Questão 82605

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia o texto e examine o gráfico para responder às questões de 21 a 26.

The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmer’s sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24.

The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the world’s favourite entertainment medium.

Uma interpretação matemática plausível da frase do segundo parágrafo “The bigger the audience, the bigger the market”, considerando o público e o mercado de games, é de

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Questão 82606

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia o texto e examine o gráfico para responder às questões de 21 a 26.

The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmer’s sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24.

The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the world’s favourite entertainment medium.

A frase do texto cujo significado pode ser verificado no gráfico é:

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Questão 82607

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia o texto e examine o gráfico para responder às questões de 21 a 26.

The first Game Developers Conference, in 1988, attracted 25 participants and took place in a programmer’s sitting room in California. This 2023 summit, which began on March 20 in a giant exhibition centre in San Francisco, demonstrates how the industry has grown. Some 3.2 billion people now play, thanks largely to the spread of the smartphone. Women are now almost as likely as men to call themselves gamers. Gaming is catching on among all age groups. In Britain, for instance, half of those aged 55-64 play video games, though for less time than the young. Worldwide there are now more console owners aged 35-44 than 16-24.

The bigger the audience, the bigger the market. Consumers will spend 185 billion dollars on games in 2023, more than half on mobile games. That is about five times the value of the cinema box office, and two-thirds more than the video-streaming business. As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the world’s favourite entertainment medium.

No trecho do segundo parágrafo “As gaming continues to grow, it is beginning to rival television as the world’s favourite entertainment medium”, os termos sublinhados equivalem, em português, respectivamente, a

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Questão 82608

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder às questões de 27 a 29.



From the comic strip, one can say that

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Questão 82609

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder às questões de 27 a 29.



No primeiro quadrinho, a fala “Is she out of her mind?!” indica que o menino

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Questão 82610

(UNESP - 2024)

Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder às questões de 27 a 29.



No terceiro quadrinho, o termo “that” refere-se a

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Questão 82611

(UNESP - 2024)

The benefits of computer games in education are clear. They engage students, improve problem-solving skills, enhance creativity and imagination, allow for personalized learning, remote learning, learning on demand, and contacting peers around the world. With the increasing use of technology in schools, it is essential that teachers explore the potential benefits of computer games and incorporate them into their teaching methods. Doing so can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.

(Ruby Butz. https://gamingrespawn.com, 23.03.2023. Adaptado.)


According to the text, one of the advantages of computer games in education is:

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Questão 82612

(UNESP - 2024)

Observe as fachadas de duas igrejas. À esquerda, a Basílica de San Michele, construída no século XII em Pavia, na Itália. À direita, a Catedral de Reims, erguida a partir do século XIII em Reims, na França.

As duas fachadas

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Questão 82614

(UNESP - 2024)

O mundo natural é o concreto, que tocamos, sentimos, no qual vivemos. O mundo social é resultado da nossa vida em grupo e em determinado meio ambiente. O mundo sobrenatural é o das religiões, da magia, ao qual os homens só têm acesso parcial, por meio de determinados ritos e cerimônias. Ele é mais ou menos importante, dependendo da sociedade. Numa sociedade como a nossa, na qual quase tudo é explicado pela ciência e pelo pensamento lógico e racional, o espaço do sobrenatural é bastante limitado. Já nas sociedades africanas, onde foram capturados os escravizados trazidos para o Brasil, toda a vida na terra estava ligada ao além, a dimensões que só conhecedores dos ritos e objetos sacralizados podiam atingir.

(Marina de Mello e Souza. África e Brasil africano, 2007. Adaptado.)


Ao comparar o pensamento lógico predominante no Ocidente contemporâneo com as mentalidades das sociedades africanas de onde foi proveniente a maioria das pessoas trazidas ao Brasil como escravizadas, o excerto

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Questão 82615

(UNESP - 2024)

O espaço urbano é onde proliferavam a pobreza e certa autonomia dos desqualificados sociais, bastante incômoda para as autoridades. Era justamente este o espaço social das mulheres pobres, livres, forras e escravizadas. Circulavam pelas fontes públicas, tanques, lavadouros, pontes, ruas e praças da cidade, onde era jogado o lixo das casas e o mato crescia a ponto de ocultar escravizados fugidos: o seu espaço social era justamente o ponto de interseção onde se alternavam e se sobrepunham as áreas de convívio das vizinhanças e dos forasteiros; a do fisco municipal e a do pequeno comércio clandestino; as margens da escravidão e do trabalho livre, o espaço do trabalho doméstico e o de sua extensão ou comercialização pelas ruas…

(Maria Odila Leite da Silva Dias. “Mulheres sem história”. In: Revista de História, 1983. Adaptado.)


Ao tratar de São Paulo do século XVIII, o excerto estabelece um paralelo entre a condição das mulheres no espaço urbano e

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