Questão 3277

(Mackenzie - 2012)

It is one of the day’s most familiar and most chilling images: rescue workers carrying the beloved Fire Department chaplain Father Mychal Judge from the rubble. But the man nearest Judge was no rescue worker: he was a 28-year-old associate at Goldman Sachs. Seeing papers flying in the air outside his office, he headed into the chaos on the ground. Just after the first tower fell, he found the men struggling to carry the dying Judge. It was too late to perform CPR, so John Maguire started back toward Ground Zero. Then the second tower collapsed. “I jumped under a truck, and everything went black,” he recalls. “I thought, ‘I guess this is how it’s going to end.’ ”

Maguire eventually made it to the apartment of his sister, who showed him the photo the next day: “It seemed surreal.” He found solace in an unexpected place. Recalled to active duty, the West Point graduate served as a civic-affairs officer in Iraq from 2006 to 2007. Doing so was his therapy, alleviating a crushing sense of futility. Today, Maguire is back at Goldman. “_____(I)_____ because I commute through that site every day.”


The right sequence of words that properly fill in blank I in the text is

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Questão 3278

(UFRGS - 2012)

Consider the sentence below and the suggestions to complete it.

The best translations into Portuguese for
1. “be prepared” (panel 2) is estamos preparados.
2. "with this full backpack" (panel 3) is com esta mochila cheia.
3. "Just so long as we don‘t get hungry" (panel 4) is Só enquanto não sentirmos fome.

Which of the suggestions above can be considered correct according to the text?

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Questão 3279

(UFSM - 2012)

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Orkut — 1all over the place, aren’t you? Now find out how 3a single snap can say it all.

Researchers suggesting people pay more attention to the kind of pictures, specifically profile shots, they post on their Facebook/Twitter accounts are on the rise.

According to freelance photographer Tiffany Schultz, 9“People don’t think much about their profile pictures — 21but they should because 4social networking sites 16are becoming such a huge part of our lives today. Included in Tiffany’s list of absolute no-nos are the self-shot kinds (you know the ones: 5images taken with a mobile camera — and part of the person’s arm extending upwards into the frame) 14as well as the badly cropped ones (complete with some poor anonymous 2chappie’s arm flung around your shoulder).

According to research, 6the photographs we share online are one of the most important methods of building relationships on social networks. 10In fact, they create 13a more powerful connection than even the words we pick to describe ourselves.

Facebook and Twitter are generally seen as personal networking sites but profile pictures on LinkedIn and 17other corporate networking sites are equally important. “Potential employers may not be able to access your entire profile, but 7they can definitely see your profile picture,” 22Tiffany cautioned. The question is: what exactly do you want them to see?

Dr Asi Sharabi, social psychologist for Cosmopolitan, feels a person’s expression in his/her profile picture is a dead giveaway about his/her current status. A pouting pose, for example, would project a provocative, 15sensual symbol that indicates someone seeking intimacy or a partner; one of yourself on a carefree holiday indicates a possible tendency for escapist fantasies or over-stressing in daily life; on the other hand, 11a shot of yourself looking away from the camera would indicate a headstrong and confident approach to life.

Here are a few tips from Tiffany for 8how best to create that memorable profile shot:

- 19Avoid the stiff smile! Go for the ‘after laugh’ smile instead — 12it always works best.

- Magic hours for outdoor photography: early morning or 18in the evening just before, during or after sunset.

- Make the most of your assets. For example: 20Don’t cover freckles, says Tiffany. “They’re awesome. They’re you. So make the most of them.”

- Photographers always ask you to [put your] ‘chin down’ — it makes one look more flatterin
that way. Even slightly raised eyebrows work too.

- Avoid wearing sunglasses for a photo; they’re like stuffing your hands in your pockets — you come across as having something to hide.

- Go for B&W shots 23if you’re looking for classic and flattering.


Asset = dote físico, qualidade.
Flattering = atrativo, cativante.
Headstrong = determinado(a).
Huge = enorme.
Shot = fotografia.
Snap = fotografia.
To caution = alertar.
To crop = recortar.

A alternativa cujo fragmento apresenta o mesmo modo verbal dos segmentos sublinhados em "Avoid the stiff smile! Go for the 'after laugh' smile instead" (ref. 19) é:

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Questão 3280

(PUC - RS - 2012)

The symbols, the memory and the history of the Olympic Games are an important legacy, since the material things created 1strengthen the image of the event in the local population’s memory, along with the memory of viewers everywhere who have watched the competitions. They also represent a source of 2income as they are 3goods sold during the event.

One of the most effective ways to ensure that the host city will get the legacy of the Olympic Games is to have the population participate in planning the work to be done. 4It is the very community who knows what a neighborhood needs, in terms of facilities, and how these can be of use after the event. The best legacy is the one that is incorporated into the life of and brings benefits to the community.

The organization process shared with the community may give the legacy a meaningful dimension. Learning how to discuss the needs of the community, democratically 6facing the differences in interests, and gathering partnerships for the 5viability of projects are unique experiences which can alter the relationship of the population with their politicians in a dramatic way.

RUBIO, K. & MESQUITA, R. M. (2011) Olympic Studies and Olympism - the Brazilian and the International Scenarios. EDIPUCRS, pág.171.

The best definition for the verb “facing” (ref. 6), as it is used in the text, is

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Questão 3281

(UDESC - 2012)

How do I get paid?

All money generated by click troughs or customers signing on with a program are fed into a database on the affiliated advertisers site and tallied automatically (1). The affiliated advertiser transfers, wires, mails the any money earned once an amount of $50 or more has been collected.

I only want certain types of ads on my site

With most affiliate advertisers you can determine exactly what kinds of ads appear on your site. The upside is you have more control, the down side is it is more labor intensive managing the ads. When an ad is automatically generated, as is the case with Google AdSence, the nature of the ad depends on the content of your page 1where (2) the ad is located. This means you have little or no control over the contents of the ads other than the content of your web page.

It must (3) be hard to put the ads or banners up on the site

In most cases it is a matter of cutting (4) the advertising code from the affiliated advertisers site and paste into (5) your web page. No messing with images or writing copy for the advertisements.

Adapted from: www.bannermadness.com/articles.php. Accessed on: March 25th, 2012.

Mark the correct sequence of grammar definitions from the underlined words, following the sequence of numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) e (5).

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Questão 3282

(UNIOESTE - 2012)

Brazil presidency website hacked, jammed in attack claimed by Lulz collective

A cyber attack blocked traffic to the website of the Brazilian presidency and two other government sites on Wednesday, authorities said.

The Brazilian branch of the Lulz Security hacking collective claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Lulz members have claimed responsibility for recent attacks on the site of electronics giant Sony, along with the CIA web page and the U.S. Senate computer system.

The Brazilian president’s office said in a statement that attacks on the website of the presidency, along with the nation’s internal revenue service and a government portal began around 12:30 a.m. and lasted until 3 a.m.

The government said it stopped the hackers from obtaining data from the websites, but that the attacks made them inaccessible for about an hour.

Hours later, people who claimed to be Lulz members said on Twitter that they had taken down the website of oil company Petrobras, whose website was down Wednesday afternoon. Petrobras would not confirm whether the problems with its website were caused by an attack.

On a Twitter page in the name of the Brazilian branch of Lulz, posters justified the apparent attack on the Petrobras website by complaining about the price of gasoline in Brazil.

“Wake up Brazil! We no longer want to buy gas at 2.75 to 2.78 reals ($1.73 to $1.75) and export for half of that price!” stated one tweet from the group.

Adapted from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/americas/brazil-presidency-website-hacked-jammed-in-attack-claimed-by-lulz-collective/2011/06/22/AGb53KgH_story.html

Which verb form is used in the sentence: “Wake up Brazil!”.

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Questão 3283

(UNIOESTE - 2012)

Brazil police occupy Rio favela in World Cup operation

Brazilian security forces have occupied one of Rio de Janeiro's biggest slums as part of a major crackdown ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics.

Some 800 police and special forces moved into the Mangueira shantytown, without needing to fire a shot, having announced the raid in advance.

The slum – or favela – is close to Rio's famous Maracana stadium, where the World Cup final will be played.

The pre-dawn operation involved armoured vehicles and helicopters. According to the newspaper, O Globo, leaflets were thrown out of the helicopters, some with photos of wanted criminals. Others were printed with the police special forces' telephone number so that residents could pass on information about drugs traffickers or weapons.

BBC Brazil correspondent Paulo Cabral says most of Mangueira's residents co-operated with the operation, as they want to rid the area of drug dealers.

He says that Rio's authorities are making an effort to gain the trust of those living in the slums, who – after decades of abuse – have got used to seeing the police as their enemy.

Mangueira – home to one of Rio's most famous samba schools – is the 18th favela that the authorities have occupied recently.

Adapted from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13833037

“got used to” refers to:

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Questão 3292

(UFTM - 2012)

Psychology of Money

Study: The Rich Really Are More Selfish

By Brad Tuttle

August 12, 2011


“Lower-class” individuals – i.e., folks without much money or education – demonstrate more compassion and empathy than their wealthy counterparts, according to a series of psychological studies. In social scientist speech, “self-oriented behavior” is more likely to be exhibited by people with good education, prestigious jobs, high income, and overall higher-ranking social status.


How you rank in society purportedly 1has a lot to do with how much you care about your fellow man. That’s the gist of “Social Class as Culture: The Convergence of Resources and Rank in the Social Realm,” a new paper written by University of California psychologists and social scientists published in the academic journal Current Directions in Psychological Science.


The authors write that one’s sense of social class – derived mainly from income and education – “exerts broad influences on social thought, emotion, and behavior.” Using various tests that measure empathy, those who perceive themselves among the lower classes demonstrate “heightened vigilance of the social context and an other-focused social orientation.” In other words, poorer, less well-educated individuals tend to notice, and care more about the people around them. 2“Upper-class rank perceptions,” on the other hand, “trigger a focus away from the context toward the self, prioritizing self-interest.”


3How the heck can researchers measure something like empathy? One study, for instance, asked participants to identify the emotions on display in photos of people with different facial expressions. Those with high-school-only educations showed “greater empathetic accuracy” than participants with college educations.


The paper also claims that people with less education and less money tend to be more generous with what money they do have. When the question is posed regarding how much people should give to charity, “lower-class” ranks suggest a higher percentage of one’s income than the percentage recommended by the wealthy.


Another study cited in the paper involved giving participants 10 points, which would later be traded in for money. The individuals given the points were to divide them up between themselves and an anonymous partner. 4Guess who shared more of their points?


We found that individuals reporting lower subjective socioeconomic status gave more to their partner than did upper-socioeconomic-status participants. In this context, the next time you’re called “low-class,” 5consider it a compliment.

(http://moneyland.time.com. Adaptado.) 


No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – “Upper-class rank perceptions,” on the other hand, “trigger a focus away from the context toward the self, prioritizing self-interest.” (ref. 2) – a expressão on the other hand indica

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Questão 3406

(Mackenzie - 2012) 


American Genius Steve Jobs – How He Changed Our World

By Alan Deutschman

If ever there was a showman who knew how to end on a high note - leaving his awed and adoring audience begging for more - it is the man in the trademark black mock turtleneck. Even as an ailing Steve Jobs announced to the world last week that “unfortunately, that day has come” for him to step down as chief executive officer of Apple, his timing was - yet again - _____(I)_____. In the 14 years since Jobs regained control of his company in the summer of 1997 after a long, _____(II)_____ exile, Apple shares have increased a _____(III)_____ 57-fold. Having surpassed rival Microsoft a year ago, Apple’s $350 billion in market capitalization places it behind only ExxonMobil as the most _____(IV)_____ company in the world. Apple has made money so quickly and so prodigiously that it holds an _____(V)_____ $76 billion in cash and investments - an _____(VI)_____ sum thought to be parked in an obscure subsidiary, Braeburn Capital, located across the California border in Reno because the state of Nevada doesn’t have corporate or capital-gains taxes.

In his second time around at Apple, Jobs ultimately achieved what had eluded him in his early years there, from 1976 to 1985, when he was acclaimed as a visionary and a brilliant promoter but wasn’t respected as a businessman - not even by his board of directors, who pushed him aside for a more experienced executive. Now Jobs, 56, retires, having closely rivaled (or some might say eclipsed) Bill Gates as the most highly regarded business figure of our times. He proved himself the ultimate willful leader, forging his singular vision through a combination of inspiration, unilateralism, and gut instinct. Jobs didn’t just create products that instilled lust in consumers and enriched his company. He upended entire industries. Personal computing. The music business. Publishing. Hollywood. All have been radically transformed because of Steve Jobs.



The right sequence of adjectives that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, IV, V and VI in the text are 

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Questão 3419

(UFRGS - 2012)

Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with 800 million users worldwide as of September 2011.

More than any other company, it has defined what 1…….. see as the “social” era of the Internet, in which connections made among 9people 4replace 7algorithm-driven searches. And 8its 5policies, more than any others, seem to be driving the definition of 14privacy in this new age.

Every day, Facebook users comment or press the “like” button more than 2 billion times and upload more than 250 million photos. The McKinsey Global Institute has estimated that the network’s users post 30 billion pieces of content 2…….. month.

The company, founded in 2004 by a Harvard 15sophomore, Mark Zuckerberg, began life 16catering first to Harvard students and then to all high school and college students. It has since evolved into a broadly popular online destination used by teenagers and adults of all ages. 19In country after country, Facebook has cemented itself as the leader, often displacing other social networks.

It is 3…….. surprise that 11Facebook has become one of the titans of the Internet, challenging even Google with 10its vision of a Web tied together by personal relationships and recommendations, rather than by search algorithms. In a major expansion, Facebook has spread itself across other Web sites by offering members the chance to “Like” something - share it with their network – without leaving the Web page they are on.

At the Facebook 20developer 6conference in September, 21the company announced the release of a 13product called Timeline, 12which offers a 22highly visual view of a user’s Facebook profile and organizes content into photos, events and apps, all based on a 17timeline view that stretches back to the beginning of a user’s time on Facebook. Timeline is designed to work on 18mobile devices, too.

Adaptado de: WYLD, Adrian. Facebook. Disponível em: . Acesso em 01 dez. 2011.


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