxins from industrial plants, cars, hazardous housing conditions and other sources. But political leaders, academics and activists spoke of a growing urgency around the struggle for environmental justice as the Trump administration peels away rules designed to protect clean air and water.
“What we are seeing is the institutionalization of discrimination again, the thing we’ve fought for 40 years,” said Robert Bullard, an academic widely considered the father of the environmental justice movement. “There are people in fence-line communities who are now very worried. If the federal government doesn’t monitor and regulate, and gives the states a green light to do what they want, we are going to get more pollution, more people will get sick. There will be more deaths.”
(Excerpt from the site: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/20/environmental-justice-in-the-age-of-trump. Researched on November 2017.)
In the sentence “If the federal government doesn’t monitor and regulate, and gives the states a green light to do what they want we are going to get more pollution” the underlined conjunction indicates:
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(FGV - 2018/1)
By Kristin A. Hook
[1] Most sexual organisms — be they bacteria, fungi, plants, or animals — have only two mating types: females and males. Females are defined by their ability to produce eggs, males by their ability to produce sperm. In distinguishing between those two types of gametes, size matters most. The union of a sperm, the small gamete, with an egg, the large gamete, characterizes sexual reproduction. But how did these two gamete types come to be?
[2] One theory suggests that before females or males existed, all gametes were the same type and size. What size? A larger gamete offers more nutrition to a developing offspring [prole], assuring a higher chance of survival. Natural selection would thus favor all gametes to be large. But this is not what happened.
[3] Efficiency also pays off in the gamete world. Large gametes are less efficient at finding a mate precisely because their size obliges them to be fewer in number. On the other hand, the smaller gametes invest their resources into being more abundant. Occurring in greater numbers means they are much more likely to encounter their target.
[4] Clearly, there are advantages for both large and small gametes. To reconcile how we ended up with both types, let’s imagine the potential pairings of these different gamete types from the perspective of natural selection. In a remarkable achievement, suppose two large gametes find one another. Sure, the fusion of their genetic material will result in a mighty super-survivor offspring because of their investments being large, equal, and nutritious. Unfortunately for them, however, their big investments will come at the expense of being rare, so these unions will result in fewer offspring. Likewise, though the union of two small gametes would be more probable given their abundance, neither gamete can provide sufficient nutrition for the offspring to survive. Consequently, neither of these unions between like gametes would be favored over time.
[5] Because of this disparity in size, sexual evolution also involves a story of parasitism. Here’s how it works: by favoring both egg and sperm, natural selection ensured unequal contributions from the gametes to the offspring. While large gametes evolved for nourishment of the offspring, small gametes became lazy, so to speak, since they didn’t have to provide any of the nourishment for the offspring. Just like a parasite, a sperm cell will exploit the resources of an egg.
Adapted from Natural History, November 2014.
With respect to the hypothetical union of two small gametes (as presented in paragraph 4), which of the following is not mentioned”?
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(PUC - PR - 2018/1)
Leia a tirinha que segue.
A partir da leitura da tirinha é possível afirmar que:
I. Ao utilizar a expressão: “Don’t you want to call an ambulance?” o interlocutor utiliza um tipo de formação de questão que denota espanto, surpresa.
II. Não faz sentido as construções das sentenças iniciadas com “if” estarem no presente, uma vez que a decisão já havia sido tomada em “I opted for the silver Obamacare plan”.
III. Um dos fatores que causa humor na tirinha é o fato de que se trata de uma condição física que ocasiona muita dor e, ainda assim, o paciente tece diversas reflexões.
IV. Trata-se de uma crítica aos americanos que priorizam suas posições políticas ao invés de analisar criticamente o contexto em que estão inseridos.
V. O primeiro interlocutor é chamado de estadista por defender o governo mesmo em situações em que ele deixa de oferecer auxílio aos necessitados.
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(Fac. Albert Einstein - Medicin 2018) Pedro e Luiza estão jogando cartas, sendo que, em cada carta está escrito algum número inteiro e positivo. Cada um inicia o jogo com 5 cartas e informa ao adversário a média dos números de suas cartas. No início do jogo, Pedro avisou que a média de suas cartas era 6 e Luiza avisou que a média de suas cartas era 4. Na primeira rodada Pedro passou uma carta para Luiza e Luiza passou uma carta para Pedro que estava escrito o número 1.
Se a média das cartas que Pedro passou a ter ficou igual a 4,8, o número da carta que Pedro passou para Luiza era