Questão 53271

(UFPR - 2015 - 1ª FASE)

La vida artificial ya está aquí

Científicos de varias universidades norteamericanas y europeas han logrado “el monte Everest de la biología sintética”, como dicen los editores de Science: el primer cromosoma eucariótico fabricado en el laboratorio. Se trata de un cromosoma de levadura, el hongo que se usa para hacer cerveza, pan, biocombustible y la mitad de la investigación sobre los organismos eucariotas, como nosotros. La capacidad de introducirle un cromosoma sintético a ese organismo permitirá mejorar todo lo anterior, como hacer biocombustibles más sostenibles para el entorno o diseñar nuevos antibióticos, además de un nuevo continente de investigación sobre la pregunta del millón: cómo construir el genoma entero de un organismo superior. La reconstrucción de un neandertal, por ejemplo, sería imposible sin este paso esencial.

La biología sintética es una disciplina emergente que trata no ya de modificar organismos, sino de diseñarlos a partir de principios básicos. En los últimos cinco años ha logrado avances espectaculares, como la síntesis artificial del genoma completo de una bacteria y varios virus. Pero esta es la primera vez que consigue fabricar un cromosoma completo y funcional de un organismo superior, o eucariota (una célula buena, en griego, la que forma los humanos). El consorcio liderado por Srinivasan Chandrasegaran, del Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud Ambiental de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, con la colaboración de Jef Boeke, presenta su rompedor resultado en la revista Science.

“Nuestra investigación mueve la aguja de la biología sintética desde la teoría hasta la realidad”, dice Boeke, uno de los pioneros de este campo. “Este trabajo representa el mayor paso que se ha dado hasta la fecha en el esfuerzo internacional para construir el genoma completo de una levadura sintética”. [...]

Echando la vista más hacia el futuro, cabe especular sobre la resurrección de especies extintas como el mamut o el neandertal, cuyos genomas ya han sido secuenciados a partir de sus restos fósiles. Si estos proyectos llegan a abordarse alguna vez, tendrán
que basarse en una técnica similar a la que Boeke y sus colegas acaban de poner a punto para este engañosamente simple hongo que tan servicial ha resultado a la especie humana desde los albores del neolítico.

Disponible en: <http://sociedad.elpais.com/sociedad/2014/03/27/actualidad/1395944376_149099.html>.

La expresión ‘la pregunta del millón’ es usada en el texto para:

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Questão 53272

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

No sistema representado na figura abaixo, cada uma das roldanas pesa 100 N. O sistema está em repouso. Considerando que apenas os segmentos de corda b e c não estão na vertical e desprezando-se o atrito nos eixos das roldanas e no contato das roldanas com a corda, qual é a tração na corda b?

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Questão 53273

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

A figura abaixo representa uma lente convergente. Os pontos F e F ́ correspondem ao foco objeto e ao foco imagem, respectivamente. Na figura está representada uma imagem I. Determine, graficamente, o objeto associado a essa imagem.

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Questão 53274

(UFU - 2015 - 2FASE)

World’s Largest elescope Faces pposition from Native Hawaiian Protesters

By Katie Worth

The broad-shouldered summit of Mauna Kea holds many meanings for many people: For astronomers, it's a high-altitude playground of stars, among the best places on Earth to explore the firmament with minimal atmospheric distortion. For environmentalists, it's a “sky island ecosystem” that hosts rare and altitude-sensitive species, including the wekiu bug found nowhere else in the world. For Hawaiian spiritual practitioners, it is the home of gods, the most holy place on Hawaii's big island. As vast as its expanses of ice and lava are, Mauna Kea has not proved sizable enough to accommodate the desires of all three groups. The dormant volcano has become a battleground between astronomers, who have placed 13 telescopes at its summit and now wish to build one more, and Hawaiian cultural and environmental activists who believe the stargazing science has already had too much impact on the 4,205-meterhigh mountain.
Two lawsuits are in motion over the California Institute of Technology and the University of California's proposal to build the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT); in October activists shut down the project's groundbreaking in a protest that made headlines worldwide. So far, courts have ruled in favor of the telescope and construction has recently begun. Activists have appealed and say they will continue to protest.
For astronomers, the proposed new telescope represents tremendous promise: With a mirror nearly three times larger than any other on Earth, it could detect signs of life in other solar systems and provide clues to the origins of the universe. But for some Hawaiians, it represents the ongoing desecration of a sacred place.

Disponível no site: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/world-s-largest-telescopefaces-opposition-from-native-hawaiian-protesters/. Acesso em 21 fev. 2015.


Based on the text about “World’s Largest Telescope”, answer the following questions:

A) What benefits can the construction of the new telescope provide?

B) Why is there opposition against the construction of the new telescope?

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Questão 53275

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

Em uma tubulação com diâmetro interno de 2,0 cm, está fluindo água, com velocidade constante e igual a 0,8 m/s. Em determinada região, o tubo sofre um estreitamento, de maneira que o seu diâmetro passa a ser de 1,0 cm. Após ter passado pelo estreitamento, a água é derramada em um recipiente.

a) Qual é a velocidade da água no tubo com 1,0 cm de diâmetro?

b) Qual é a vazão no tubo com 1,0 cm de diâmetro, em m^{3}/s?

c) Se é necessário 1 minuto para que o recipiente fique completamente cheio, qual é o volume desse recipiente?


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Questão 53276

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

Um ferreiro aquece uma ferradura de ferro (calor sensível igual a 0,12 cal/g °C) com massa de 0,2 kg e, em seguida, a resfria num recipiente com 1 litro de água (densidade da água igual a 1 g/cm^{3}), inicialmente com temperatura igual a 30 °C. Após a ferradura entrar em equilíbrio térmico com a água, verifica-se que o conjunto atinge 36 °C. Desprezando-se as perdas de calor, qual era a temperatura da ferradura imediatamente antes de o ferreiro a colocar na água?

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Questão 53277

(UFU - 2015 - 2FASE)

What Do All Babies Need, Yet Aren’t Getting Equally?

By Melissa Fay Greene

(…) any low-income American children are suffering from a shortage of words — songs, nursery rhymes, storybooks, chitchat, everyday stuff. How can that be? All parents issue directives — “ Time for your bath” or “Let's put on your jammies.” n low-income families, where parents often have had less education and limited access to parenting guidance, that‟s usually the end of it; while in wealthier families, directives are only a small part of an ongoing conversation. “Let's put on your jammies. Your jammies are so soft! What color are these jammies? They're yellow. And look at these little animals on your jammies. What are those? Those are ducks!  'Quack, quack, quack,' say the ducks!” All that babbling isn't silliness; it's mindbuilding. Words streaming from radio or television, or from parents or caregivers chatting on cell phones, are of no benefit, however — a finding that merits attention from all parents. In many low-income families, warm and loving parents may struggle desperately to provide all the other basics, without a clue that their relative silence — and the lack of bedtime stories, picture books, and lullabies — hurts the babies. Beginning in the 1990s, researchers at Rice and Columbia Universities reported eye-opening findings about how many more words middle-class and affluent kids hear day in and out. Using interview techniques and tracking devices including “word pedometers,” they've determined that well-off children hear 30 million more words in the first three years of life. The deficit has astounding and bitter consequences. More than any other strand in the lives of poor children, the 30-million-word gap has been linked to poor school performance, a failure to learn to read, a failure to graduate from high school, and an inability to prepare for and to enjoy career success.

Disponível em http://www.rd.com/advice/parenting/babies-need-words/


A) According to the text, what can be said about low-income American children and those from wealthy families concerning the exposure to words?

B) What are the consequences of the results of the research reported in the text for low-income American children?

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Questão 53278

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

Um modo tecnologicamente interessante de produzir corrente elétrica envolve o uso do efeito fotoelétrico. Ao expor um dado material, normalmente metálico, à radiação eletromagnética, é possível arrancar alguns de seus elétrons, por meio da absorção de fótons dessa radiação. Esses fotoelétrons podem ser coletados e podem gerar, então, uma corrente fotoelétrica. Considere que um determinado material, cuja função trabalho vale 8,25 eV, é exposto a uma radiação eletromagnética. Sabendo que W0 = hf – Ec e que a constante de Planck é 6,6.10-34 Js, determine a frequência mínima da radiação incidente necessária para produzir efeito fotoelétrico.

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Questão 53280

(UFU - 2015 - 2FASE)

Meet Hello Barbie: A Wi-Fi Doll That Talks to Children

By Lauren Walker

Barbie is getting a digital makeover
In partnership with a San Francisco-based startup, ToyTalk, Mattel has developed a Wi-Fi-connected Barbie that's able to have two-way conversations, play interactive games, tell stories and joke around. The companies unveiled their prototype, called Hello Barbie, at the New York Toy Fair on February 14. Hello Barbie is expected to hit the market later this year and retail for $74.99.
Children are able to interact with the doll through a microphone and speaker located on Barbie's trendy necklace. Rechargeable batteries in her legs allow the doll to play for roughly an hour before she needs to be recharged. Hello Barbie also comes equipped with a hold-to-talk button on her belt buckle to make sure she's responding only to the child's commands.
ToyTalk gives parents many controls over their child's interactions with the doll. For instance, parents choose which topics they don't want their kids discussing, and Barbie will gracefully switch the conversation away from them. At any time, privacy-minded parents can also opt to have their child's information deleted from ToyTalk's databases.

Disponível no site: http://www.newsweek.com/meet-hello-barbie-wi-fi-doll-talks-children307482. Acesso em 18 fev. 2015 (adaptado).


Based on the text, which presents the launching of a prototype called Hello Barbie at the New York Toy Fair, explain:

A) how the operating mechanism of the doll works.

B) how ToyTalk will grant parents' autonomy to control their children's interaction with the doll.

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Questão 53281

(UFPR - 2015 - 2ª FASE)

Um corpo de massa 0,2 kg desloca-se ao longo de uma trajetória retilínea. Foram registrados os valores das velocidades adquiridas pelo corpo em função do tempo, de acordo com o gráfico abaixo.

Considerando as informações contidas nesse gráfico, responda:

a) Qual é o deslocamento do corpo desde 0 s até 140 s?

b) Qual é a força aplicada sobre o corpo desde 60 s até 100 s?

c) Qual é o trabalho realizado entre os instantes 40 s e 60 s?



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