Questão 77169

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Sobre os debates entre os Governos do Mercosul, é importante destacar que existem instâncias de construção de memórias regionais. Estas experiências acompanham os processos de verdade e justiça que estão em andamento nos países para revisar, investigar e julgar os crimes de lesa-humanidade cometidos, no passado, pelo Estado. Nesta linha, os lugares de Memória são instâncias que buscam transformar certas marcas a fim de evocar memórias e torná-las inteligíveis ao situá-las no contexto de um relato mais amplo.


(Adaptado de: MERCOSUL. Instituto de Políticas Públicas em Direitos Humanos do MERCOSUL (IPPDH). Princípios fundamentais para as políticas públicas sobre lugares de memória. Buenos Aires: Mercosul, p. 5, 2012.)


A partir do excerto e de seus conhecimentos, assinale a alternativa correta.

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Questão 77170

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


A palavra Antropoceno aparece hoje no título de centenas de livros e artigos científicos, em milhares de citações, e seu uso continua a crescer nos meios de comunicação. Referindo-se à época em que as ações humanas começaram a provocar alterações biofísicas em escala planetária, o termo foi criado nos anos de 1980 e popularizado na década de 2000. Grupos de especialistas constataram que essas alterações afetavam o Sistema Terra do relativo equilíbrio observado desde o início do Holoceno, há 11.700 anos. Para marcar o início dessa nova era, tais grupos escolheram simbolicamente o ano de 1784, momento do aperfeiçoamento da máquina a vapor e sua popularização. O contexto também corresponde ao início da revolução industrial e da utilização dos combustíveis fósseis.


(Adaptado de LÉNA, Philippe; ISSBERNER, Liz-Rejane. Antropoceno: os desafios essenciais de um debate científico. Correio da Unesco. Suplemento online. Unesco Courrier. 2018-2. Disponível em: https://pt.unesco.org/courier/2018-2/antropoceno-os-desafios- -essenciais-um-debate-cientifico . Acesso em 03/05/2022.)


Com base na leitura do texto acima e em seus conhecimentos, assinale a alternativa correta.

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Questão 77171

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Os textos A e B são postagens no perfil do The New York Times na rede social Instagram.


Texto A

Texto B


Qual a relação que se estabelece entre os textos A e B?

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Questão 77173

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Leia um trecho de um romance publicado em 1985.

But if you happen to be a man sometime in the future, and you’ve made it this far, please remember you will never be subject to the temptation or feeling you must forgive, a man, as a woman. But remember that forgiveness too is a power. To beg for it is a power, and to withhold or bestow it is a power, perhaps the greatest. Maybe none of this is about control. Maybe it isn’t really about who can own whom, who can do what to whom and get away with it, even as far as death. Maybe it isn’t about who can sit and who has to kneel or stand or lie down (…). Maybe it’s about who can do what to whom and be forgiven for it. Never tell me it amounts to the same thing.


(Adaptado de ATWOOD, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: HMH, p. 134, 1985.)


No depoimento, a personagem explicita a relação entre

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Questão 77174

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


O texto a seguir focaliza o termo “audism”, que pode ser traduzido para o português como “ouvintismo”.


Audism is an attitude based on thinking that results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear. Like racism or sexism, audism judges, labels, and limits individuals based on whether a person hears and speaks. Audism reflects the medical view of deafness as a disability that must be fixed. It is rooted in the historical belief that deaf people were savages without language. Because many deaf people grew up in hearing families who did not learn to sign, audism may be ingrained.

Audism occurs when one:

— Asks a deaf person to read your lips or write when s/he has indicated this isn’t preferred.

— Asks a deaf person to “tone down” their facial expressions because they make others uncomfortable.

— Devotes a significant amount of instructional time for a deaf child to lipreading and speech therapy, rather than educational subjects.


(Adaptado de: https://vawnet.org/sc/audism-oppression-lives-deaf-individuals. Acesso em 21/06/2022.)


É correto afirmar que o texto

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Questão 77175

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Leia os textos a seguir para responder às questões 68 e 69.


Texto 1


In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling — any street art medium. Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and reclaim their communities’ stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that her art transforms “locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to feeling like a collective community commons.”


(Adaptado de: https://harvardpolitics.com/street-art-activism/. Acesso em 20/06/2022.)


Texto 2



Segundo o Texto 1, é correto afirmar que a arte de rua é

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Questão 77176

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Leia os textos a seguir para responder às questões 68 e 69.


Texto 1


In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling — any street art medium. Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and reclaim their communities’ stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that her art transforms “locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to feeling like a collective community commons.”


(Adaptado de: https://harvardpolitics.com/street-art-activism/. Acesso em 20/06/2022.)


Texto 2



Considerando os Textos 1 e 2, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do trecho a seguir.


A construção de sentidos na fotografia (Texto 2) se dá, entre outras coisas, por meio da (i) _____________ da palavra pintada no muro. Além disso, a fotografia retrata (ii) ______________ citada no texto apresentado anteriormente (Texto 1).

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Questão 77177

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)




Researchers are making headway in understanding how coronavirus causes loss of smell. Several potential treatments to tackle the condition are undergoing clinical trials, including steroids and blood plasma. Recently, a study surveyed 616,318 people in the United States who have had COVID-19. It found that, compared with those who had been infected with the original virus, people who had contracted the Alpha variant were 50% as likely to have chemosensory disruption. This probability fell to 44% for the Delta variant, and to 17% for Omicron. However, a significant portion of people infected early in the pandemic still experience chemosensory effects. A 2021 study followed 100 people who had had mild cases of COVID-19 and 100 people who repeatedly tested negative. More than a year after their infections, 46% of those who had had COVID-19 still had smell problems; by contrast, just 10% of the control group had developed some smell loss, but for other reasons. Furthermore, 7% of those who had been infected still had total smell loss, or ‘anosmia’, at the end of the year. Given that more than 500 million cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed worldwide, tens of millions of people probably have lingering smell problems.

(Adaptado de: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01589-z. Acesso em 22/06/2022.)


Segundo o texto,

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Questão 77178

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


Leia, a seguir, parte de um discurso da abolicionista estadunidense Sojourner Truth, feito em 1851.


“I think that ‘twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what’s all this here talking about? That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman? (…)”


(Disponível em: https://www.nps.gov/articles/sojourner-truth.htm. Acesso em 24/05/2022.)


Ao longo do discurso, Sojourner Truth repete a mesma pergunta com a finalidade de

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Questão 77179

(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)


O Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) da Johns Hopkins University é uma importante plataforma de dados sobre a COVID-19, com atualizações frequentes sobre a evolução da pandemia. Os gráficos apresentados nas alternativas que respondem a esta questão foram retirados desta plataforma. Considere, agora, o contexto fictício de uma palestra ministrada em uma universidade estrangeira por um pesquisador brasileiro. Na ocasião, o cientista fez comentários sobre a situação da pandemia no Brasil, valendo-se de dados da plataforma do CRC:


“As I speak now, in June of 2022, I can say we’ve had a tough time during these past two years in our country. This chart, indicating the number of daily deaths over time, shows how we’ve had a couple of months during the pandemic in which the number of daily deaths was over two thousand. Despite having the number of deaths spike to 3 thousand last year – our highest peak to date – levels had been steadily decreasing ever since. This year, though, there was a slight increase in the number of daily deaths, which nearly reached levels attained towards the beginning of the pandemic.”


(Fonte dos gráficos: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu. Acesso em 11/06/2022.)


Qual dos gráficos a seguir ilustraria corretamente a fala do pesquisador?

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