Questão 73629

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo se constituye en una patología de alto riesgo si no se lo diagnostica correctamente, ya que sus síntomas se acentúan llegando a producir alteraciones importantes de la conducta en cuanto a salud mental y enfermedades físicas, que pueden llevar incluso a la muerte.

A pesar de esta realidad, el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo no está explicitado en la legislación laboral vigente. Hay un vacío legal que se extiende a varios países; no hay datos fiables ni estadísticos reales sobre los trabajadores que padecen este síndrome y esto sucede porque no es sencillo demostrar la relación existente entre la causa y el efecto.

Para su prevención, es fundamental limitar la sobre exigencia laboral y las presiones cotidianas. Los trabajadores deben aprender a delegar responsabilidades y a decir NO a los compromisos que no podrán cumplir. Se debe evitar la confusión que existe entre un desafío laboral y una potencial situación de estrés.

La primera, puede ser la posibilidad de alcanzar un logro y la segunda, la consecuencia del agotamiento y la frustración por abordar una actividad que no podría ser realizada satisfactoriamente.

Disponível em: https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/184/18411965010.pdf. Acesso em: 27 maio 2021.

En el texto, se sostiene que el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo es una enfermedad, lo que se puede comprobar a través de

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Questão 73630

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) Across the board, suicide rates among young Americans have risen; from 2007 to 2018, suicide rates for Americans ages 10 to 24 rose by 57%, and the increase was particularly significant among young girls, contributing to a narrowing of the persistent suicide gender gap. Rates plateaued from 2018 to 2019—the most recent year with available federal data—but they stood far higher than those of decades past. A multinational study published in the Lancet Psychiatry in April found that U.S. suicide rates actually decreased somewhat during the early months of the pandemic, compared to the year before it—but given spiking anxiety and depression rates during the pandemic, which studies suggest took a particularly harsh toll on young people, there’s good reason for continuing concern. Girls of color are increasingly accounting for this trend. According to one 2019 Pediatrics study, the number of white children attempting suicide in the U.S. decreased from 1991 to 2017, while the number of Black children attempting suicide went up. “Black youths are two times more likely to die by suicide compared to their white counterparts,” says Arielle Sheftall. Now, she says, “we’re trying to figure this out.” There’s rarely a single thing that drives someone to attempt suicide, and similarly there are many factors—from bullying to stigma to childhood trauma and racism—but no one cause that could help to explain the increase in suicides among Black youth.

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021.

Com base no texto, afirma-se que

I. de modo geral, o suicídio entre jovens nos USA tem crescido historicamente.

II. ansiedade e depressão na pandemia impactaram o aumento de suicídios.

III. meninas negras nos USA cometem mais suicídio do que meninas brancas.

IV. o estudo aponta motivos para o suicídio e sugere como enfrentá-los. V. o suicídio entre jovens aumentou durante a pandemia de COVID-19.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

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Questão 73631

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) An astonishing 40% of bees die every year as a result of disease, pesticides and climate change — in part because busy commercial beekeepers miss warning signs. That’s where Beewise, an artificial-intelligence-powered hive, comes in. Using precision robotics, computer vision and AI, a Beehome — which costs $15 a month and might host 2 million bees — monitors the insects 24/7. When a hive is exposed to, say, parasites or experiences irregular temperatures, its internal systems respond immediately by applying pesticides, for example. Use of the smart technology can double pollination capacity and honey production, while decreasing colonies’ mortality rate. “Not only do bees not die,” says Saar Safra, Beewise’s CEO. “They thrive.”

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 30 maio 2021.

Com base no texto acima, é INCORRETO afirmar que

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Questão 73632

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) It might not be the slickest thing on four wheels, and it definitely won’t win any time trials, but Chinese logistics firm Cainiao’s new Xiao G delivery cart could be the future.

Every hour, the three-foot by five-foot automated vehicle picks up packages from Cainiao’s depot in Hangzhou—a city of 10 million people in China’s booming east—and tours a nearby neighborhood. Locals in pajamas pop down to meet the driverless cart at their nearest delivery point and type in a reference number. A door in the vehicle’s side flips open and the customer’s parcel can be retrieved. Xiao G heads onto the next stop, weaving ponderously through traffic via 360-degree sensors. “It sends a message to customers after setting off and another when it arrives at a pick-up point so they know to come down,” says Cainiao engineer Long Fei. “Some models allow customers to drop off as well as pick up packages.”

In terms of innovations in logistics, Xiao G may not be as earth-shaking as the shipping container or the cargo jet. But it is the most visible aspect of a stealthy revolution powered by Cainiao, which was founded in 2014. The $10 billion subsidiary of e-commerce giant Alibaba says it is poised to transform worldwide trade.

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

Based on this text about the Chinese logistics firm Cainiao’s new delivery cart, we can infer that

I. customers may pick up their product and also send packages using Xiao G.

II. it may influence how businesses in other parts of the world deliver products.

III. it will probably be more impactful in logistics than shipping containers.

IV. it can move fast through heavy city traffics using 360-degree sensors.

V. it relies on mobile technology and driverless vehicles to make its deliveries.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas 

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Questão 73633

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) During the pandemic, universities had to quickly co-ordinate with administrative staff, professors, (1) _____ and technical teams to transfer courses online to complete their academic year. This required (2) _____ and students to rapidly master the use of learning management systems (such as Moodle, Blackboard, Google Education and others) and (3) _____ learning communication software products (such as Zoom, Skype and Teams) to name a few. Students and university (4) _____ had to make significant adjustments. Beyond using what to many were unfamiliar (5) _____ media and teaching tools, they also had to adapt to new methods of (6) _____, classroom interaction, teaching practices and student-faculty communication. 

Disponível em: <https://theconversation.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

Choose the alternative with the words which best complete the text above. 


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Questão 73634

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) 


Since Barack Obama was elected in 2008, the price of solar energy has fallen 78 percent, and the cost of wind energy has also fallen by 58 percent, thanks largely to technological advancements and economies of scale. In isolation, these numbers are not impressive. But what makes the differ ence is that the global economy grew by 3 percent in 2014 while world emissions remained flat. Cheaper alternative energy is the best hope the world has left. People are not willing to fundamentally change their lives for problems far off in the future, even ones as potentially catastrophic as climate change. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, alternative energies need to become as cheap and reliable as their carbon-emitting counterparts, and quickly.


The thoroughly modern phenomenon of cybercrime and economic espionage is estimated to cost the world more than $445 billion every year. And while it hasn’t happened yet, the fear that cyberattacks can spill over and trigger real-world conflicts remains an ongoing concern. A decade ago, the Pentagon had a stockpile of fewer than 50 drones; today it has an arsenal of about 7,000. The Pentagon estimates that China will build nearly 42,000 drones by 2023. Others will follow suit. Technology has given terrorist groups like ISIS an unparalleled platform to spread their messages of hate. The knowledge needed to build bombs in the comfort of your own home is now just a few short clicks away. Technology is capable of empowering every single individual in the world, even the worst of us.

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 16 maio 2021.

Much of today’s news coverage focusses on technological advancements and on how they might impact society. According to the Text A and Text B, we can state that

I. we should spend our time figuring out how to live without technology.

II. both texts A and B indicate we should learn how to live in this new world.

III. the main idea in these texts is that technology is neither good nor bad.

IV. text A focuses on how technology can help us save the planet.

V. text B introduces arguments on negative aspects of technology.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

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Questão 73635

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) In his book entitled ‘The McDonaldization of Society’, George Ritzer nicely encompasses concepts from sociology, management, and economics to provide a profound understanding of our modern society. According to George Ritzer, McDonaldization is defined as the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world. The success of McDonald’s is also evident worldwide as over half of the company’s revenue comes from overseas operations serving 50 million customers a day. Indeed, this fast-food restaurant has become more than just a company. It has become a part of our culture.

Disponível em: <https://www.researchgate.net/>. Acesso em: 23 maio 2021.

According to the text,

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Questão 73636

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) AlterEgo doesn’t read your thoughts, but it can enable you to communicate with your computer without touching a keyboard or opening your mouth. To use the headset to carry out a simple task like Googling the weather on your laptop, first formulate the query in your mind. The headset’s sensors read the signals that formulation sends from your brain to areas you’d trigger if you had said the query aloud, like the back of your tongue and palate. Then, via a web connection, the device, designed by researchers at the MIT Media Lab, carries out the task on your laptop. To inform you of the results of the task, the headset uses a bone conduction speaker that only ou can hear. Researchers found that the device’s prototype was able to understand its wearer 92% of the time. The interface is currently being tested in limited hospital settings, where it helps patients with multiple sclerosis and ALS to communicate.

Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acessoem: 16 maio 2021.

Sobre a tecnologia desenvolvida e apresentada no texto, é correto afirmar que ela

I. foi batizada de AlterEgo em homenagem aos pesquisadores inventores.

II. foi desenvolvida por um grupo de pesquisadores na Universidade MIT.

III. lê as ondas mentais que são emitidas diretamente para o computador.

IV. utiliza um tipo de speaker que emite sons pela própria estrutura óssea.

V. está sendo testada em ambientes hospitalares com pessoas surdas.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.

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Questão 73637

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) 

Com base nas informações contidas no gráfico, assinale a alternativa que NÃO representa sua temática.

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Questão 73638

(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) No centro da investigação filosófica de Max Scheler (1874-1928), está o problema ético, captado em toda a sua amplitude e estendido aos âmbitos mais variados da vida do ser humano e da sociedade. O objetivo do pensador bávaro é a busca de uma nova fundamentação da moral em bases teoricamente válidas. Scheler combate tanto o formalismo ético kantiano, que, a seu ver, resulta contaminado pela abstração, quanto o niilismo de Nietzsche, que negava qualquer moralidade. Assim, procedendo nesta linha, ele chega a elaborar uma filosofia segundo a qual os valores têm uma própria existência objetiva, constituindo uma hierarquia que deve guiar o ser humano nas suas escolhas.

SHOEPFLIN, M. (ed.). O amor segundo os filósofos. Bauru, SP: EDUSC, 2004. p. 39. (Fragmento)

No trecho, o autor da resenha, ao apresentar o cerne do pensamento do filósofo Max Scheler, o faz por meio da seguinte estratégia enunciativa

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