(AFA - 2023)
Directions: Read Text VI and answer questions 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 accordingly.
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, caused | |
something of a stir at the annual Air Force Association’s | |
Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During an | |
informal ‘fireside chat’ with Lt. Gen. John Thompson of | |
5 | Space Command on Friday, Musk told a room packed |
with fighter pilots that “the fighter jet era has passed”. | |
Now, Musk is renowned for finding soundbites for the | |
media to hook onto, and also of causing calculated | |
disruption in his target audience, but even by his | |
10 | standards this is a well-baited line. What makes this such |
a bold and controversial statement? | |
The contemporary battlefield is far more networked, | |
complex, congested and lethal – it’s those that adapt that | |
will survive. Simply being ‘a good stick’ will rapidly no | |
15 | longer cut it in the hostile skies of the future. |
Musk’s main thrust is, however, that the human in | |
the cockpit is the limiting factor in air combat now, not the | |
advantage. | |
Firstly, humans are awkward for aircraft designers to | |
20 | accommodate. In a modern fighter the pilot sits on an |
ejection seat for emergency escape, needs an oxygen | |
supply and air-conditioning to function at extremes of | |
temperature and altitude, and requires flight controls and | |
instruments to fly and fight the machine. All of these add | |
25 | a significant amount of weight and cost into the aircraft. |
Moreover, having a transparent canopy to permit the crew | |
to see out does little to improve signature management1 | |
as radar cross section and the chances of reflected sun | |
glint all increase. The human also adds more weight, | |
30 | especially when encumbered with flight kit such as |
helmet, NVGs, g-suit and flight planning and survival | |
equipment. Traditionally, pilots sit toward the front of the | |
aircraft to afford them the best view for take-off and | |
landing, as well as air combat. This has implications on | |
35 | aerodynamics, stealth1 design and weight distribution |
factors. In short, it can make the designers life a lot | |
simpler if the pilot/crew are not in the aircraft. |
(Extracted from https://www.forbes.com/. Accessed on March 03, 2022.)
1. Signature management and stealth: both terms refer to technology that reduces the likelihood of personnel, aircrafts, missiles, etc. being detected.
Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) according to Text VI; then mark the right alternative.
I. Designers are challenged to find solutions that enable fitting flying conditions.
II. The human factor is considered an asset when it comes to air combat.
III. A transparent canopy is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
IV. The flying gear turns out to be heavy and expensive.
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(AFA - 2023)
Directions: Read Text VI and answer questions 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 accordingly.
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, caused | |
something of a stir at the annual Air Force Association’s | |
Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During an | |
informal ‘fireside chat’ with Lt. Gen. John Thompson of | |
5 | Space Command on Friday, Musk told a room packed |
with fighter pilots that “the fighter jet era has passed”. | |
Now, Musk is renowned for finding soundbites for the | |
media to hook onto, and also of causing calculated | |
disruption in his target audience, but even by his | |
10 | standards this is a well-baited line. What makes this such |
a bold and controversial statement? | |
The contemporary battlefield is far more networked, | |
complex, congested and lethal – it’s those that adapt that | |
will survive. Simply being ‘a good stick’ will rapidly no | |
15 | longer cut it in the hostile skies of the future. |
Musk’s main thrust is, however, that the human in | |
the cockpit is the limiting factor in air combat now, not the | |
advantage. | |
Firstly, humans are awkward for aircraft designers to | |
20 | accommodate. In a modern fighter the pilot sits on an |
ejection seat for emergency escape, needs an oxygen | |
supply and air-conditioning to function at extremes of | |
temperature and altitude, and requires flight controls and | |
instruments to fly and fight the machine. All of these add | |
25 | a significant amount of weight and cost into the aircraft. |
Moreover, having a transparent canopy to permit the crew | |
to see out does little to improve signature management1 | |
as radar cross section and the chances of reflected sun | |
glint all increase. The human also adds more weight, | |
30 | especially when encumbered with flight kit such as |
helmet, NVGs, g-suit and flight planning and survival | |
equipment. Traditionally, pilots sit toward the front of the | |
aircraft to afford them the best view for take-off and | |
landing, as well as air combat. This has implications on | |
35 | aerodynamics, stealth1 design and weight distribution |
factors. In short, it can make the designers life a lot | |
simpler if the pilot/crew are not in the aircraft. |
(Extracted from https://www.forbes.com/. Accessed on March 03, 2022.)
1. Signature management and stealth: both terms refer to technology that reduces the likelihood of personnel, aircrafts, missiles, etc. being detected.
Analyzing the grammatical aspects of Text VI, and considering the standard use of language, it’s correct to say that
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(AFA - 2023)
Seja uma circunferência de centro C, cujo diâmetro é o segmento de extremidades A (−1,10) e B (−7,2) Considere que M e N são os pontos de interseção dessa circunferência com o eixo das ordenadas.
A área do triângulo cujos vértices são os pontos MNC, em unidade de área, é igual a
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(AFA - 2023)
Seja a sequência uma progressão geométrica (P.G.) crescente, com , de n termos e razão q.
A expressão corresponde, necessariamente, a
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(AFA - 2023)
Uma brincadeira consiste em jogar um dado entre dois cubos fixos. Em uma das jogadas, o dado parou na posição observada na figura abaixo.
A área total do dado, em cm2 , é igual a
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(AFA - 2023)
As raízes da equação são o primeiro e segundo termos de uma progressão geométrica (P.G.) decrescente.
O termo geral dessa P.G. é
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(AFA - 2023)
Considere z os números complexos da forma , com e i a unidade imaginária, que possuem módulo igual a e encontram-se sobre a reta de equação .
O quociente do número z de menor argumento principal pelo número z de maior argumento principal, nessa ordem, vale
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(AFA - 2023)
Dadas as matrizes e , nas quais o elemento da 2ª linha e 2ª coluna é o módulo de a, com , considere as proposições abaixo.
Analise e classifique corretamente cada uma quanto a ser (V) VERDADEIRA ou (F) FALSA.
( ) As matrizes A e B comutam.
( ) A matriz A possui determinante igual a 0 somente se a = 1 ou a = −1
( ) Se A e B são invertíveis, então AtB-1 = I, em que At é a matriz transposta de A, B-1 é a matriz inversa de B e I a matriz identidade.
Sobre as proposições, tem-se que
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(AFA - 2023)
Considere as funções reais f, g e h em cada proposição abaixo.
Analise e classifique corretamente cada uma quanto a ser (V) VERDADEIRA ou (F) FALSA.
( ) Se , com , então f é uma função par.
( ) Se , com , então h é uma função crescente para todo .
( ) Se o contradomínio de g é e , com , então g é, necessariamente, uma função injetora.
Sobre as proposições, tem-se que
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(AFA - 2023)
Desde 2003, o campeonato brasileiro de futebol passou a ser disputado no formato de pontos corridos em que:
Um levantamento de 2003 até 2019 mostrou que o Santos é o melhor mandante da competição, com 67,6% de aproveitamento dos pontos; porém, por estádio, o clube de melhor desempenho é o Corinthians, que obteve 71,3% de aproveitamento em seu estádio.
Abaixo, encontra-se a tabela que relaciona o aproveitamento como mandante dos 20 primeiros times do ranking da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF).
Com base nos dados da tabela, o desvio padrão mede, aproximadamente,
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