(Mackenzie - 2005)
The New York Times
Schools Relax Cellphone Bans, Nodding to Trend
Lunch time means cellphone time for Gray Taylor, 15, and fellow students at Eastern High in Lansing, Mich. Carol T. Powers, NYT
LANSING, Mich. – Sitting in his second-period computer class at Eastern High School, Gray Taylor, 15, felt his cellphone vibrate. To avoid being caught by the teacher, he answered quietly – and discovered an unexpected caller.
“Why are you answering the phone in class?”
Gray’s mother asked. He whispered back, “You’re the one who called me.” His mother said she had intended to leave a question on Gray’s voice mail.
Such scenes are playing out across the country, as hundreds of high schools have reluctantly agreed to relax their rules about cellphones in schools. Rather than banning the phones outright, as many once did, they are capitulating to parent demands and market realities, and allowing students to carry phones in school – though not to use them in class.
The reversal is a significant change from policies of the 1990’s, when school administrators around the country viewed cellphones as the tools of drug dealers. In Florida, carrying a cellphone in school could be punishable by a 10-day suspension. In Louisiana, it was deemed a crime, with a potential penalty of 30 days in jail.
But now the phones have become tools used by parents to keep in touch with, and keep track of, their children. And schools are facing a more basic reality: it is no longer possible to enforce such bans.
Thanks to the falling prices of mobile phones, and the aggressive efforts by carriers to market “family plans” to parents and teenagers, the phones have become so commonplace that trying to keep them out of schools would be like trying to enforce a ban on lip gloss or combs.
Adapted from The New York Times, September 2004, www.nytimes.com
The question "Why are you answering the phone in class?" in the reported speech will be:
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(Mackenzie - 2005)
Harvard Business Online
The Elephant and the Flea: Reflections of a Reluctant Capitalist
The Elephant and the Flea is both a poignant personal memoir and a deep reflection on the past and future of world capitalism, with all its possibilities and pitfalls. In a tone that is at once learned, genial, witty, and wise, Handy takes us on his life's journey, looking back to his childhood and education and how they prepared (or, rather, did not prepare) him for a career in business, the changing nature of organizational life within the context of the old economy and the new, the great variety of capitalism around the world, and through it all, his struggle to find meaning and fulfillment in work. Handy uses the quirky, powerful metaphor of the elephant and the flea to describe vividly and critique the great shift from the prevalence of behemoth, slow-moving, bureaucratic organizations that provided a lifetime of security and not much freedom or room for creativity, to a world in which we are much more independent and flea-like, flitting from job to job, latching onto elephants when we need to, but mostly flying solo and without a net.
Subjects Covered:
Business & government, Business history, Career changes, Careers & career planning, Entrepreneurship, General management, Global business, International business.
THE ELEPHANT AND THE FLEA: reflections of a reluctant capitalist
Charles Handy
London: Random House, Ltd.
Charles Handy has been an oil company executive, a university lecturer, and a much sought after convention speaker.
A 48 year old advertising executive was complaining to Handy that there were no longer any jobs in the ageist advertising world for people like him. While he was talking, the electrician repairing the wiring in Handy's home put his head round the door to say he would be back in a week. "I'm sorry", he said, "but I've got too many jobs on at the moment".
"That was the future", Handy told this his account executive; lots of clients for the independent worker, but fewer and fewer jobs for full-time executives of large organizations.
The employee-oriented society of the twentieth century had delivered so much that was good. It had replaced the world of the individual farmer/craftsman/ merchant. The new flea-oriented world that Charles Handy sees is "fraught with insecurity, uncertainty, and fear".
"We don't want that sort of world" people say. Handy is sympathetic. "I, too, didn't much like the worst of world that I saw emerging, but wishing it away was not going to help".
In 1996, 67% of British businesses have only one employee, the owner.
In 1994, employees with less than five people represented 89% of all British businesses.
This is a book about how to survive as a flea and in world of few elephants and many fleas.
It is written in typical Charles Handy humor and insight. It is also his most personal book to date. ELEPHANT AND THE FLEA is easy to read and too important to ignore.
The sentence "We don't want that sort of world" (Text 2) in the reported speech will be:
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(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) O mostrador de uma balança, quando um objeto é colocado sobre ela, indica 100 N, como esquematizado em A. Se tal balança estiver desnivelada, como se observa em B, seu mostrador deverá indicar, para esse mesmo objeto, o valor de
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(Ufrgs 2005) Em certo instante, um termômetro de mercúrio com paredes de vidro, que se encontra à temperatura ambiente, é imerso em um vaso que contém água a 100 ºC. Observa-se que, no início, o nível da coluna de mercúrio cai um pouco e, depois, se eleva muito acima do nível inicial. Qual das alternativas apresenta uma explicação correta para esse fato?
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(UFSCAR - 2005) Considere dois corpos sólidos envolvidos em processos de eletrização. Um dos fatores que pode ser observado tanto na eletrização por contato quanto na por indução é o fato de que, em ambas,
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(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) A velocidade máxima permitida em uma autoestrada é de 110 km/h (aproximadamente 30 m/s) e um carro, nessa velocidade, leva 6s para parar completamente. Diante de um posto rodoviário, os veículos devem trafegar no máximo a 36 km/h (10 m/s). Assim, para que carros em velocidade máxima consigam obedecer o limite permitido, ao passar em frente do posto, a placa referente à redução de velocidade deverá ser colocada antes do posto, a uma distância, pelo menos, de
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(Unesp 2005) Dois blocos idênticos, A e B, se deslocam sobre uma mesa plana sob ação de uma força de 10 N, aplicada em A, conforme ilustrado na figura.
Se o movimento é uniformemente acelerado, e considerando que o coeficiente de atrito cinético entre os blocos e a mesa é µ = 0,5, a força que A exerce sobre B é:
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(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Um fogão, alimentado por um botijão de gás, com as características descritas no quadro abaixo, tem em uma de suas bocas um recipiente com um litro de água que leva 10 minutos para passar de 20 oC a 100 oC. Para estimar o tempo de duração de um botijão, um fator relevante é a massa de gás consumida por hora. Mantida a taxa de geração de calor das condições acima, e desconsideradas as perdas de calor, a massa de gás consumida por hora, em uma boca de gás desse fogão, é aproximadamente
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(FUVEST - 2005 - 1 FASE) Três grandes placas P1, P2 e P3, com, respectivamente, cargas +Q, -Q e +2Q, geram campos elétricos uniformes em certas regiões do espaço. A figura 1 a seguir mostra intensidade, direção e sentido dos campos criados pelas respectivas placas P1, P2 e P3, quando vistas de perfil. Colocando-se as placas próximas, separadas pela distância D indicada, o campo elétrico resultante, gerado pelas três placas em conjunto, é representado por
Nota: onde não há indicação, o campo elétrico é nulo
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(Ufmg 2005) Atualmente, a energia solar está sendo muito utilizada em sistemas de aquecimento de água.
Nesses sistemas, a água circula entre um reservatório e um coletor de energia solar. Para o perfeito funcionamento desses sistemas, o reservatório deve estar em um nível superior ao do coletor, como mostrado na Figura 1.
No coletor, a água circula através de dois canos horizontais ligados por vários canos verticais. A água fria sai do reservatório, entra no coletor, onde é aquecida, e retorna ao reservatório por convecção.
Nas quatro alternativas, estão representadas algumas formas de se conectar o reservatório ao coletor. As setas indicam o sentido de circulação da água.
Assinale a alternativa em que estão CORRETAMENTE representados o sentido da circulação da água e a forma mais eficiente para se aquecer toda a água do reservatório.
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