ITA 2018

Questão 32471

(ESPCEX 2018) Sabendo que o número complexo i (sendo i a unidade imaginária) é raiz do polinômio pleft ( x 
ight )=x^{5}-2x^{4}-x+2, podemos afirmar que pleft ( x 
ight ) tem

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Questão 32472

(EsPCEx - 2018) Uma hipérbole tem focos F1 (-5,0) e F2 (5,0) e passa pelos pontos P(3,0) e Q(4,y), com y>0. O triângulo com vértices em F1, P e Q tem área igual a

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Questão 32473

(ESPCEX 2018) No plano complexo, temos uma circunferência lambda de raio 2 cetrada na origem. Sendo ABCD um quadrado inscrito à lambda, de acordo com a figura abaixo, podemos afirmar que o número complexo que representa o vértice B é


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Questão 32474

(ESPCEX 2018) Considere o conjunto dos números naturais {1, 2, 3, ..., 15}. Formando grupos de três números distintos desse conjunto, o número de conjuntos em que a soma dos termos é ímpar é

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Questão 32475

(ESPCEX 2018) Considere uma circunferência de centro O e raio 1 cm tangente a uma reta r no ponto Q. A medida do ângulo MÔQ é 30º, onde M é um ponto da circunferência. Sendo P o ponto da reta r tal que PM é paralelo a OQ, a área ( em cm² ) do trapézio OMPQ é

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Questão 32476

(EsPCEx - 2018)

As fronteiras políticas internacionais definem limites entre diferentes soberanias, contudo a soberania do Estado não se circunscreve apenas ao território terrestre. A respeito da soberania do Estado brasileiro, tanto em território terrestre como marítimo, pode-se afirmar que:

I- a faixa de fronteira terrestre, definida na Constituição, corresponde à área de 150 km de largura ao longo dos limites, e cabe aos governos de cada estado na federação executar as ações de polícia de fronteira nessa faixa.

II- o Estado brasileiro possui soberania quase que total sobre seu Mar Territorial, com exceção apenas de ter que respeitar o direito de passagem inofensiva de embarcações de outros países nessa área, conforme convenção da ONU em vigor desde 1994.

III- embora a Zona Econômica Exclusiva (ZEE) esteja limitada a uma faixa de 200 milhas náuticas de largura da costa, a plataforma continental, em diversos trechos, ultrapassa esse limite, o que pode ampliar as fronteiras de exploração econômica da chamada “Amazônica Azul”.

IV- a soberania brasileira sobre a Zona Econômica Exclusiva distingue-se da soberania sobre o Mar Territorial, uma vez que na ZEE países estrangeiros têm completa liberdade de navegação, sobrevoo e exploração dos recursos naturais da plataforma continental.


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Questão 32477

(EsPCEx - 2018)

Titulo omitido propositadamente

German explosives experts defused a massive Second World War bomb in the financial capital of Frankfurt on Sunday after tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes.

About 60,000 people were ordered to leave in what was Germany's biggest evacuation since the war, ' with more than 1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear the area around the bomb, which was discovered on a budding site last week. Police set up cordons around the evacuation area, which covered a radais of just under a mile (1.5km), as residents dragged suitcases with them and many families left by bicycle. The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals, including premature babies and patients in intensive care, had been completed and they were helping about 500 elderly people to leave residences and care homes.

More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs and munitions are found each year in Germany, even uncial-buildings. In July, a kindergarten was evacuated after teachers discovered an unexploded Second World': War bomb on a shelf among some toys. British and American warplanes pummelled Germany with 1.5 million • tonnes of bombs that killed 600,000 people. Officials estimate that 15% of the bombs failed to explode.

Frankfurt police said they rang every doorbell and used helicopters with heat-sensing cameras to make sure nobody was left behind before they began defusing the bomb on Sunday.


Choose the most appropriate title for the text.

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Questão 32478

(EsPCEx - 2018)

Titulo omitido propositadamente

German explosives experts defused a massive Second World War bomb in the financial capital of Frankfurt on Sunday after tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes.

About 60,000 people were ordered to leave in what was Germany's biggest evacuation since the war, with more than 1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear the area around the bomb, which was discovered on a budding site last week. Police set up cordons around the evacuation area, which covered a radius of just under a mile (1.5 km), as residents dragged suitcases with them and many families left by bicycle.

The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals, including premature babies and patients in intensive care, had been completed and they were helping about 500 elderly people to leave residences and care homes.

More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs and munitions are found each year in Germany, even uncial-buildings. In July, a kindergarten was evacuated after teachers discovered an unexploded Second World': War bomb on a shelf among some toys. British and American warplanes pummelled Germany with 1.5 million tonnes of bombs that killed 600,000 people. Officials estimate that 15% of the bombs failed to explode.

Frankfurt police said they rang every doorbell and used helicopters with heat-sensing cameras to make sure nobody was left behind before they began defusing the bomb on Sunday.

Adapted from


Choose the alternative with the correct reference for the underlined words from the text.

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Questão 32479

(EsPCEx - 2018)

Titulo omitido propositadamente

German explosives experts defused a massive Second World War bomb in the financial capital of Frankfurt on Sunday after tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes.

About 60,000 people were ordered to leave in what was Germany's biggest evacuation since the war, ' with more than 1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear the area around the bomb, which was discovered on a budding site last week. Police set up cordons around the evacuation area, which covered a radais of just under a mile (1.5km), as residents dragged suitcases with them and many families left by bicycle. The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals, including premature babies and patients in intensive care, had been completed and they were helping about 500 elderly people to leave residences and care homes.

More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs and munitions are found each year in Germany, even uncial-buildings. In July, a kindergarten was evacuated after teachers discovered an unexploded Second World': War bomb on a shelf among some toys. British and American warplanes pummelled Germany with 1.5 million • tonnes of bombs that killed 600,000 people. Officials estimate that 15% of the bombs failed to explode.

Frankfurt police said they rang every doorbell and used helicopters with heat-sensing cameras to make sure nobody was left behind before they began defusing the bomb on Sunday.


According to the text, choose the alternative that correctly substitutes "was left behind" in the sentence " make sure nobody was left behind before they began..." (paragraph 5).

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Questão 32480

(EsPCEx - 2018)

Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language

Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign language that a student in any country can learn. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education:

"If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I'm not telling people not to learn English in some form — but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion people in the world. I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world."

Of course, it's in Cook's best interest to have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today.

But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. "It's the language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer scientists. It's for all of us". He added that programming encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and experimental: "Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do such powerful things now."

Adapted from


The sentence “The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education” (paragraph 1) can be correctly paraphrased in the following terms:

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